Cleveland high- sponsor a Child!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ljk, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I have to be at Terrafin Station at 7:00pm tomorrow night, would you be able to meet me there a little before and I can give you the gifts? Or at The Clubhouse just before 8:00 on Wednesday night. Does either of those work for you?
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    J34, do any of these times work for you? I would love to meet you both at the same time if I could! With finals this week, my free time is a little sparse. :lol:
  3. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    either is fine for me (even if that last thing gets delivered tomorrow). just let me know!
  4. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Wednesday night is my littlest's birthday and he has requested the Chinese Buffet in the Walmart there at 40/42. 8:00 is his bedtime, can we bump it up a little bit? Sorry, trying to not be UN-accommodating! LOL
  5. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    whatever you and tassy decide on is fine with me. :)
  6. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    ugh. what we ordered (ring) arrived with a stone missing. i'll let you know the progress. ugh again.
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    7:15 at the gas station infront of Walmart?
  8. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Perfect! Is that ok for both of you? I will be in a silver/blue Odyssey (with a big dent in the back corner!!)

    Thanks again!!!
  9. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    hahaha! yes, that'll do. :)
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    works great for me too!

    see ya then!
  11. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    yippee! took the ring we got online back to the local store, and they were able to exchange it. it arrived with a stone completely missing!!

    so we're all wrapped up and ready to meet tomorrow night! i hope she enjoys her gifts. my family had a great experience. :)
  12. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Thank you to all my elves... It is exciting to see all the gifts pilling up! The school has NINE more children not spoken for, if anyone else wants a last minute mood booster!! :)
  13. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Thank you for collecting those presents for the kids. It was great to finally get to meet you, and nice to meet J34 for a minute too!! :hurray: I really hope those remaining few kids wishlists get picked up.

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