Between Fedex, USPS, and UPS shipments of our books to bookstores we've always received the best of service from both the PO and Buckaroo Express. Emilie and Joe earned our business a long time ago. So let me see if I undestand the dilemma for providing stamps above cost. I can get in my car and drive to the Clevelan PO behind GC and buy a first class stamp for the going rate. OR, if I'm near on the other side of 312, I can pop in to Buckaroo, buy a stamp, and pay a few cents more for it. Or, I can drive to Clayton or Garner at almost 3 bucks a gallon, spend 30-45 miuntes getting there and back to pay the going rate for a stamp. For our money, I'll choose Buckaroo or the Cleveland PO Annex. The folks that run both have my gratitude. Imagine my dismay, when Joe told me that I was spending too much by paying for first class postage when I was mailing out books to local bookstores, and that I could (AND DO) save significantly using media mail instead of first class. Joe didn't have to tell me that, but he did. Great service, and a great value given my time and fuel constraints. No complaints here.
I am not positive who you are but I'm pretty sure who you are and wish you would introduce yourself and help me resolve your anger if I can. You have voiced your opinion which is your American right but trying to put an overall bad taste in everbody's mouth about my business without giving me an opportunity to resolve your issue is really sad. I do not treat my customers like crap that I know of but if I did I really apologize. YOUR FACTS are mixed up on various postings stating that the Post Office charges more when it doesn't - and I know you know that because you go there. You state that we treat customers like crap, and I really don't think so and hope that every experience is pleasant and friendly and if we did without meaning to then I really apologize. If we were "slow" then I apologize as well. But you know what the RIGHT thing would come in person and talk it over because you are obviously really upset for something and I am just not sure what and I hope it's just not the stamp scenario thats leading to all this - but I think it is. As a business owner, and I am sure I speak for all business owners, I cannot sell things for what we buy them for and NO ONE does no matter how good the deal seems. At BUCKAROO, and every non-USPS mailstore including UPS stores, you will pay a little extra for stamps to cover overhead which include lease, lights, water, phone, internet and lets not forget the oh-so-convenient credit card which charges the business owner hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars a month. Most people pay for their stamps at Buckaroo with Credit Card. I am being candid but very factual, and this is the way it is - and unfortunately small business owners struggle with many things not visible to the consumers eye. I strive and do my homework to offer the best shipping prices around. I know what UPS and Kinko's offer as well. We have tried to help the community with the Post Office - which of course offers the convenience of Post Office prices and no additional surcharges. Robbie, I suggest at this point we work our differences out in person if there are any and that's all I ask because I am kind of tired of you trying to say hurtful things and slandering my business instead of coming to me like a human being and giving me the chance and resolve your issue within an amicable conversation. I cherish and appreciate our customers and am very grateful for their support and two wonderful years dealing with the community with Buckaroo Xpress and 7 years in business in general in the Cleveland Community. Sincerely, Emilie
Emilie, you rock:-D i love that you have opened the annex and i love the Buckaroo - i would work with you any day and will continue to use your services:-D
Amen, Kaci... Buckaroo ROCKS!...and Joe, my cajun coona** bud, he rules... Couldn't EVEN imagine taking my business any where else. and thanks for getting my mail when I show up without my key..more often than not... Carl
Where is the cleveland post office? I have been going to the one in Smithfield but if there is a place closer, than that would be great. I didn't know we one around here. Ro
I recall the post office is open until 5:00 or 6:00 on Sat. Sorry cannot say for absolute certainity.