Cleveland Pop Warner at ramp on 40/42

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AWmom, Sep 29, 2012.


    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    There seems to be a few on here that need their grass cut.
    I used to cut grass as a kid, and I'm a girl. :)
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    these kids looked pretty young - I sure wouldn't trust them to do those types of things! Now they could do some bake sales, raffles those types of things - depending on how long they have to raise the money.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Oh the good 'ol days. :lol:
    We had the *kid* (18yo) next door cut our grass until he left & went to college, then his uncle took over cutting the grass until we moved.
    Never really thought about it until reading this thread but looking back what happens if a *kid* got hurt mowing grass on your property? Now THAT opens up a big old can of worms right there. Lawsuit! :?
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    exactly! that's what I'd be afraid of too - to even hire them to do anything would be a risk, in my opinion! and I'm sure that's why they don't do that type of fundraising.

    Unfortunately - there just isn't a big enough business base in this area to support all the school teams, bands, and all the other local teams too. :neutral:
  5. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    Since it was the adults that made the decision to enter them into this competition, I would say they are equally responsible for making money. Bake sales, car washes, dog washes, team yardsales, pancake and spaghetti dinners, door-to-door sales with supervision, craft sales, yard work, pet sitting, babysitting (parents night out opportunities)...just a few suggestions for fundraising that kids can participate in. These kids looked to be about 8 years old. If they can play dodge in 4042 traffic with their helmets held out for handouts, surely they can help bake a batch of cookies with mom or dad, and sit at a table selling them.
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I can tell you the boy I know on the team is my son's age, and he's 9. I can also tell you that they are having a raffle also, that's what they were selling the day I saw them. Not really sure how you can contact them to buy tickets (I think someone mentioned this as another way to raise money in a previous thread, which is why I'm mentioning it). They had tried setting up a booth outside of Lowes Foods, Walmart, Lowes Home Improvement, etc. but they all said no. Someone else I spoke to mentioned this might be because boy scouts are already committed to these places right now for their popcorn sales...
  7. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    I almost hit a little girl today. I was turning into the Marathon, and as soon as I started turning she ran across the driveway I was turning into, right out in front of me. Good thing I was paying attention. Someone texting, talking on their phone or otherwise momentarily distracted would have surely hit her.
    I called several of the adults "FOOLS", and they couldn't care less. One of them threatened to whip my a$$ for cussing in front of their children. I didn't know "fool" was a cuss word, and in his defense, I was so upset, I may have called them "DAMN FOOLS"!!!
    I called the Sheriff's office twice, told them their (the children's) blood would be on their hands when one of the kids got hit. Lack of response, as like last week.
    I called *HP....would not connect. I called a friend who is a deputy and he said he would make some calls.

    AGAIN - I don't like ANY of the fund-raisers who go out into traffic. It's one thing for an adult to do it, but to send your child into harm's way???
    These people are seriously misguided and have their values in ALL the wrong places. I hope and pray no one gets hurt or killed.

    OH - and did I mention.....Y'all are FOOLS!!!! DAMN FOOLS!!!
  8. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    they're also standing in the middle of highway 70 in front of the walmart in clayton. the whole thing is an embarrassment to the area, the county, and the organization.
  9. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    It's going to be a sad day when one of these kids does get hurt and the blame is placed anywhere but where it should be.
  10. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    We rode by this group on 40/42 today and they had a group of young girls, maybe 8-10 years old, performing stunts not two feet from the road. What would happen if one of these girls fell from the pyramid onto the road??? It's not like no one ever falls while stunting....:x:x
  11. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    Do they have a permit to do this? Didn't I read some time back that beggars have to get a permit from the county to beg on the street? Just curious as to who would sign off on that.

    And yes, I agree with dgsatman, they are Damn Fools.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    The permits are for 'panhandlers', occassional fundraising is not considered panhandling.
  13. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe it should be expanded. At least then someone would have told them up front how irresponsible this is and shut it down from the start.
  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    At 6.30 on a Friday night, this is ridiculous. It's dark out here and these kids are going to get hurt. You would think that the parents would have more sense. I've called the sheriff too...
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    So the cops showed up and shut them down and as they were leaving one of the girls yells at me, sitting in my car, having said nothin to them.... Hey lady, do you want a piece of me ? Great parenting at work folks....
  16. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I think it was a good thing that you made the call; don't know what it is about the youth these days. Perhaps there is some sort of contest going on with who can raise the most money and your call put an end to a chance to win. Sometimes money makes people stupid. ~shakes head~
  17. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Don't EVEN blame it on the youth. They couldn't/wouldn't be out there without the aiding and abetting of their poor mis-guided parents. :evil:
  18. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I wasn't "blaming" it on the youth; I was blaming it on money.
  19. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Money is inanimate. The blame should be squarely on the parents/adults in charge.
  20. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Let's put the blame where it goes. The rednecks who let their kids go out and stand and play in traffic. Woohooo. You go Johnston County.


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