Someone else may be involved, but she is complicit...the woman was out partying after the girl was guilt, no shame...hope they have enough to put her in jail a long time :evil:
She's worse than Susan Smith I think. Those boys would be about 18 and 16 I think now. I have watched this case and even got bored one night and read some of the released transcripts. I believe that Casey Anthony was so caught up in trying to be a 20 something rather than a mom. Hell she could of taken that child to the hospital or social services. Why do people have to kill little ones?????
Casey Anthony wept before the indictment was handed up Tuesday, and her attorney said she would be vindicated. "I sincerely believe that when we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say, 'Now, I understand. That explains it,'" Baez, said Tuesday as he stood next to his client before the indictment was issued. Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said investigators' satisfaction that the indictment had been issued was tempered by what it concludes: That Caylee was apparently killed. Well - why aren't they speaking up now? - go ahead and get it over with, give those poor grandparents some kind of peace of mind.........:evil: I feel sorry for them - dealing with a crazy a$$ daughter and losing their granddaughter. :cry: