I have not seen that movie either. I love to fly and am deathly afraid of snakes and do not want to have nightmares everytime I fly! So I didn't see the movie either.
speaking of snakes......was feeding time at my zoo friday night. 6 mice, 4 fuzzies, and a jumbo rat later and I had 5 full snakes.
Haven't seen the movie either and don't intend to,I'm not afraid of snakes but going by the previews when the movie first came out it didn't look like much :ack:
Not sure if this is true or not, but I heard that if you are bitten by a snake, and can't positively identify the type of snake (or kill it and bring it to the hospital) they won't administer anti-venom. That means dealing with all the painful side effects of the bite I guess and hoping for a good outcome.
Hmmm... Looking back, I can see why these folks have not responded to my email inquiring about their five year old cat they wished to find a new home for. Either they think I am a total smartass, or I am going to feed their cat to a copperhead. I was being sincere. :neutral:
Nope, it really is Maine alone. I thought Alaska too, but apparently they have a couple of species up there to look out for. Not that I'd move to Maine, but I'd really like to visit there. I want to travel now that the Servolettes have flown the coup.
My parents retired to the Adirondacks in NY and have had several close calls with some large black bears. My father has had to shoot one trying to get in the porch. Though he uses bird shot to give them a nice sting and scare them off. He won't kill them unless it gets in the house. I for one will take the copperheads over the Bears. I can outrun those.
Cleo, Be careful. Remember that my daughter was bitten by an Eastern Diamondback a while back and the venom could be seen moving up her arm. We were lucky that JMH had the anti-venom. Careful, careful. Sherry
Was this in Johnston County? Even though I've seen somewhere that they do not range in Johnston County, I'm pretty sure I killed a baby one a few years ago. It was not in a place where I felt comfortable letting it go and I didn't have anyone to call to retrieve it. It had a triangular shaped head, slit eyes and a diamond pattern...however it was just 10 inches long or so.
Here's to Hoping you are still in search of a cat to help tend the outside yards. Don't know if you ever heard about this group but its awesome! Rescue/vetted & no fee! You'll see why when you read upon it ..... thought I'd pass this on in case you'd be interested since you have lotsa acreage Good luck http://www.alleycatsandangels.org/barn.html
We have our fair share of snakes....and 6 cats that roam the yard, plus the occasional neighborhood cats that roam through to check the food bowls for leftovers... I'd hate to think how many snakes we'd have without the cats! LOL
Wow, I never heard of that! What a good idea. Taking a feral problem from one area (like a Burger King) and making it a blessing in another area (like a farm).
Yes, it was in Johnston County and the doctors thought it was a mama snake who heard some noise, came out to protect her nest and bit my daughter. It was in some small portion of woods near a golf course. Terrible day for us and they never found the snake but figured out which kind by the bite marks. Sherry