Cleveland Middle School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nycool, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    Sitting with your class in middle school is prison like? (heh well the reality is, any public school and prison have a bunch of overlap with the bells/schedules/etc but I digress) I had to do the same in middle school. I do not think letting kids go to lunch willy nilly is widely practiced in middle school. Not in JoCO anyway.
  2. Archie

    Archie Member

    That is exactly the mindset that made CMS such a horrible place when my kids were there a few years ago. There are some sweet, innocent kids who don't need to be kept in line. They were always caught up in some class-wide or grade-level punishments. Their reasoning was that since no child is perfect, its okay to punish them all. That kind of unfairness was a symptom of the administration's laziness and incompetence.
    I could not agree more. Thank GOD we are done with that hell hole. My kids have moved on and proven themselves far above the shenanigans they had to endure at CMS.
  3. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Did anyone else notice the JoCo C.O. guys at the CvMS Carpool Exit this am - looking over the traffic back ups??

    Please get a stop light at the school driveway... it is so dangerous.
  4. Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping someone can resolve that carpool morning disaster!! LOL. No matter what time you leave (and we leave very early) most mornings we are sitting in that line for 20 minutes and barely making it there in time!!
  5. nycool

    nycool Active Member

    Ok, the school year is almost over. How do you all feel about the Head dummy, Big dummy and the lady warden running the middle school ?

    Are you still happy?
  6. Joe Friday

    Joe Friday Well-Known Member

    Since when is discipline a bad thing? They run a rigid school? So what, the kids aren't there to finger paint and play tag on recess. It's Middle School, not Kindergarten. This whole idea that adults have to be friends with kids is for the birds.
  7. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Why? Did your children have problems again this year?
  8. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Very Happy. We have no issues. Son likes all his teachers, and has fun at school. Even in the "tight ship" they all seem to get along, are learning a lot, and well.
    Last edited: May 16, 2014

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