
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    no, i really want to see you guys. but right now it's friday night football and all day saturday competitions. i haven't even seen my man in a week and i had to come home from work early to see him then. i hate this time of year! :cry:
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Oh sure, excuses excuses.

    Well, I do have one up on y'all. Tangy did accompany me to SunDogs one night. So it's me she loves! She's just avoiding the rest of you!

  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    :cry: :cry: :cry:
  4. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member


    Is Kroger doing anything special this week or just the usual double up to $.50?

    I went to Lowes yesterday and they didn't triple my coupons! My 3 year old was driving me crazy so I forgot to double check it before I left so that gives me a good reason to go back today and use more coupons while I am there!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    we should try it again one night. :lol:
  6. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Today at Lowes, Before coupons $82.57, after $30.67, savings $51.90! WOOHOO!!
  7. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I believe there has been a breach in the peaceful couponing thread. We need sandbags, fast.

    PKC, Kroger is doubling up to 50 cents as usual this week. Watch closely though - they are due for a tripling or super doubling (double up to AND including $1.00 coupons). It's been quite some time so unless they are getting off the triple bandwagon, we should be tripling there soon.

    Did you have a $35 minimum before taxes and coupons, pkc? If not, they will not triple. It is always harder to shop with children on a normal grocery day. It is especially difficult to monitor the register and coupon ringing when I have my little one with me.

    Hope you were more successful with your next trip! :)
  8. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is the funniest post this YEAR!!!!! I love it!!!
  9. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    We did the Lowe's tour on WED. before everything was too picked over. I had saved may more than 20 coupons so DH & I did the 2 cart thing. I went through the line first with my 19 3x coupons! The total bill was over $60.00 - I paid less than $20.00. Then he went through... the register did NOT 3x or 2x his hand full of coupons... After he paid & took the 2 carts out to the car ... I MARCHED to the customer service counter & had a nice polite CHAT w/ the "Big Chief - Many Feathers". She & I went over all the fine print rules & could find nothing that would have prevented me from getting 3x on the '2nd trip. So she gave me back almost $20.00 in cash.

    I think the teenager working the register did something to disable the 2x or 3x coupons? The Manager could not figure out what went wrong.

    Pays to keep a watchful EYE on the ticket and the bottom line!

    Saved well over $80.00, paid less than $40.00! Great shopping day for us!
  10. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    I had approx $65 before my coupons at Lowes to other day. I plan to go to customer service on Monday and get a refund! I learned later that there is was extra step the cashier had to do fof the triple to happen and I guess the new girl didn't get that party right.
  11. shell77

    shell77 Well-Known Member

    Why is it, that the cashier has to something special, but if you go to the U-Scan, it does it automatically. I used the U-Scan and they all tripled, no problem. I spent about $40, but I bought a lot of things that I didn't have coupons for. I subtracted the amount saved with my coupons from the amount spent on those items, and they were all free! So I considered it a good trip.
  12. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    Went I called up to Lowes to tell them about my coupons not tripling, the lady said they had new cashiers and she must not have hit a key after she scanned the coupons. I think she said "/3" or something similar.
  13. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

  14. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    hee hee hee ... we can have a "4042 Wears Hanes Day"

    .... or maybe not ....
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Well, they take 10-12 weeks to arrive, so we'll have to plan it around Christmas! LOL

    Ordered mine, bet ya can't guess what style!


    :oops: :D
  16. Nat_RH

    Nat_RH Well-Known Member

    Coupon Class

    Last week I tried to attend the class at the Clayton Center and it was cancelled. This week I tried the class in Fuquay for Tuesday night and it is cancelled. Is anyone hosting a class anytime soon? I would love to attend. I have just started couponing but would love to know all the rest of the secrets to save money. :lol:
  17. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    Once again, when is the next class?
  18. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Nat, sometimes Parks and Rec classes don't fill and we end up having to cancel them if only a couple people have signed up a couple days before the class. The community college classes have always had enough people to run the class, but I just finished up one at Wake Tech last week and won't have another for a little while.

    There are 2 home workshops in this area next month. I believe both hosts have posted an open invitation on this thread for 4042'ers if you are interested Nat and Stonecold.

    October 6 from 6-8:30 pm hosted by FamilyofFive (who has already attended a workshop)

    October 22 from 2-4:30 pm hosted by JennS

    If you are interested in the class on the 6th, please contact FamilyofFive for directions (see page 16 of this thread for her class announcement and link to pm her).

    If you are interested in the class on the 22nd please contact the host JennS for directions (see page 17 where Jenn responded to your last request for class info, Stonecold :) ).

    In addition to those home workshops, there is a Fuquay Parks and Rec class scheduled for October 15 from 9 am - 1 pm. Sign up early so we have an accurrate count and they don't cancel the class.

    Hope that helps! :lol:

  19. 4042Girl

    4042Girl Guest

    Hey Frugalmom...I work for and we have been talking about wanting to host a couponing class for our 4042ers! Let me know if you would be interested and we can go from there!
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Don't be stealing my coupon people 4042Girl! LOL

    FMO2- I got your voicemail, and I accidentally deleted it, silly me.

    Yes, my class is open to who ever would like to come.

    October 22, at 2pm!

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