We moved from the Cleveland area to the other side of Clayton. We moved from Matthews Farms. We loved it there but it became unsafe for our daughter and she did not have alot of kids to play with in our neighborhood. We stay in Riverwood now and love it. We have only 1 child so it is perfect for her. She loves being able to see her friends at school, before and after and the pool in the summer. Several of the kids at the daycare are also our neighbors. The neighborhood is very family oriented. We love having the indoor and outdoor pool along with the walking trails and the athletic club. We also loved the Cleveland area. We still go back to DR Wells store to load up on our meat and some of the other products. We also used to go back to Sluggers but unfortunately that is no longer an option. The schools in the area are the best. When we were planning our move, we wanted to make sure that we stayed in the same area because of all the great schools. Did not want to be in Wake Co. I think you cannot go wrong with either choice. I just wish that would add more lanes to alot of the major roads.
I live in the Cleveland Area & I love it. It's close to everything you need I40/I95, Food, & Shops but you still have space. Not to mention the GREAT SCHOOLS.
I would rather not stay in Cary if I were in her shoes. There are many mothers being murdered there, horrible traffic, high priced homes, and schools that are assigned too far away from homes. I'm very happy at where I'm at (Clayton).
I just wish that they widen and light up the roads around here a little bit. Parts of Rt. 50 and 42 are too narrow and too dark to drive at night. Another thing is the lacking of real good food, if you want to go to a nice restaurant you have to drive quite a distance. Other than that things are fine around here.
I agree about the roads but you do not have to drive too far for good food if you like Italian. Mulberry's on Main is great. The food, atmosphere, prices and customer service is great. The family stays in our subdivision and they are very nice. We were there a couple of weeks ago and the father of the owner sang a song to the customers in Italian. He does not speak alot of English but I did make it a point to tell him that we really enjoyed his singing.
How's that wannabe mafia thing working out for ya? Y'all still meeting one Saturday night a month for your meetings right? I can see the "glow" from my house.
Wow so there are the mexicans in JoCo that aren't trashy they're just ruthless drug dealers and killers. "Trashy" was being kind. Where exactly are you getting this information from? Statistics wise. I'd just like to see them. I am in no way denying that gangs exist in Johnston County because that would be ridiculous, but they exist everywhere....sadly, even in Cary.
Currently they are in Apex, Raleigh, and Durham according to this site. http://www.insideprison.com/prison_gang_profile_SUR_13.asp And according to the Governer's Crime Commission - Gang list of 2004, SUR 13 is active in Johnston County. As well as VDM 31 ESL, whatever that is. An English as a Second Language gang? lol"sur+13"+nc&d=SjLbtfReRdhe&icp=1&.intl=us Hey, Big - you keep flicking those boogers at PrdMafia1 - yet you keep missing. You gonna come over here and clean them off of my monitor?
i just meant gangs in general were everywhere. heck, I'd never even heard of this group until today. Have to ask hubby about them....
Can't a guy make fun of the "special" anymore? Man, you oldies stick together........like those boogers on your screen.
He can handle himself you know. And I think he realizes what sarcasm and jokes are. Even if they are cheesy and childish.:chillpill:
This pdf shows 40 Mexican Mafia members in JoCo. That is more than the Bloods & Crips combined. http://www.ncgccd.org/pubs/Gang Crime/countyinfo.PDF And here is HTML I don't see a date though.