Conspiricy Theory

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by VICTOR, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    For your entertainment, I present:

    Be sure to check out the videos and links.

    These photos and videos are the prime reason why no one takes these "peace marches" seriously.

    People wearing kaffiyehs because they think it's cool - obviously having no idea what they stand for, Latin American communist organizations everywhere, hippie drum circles, selling marijuana-laced candy as though they were funnel cakes, Anarchists, the Black Panther party, socialists, it goes on.

    These things have nothing to do with peace and they have nothing to do with people being opposed to war. These events are a free-for-all for the nutjobs and the fruitcakes and the hippies that never grew up. While they have a right to gather and make fools of themselves, it amazes me to hear them moan and whine about how the rest of the nation doesn't take them seriously and doesn't listen to them. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2007
  2. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    GEE ZUS! .... enlightening to say the least!


    **fumbles for rose colored glasses**
  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    OK, seriously, just a couple of comments:

    1. You don't have to believe 9/11 was an inside job to think the war in Iraq is a huge mistake.

    2. The persons represented in Magnolia's link do not represent the left, any more than holocaust deniers and the KKK represent the right.

    Now, can we go back to cats wearing tinfoil hats and bunnies with pancakes on their heads? That was lots more fun.
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Just curious...who do you think DOES represent the left? And who do you think represents the right?
  5. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    Not who we think represents them but who "THEY" want us to believe represent them. This about conspiracy..isn't it??

    You can tell by my avatar....I may be one of "THEY"
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2007
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I think there's a broad spectrum on each side. I don't think you can point to a particular group or point of view and say this represents the left, or that represents the right. There are many trying to represent each side, and I don't doubt the extremists on both sides would like to think they represent the core beliefs of their side. I just think it is both unfair and irrational to paint either side with a broad brush. It's not helpful to ascribe the views of extremists to the mainstream. We will only begin to come together as a nation when we start listening to each other a little more thoughtfully, rather than having a knee-jerk reaction based on pre-conceived ideas.
  7. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    OMG....Read before you speak...

    I find it amazing that the American media does not give much coverage to a higher percentage of Democrat and Republican politician's sons that are serving or have served in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars!
    This is a higher percenatage of U.S. Politicians with sons in the military than the general U.S. population!

    Talk about a personal decision. Amazing young men, who could have done anything with their lives, but have chosen to join the U.S. Military.

    *Senator Tim Johnson (D- South Dakota)
    (son, Brooks, Served in Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and now works as an Army recruiter. )
    Conflict with Iraq: Some members of Congress have great personal interest in the war

    *Former Senator & Attorney General John Ashcroft (R- MO)
    His son, Andy, is in the Navy and has served in the GulF in support of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars.
    This is a little known fact, because Ashcroft did not want to bring unwanted attention to his son and of course the left-leaning media never did a story on it, because that would hurt their agenda of hurting him.

    fahrenheit fact: Fahrenheit Fact no. 14: Legislative sons in active service

    Atlas Shrugs: Dinner with John Ashcroft

    *Senator Christopher Bond (R - Missouri)
    (son, Sam, is in the U.S. Marines and is currently serving in IRAQ.)
    Kit Bond’s son leaves for Iraq Marine duty

    *Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California)
    (son, Duane, is a U.S. Marine and Served in IRAQ)
    Serving on two fronts | The San Diego Union-Tribune

    Rep. Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina)
    (Three sons in military:

    *Alan is a captain in the Army National Guard served in IRAQ,

    *Addison is serving in the Navy,

    *Julian is in the Army National Guard) - For a few in Congress, war is family concern

    Senator elect James Webb (D- WV)
    Son is a U.S. Marine and serving in Iraq.
    Troop Push Is Personal For McCain -

    Senator John McCain (R- AZ)
    Son is a U.S. Marine serving in Iraq War.
    Troop Push Is Personal For McCain -

    Rep. John Kline, (R-Minn)
    (son, Dan, is a Black Hawk Helicopter pilot in the 101st Airborne and serving in IRAQ)
    Power Line: A message from the Kline campaign

    *Senator Joseph Biden (D- Delaware)
    ( has a son who is a Lawyer and a First Lieutenant in the Delaware Army National Guard.)
    Delaware Grapevine

    Rep. Jim Saxton (D- NJ)
    nephew, a Marine rifleman, served in Iraq. - For a few in Congress, war is family concern

    *Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colorado)
    (son, John, serving in the Navy and sent to Iraq) - Handful of Lawmakers Send Their Kids to War - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

    *Rep. Ike Skelton (R-Missouri)
    (has a son serving in Army serving in Iraq)

    Serving on two fronts | The San Diego Union-Tribune

    *Rep. Todd Akin (R-Missouri)
    (has a son, Perry, in the Marine Corps who is a combat engineer serving in Iraq.)
    Serving on two fronts | The San Diego Union-Tribune

    John McCain's support of the troops Surge has actually sent his own son, Jimmy, to Baghdad.

    Troop Push Is Personal For McCain -
  8. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    You go SB!!!!
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thanks SB! You rock!

    The OP needs to go back under the bridge in my opinion. :mrgreen:

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