
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    It is definitely worth the time to coupon and stock up on items. I use to think it was not worth the hassle and buying generic would afford the same savings. It does not. While shopping today I wrote down a few figures to share.

    Tropicana Orange Juice - 64 oz.
    On sale - buy one get one free [$4.99 for 2 - $2.50 per gallon]
    On each gallon I used a $.75 x3 coupon
    Paid: $.25 per gallon for the OJ

    Breyers Ice Cream - 1/2 gallon
    On sale - buy one get one free [$4.99 for 2]
    With my $.75x3 coupon I got both half gallons for $2.74 [$1.37 per half gallon]

    Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner
    On sale for $1.99
    Used a $.75 x3 coupon
    The store owed me $.26

    Scrubbing Bubbles
    reg price $3.19
    saved $.75 x3
    cost me $.94

    Palmolive Cooking spray
    I think it was on sale for $2.69
    Saved $.50 x3
    Paid $1.19
    generic was selling for $3.95

    Angel Soft - 12 pk *double rolls*
    Reg. price $7.45
    on sale for $4.99
    Coupon savings $.35 x3
    Paid $3.94

    I got many items for free or $.25
    Frozen dinner rolls
    shaving cream
    Dibs - ice cream treat ... typically sells for over $3
    and more

    It does take time to coupon but I the money I save typically equates to making $20-$30 an hour. I do not buy something just because I have a coupon only if it is something I need, will use and cannot get cheaper elsewhere.

    Happy Shopping!!!!
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Okay ladies here goes......

    First trip to Lowes

    Before coupons: 51.86
    I paid: 9.99
    Total Savings: 41.87

    Second Trip

    Before Coupons: 52.01
    I paid: 15.58
    Total Savings: 36.43

    So today I bought $103.87 worth for $25.57

    So I saved 76%!

  3. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    WOW! Great savings everyone! I am so impressed! Are you officially hooked now, Jennifer!

    After a "few" shops today I brought home $306.58 worth of product for:

    $31.74! :D 8)

    What a good day it was! I'll be showing off those receipts at the next class! Hubby and I even went on a hot date to Lowe's this evening. :lol:

    Good to see you this afternoon, ncmom! I will add to your great list of freebies and almost freebies:

    No Yolk noodles
    Meaty Bones dog bisquits
    Whisker Lickins cat treats
    Hunts tomato sauce
    Suave shampoo
    Reach dental floss
    Edge shaving cream
    Old El Paso soft flour tortillas
    Breakstone's cottage cheese doubles
    Pillsbury dinner rolls
    Pillsbury Toaster scrambles
    Aquafresh extreme
    Murray sugar free vanilla wafers..............

    Happy shopping! :D
  4. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    So Frugal, when's the next class?
  5. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    Both stores I went to were out of these. I was ill as a hornet too!
  6. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Same when I went too. Also, Total Raisin Bran was gone.
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    HOLY COW!!! That's great JS! See aren't you glad I met up with you yesterday? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Not my fault! I only had 2 coupons so I only bought 2. Same with the Total Raisin Bran mamax3 - only had 2 coupons and there was plenty left after I purchased 2!

    I went again this morning. Subtotal was $36.38 and I paid $3.67. 8)

    I am done for today. The Clayton location did not restock last night so they are still out of alot of items. I will go Sunday once I get tomorrow mornings coupons.

    Frogger, the next class is this Tuesday evening at the Fuquay Varina Parks and Recreation from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. You can call parks and rec at 552-1430 to register. After this class I don't have anything scheduled until January. Hope you can make it!
  9. shell77

    shell77 Well-Known Member

    I would also reccommend, if you haven't already go to, it was either, or boodle (just pick any nc store, it doesn't have to be local) it might have been two of them and get the $.80 coupons for Betty Crocker AuGratin potatoes and $.75 Kleenex moist wipes. You will be paid $.65 for the potatoes and $.25 for the wipes. Really, if they're going to pay me to take them, I can't refuse....
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok ladies....I haven't posted on this topic before....but I have been reading it where in the world do you all go shopping at to use all those coupons? I could use some savings too! Anywhere in the Smithfield area that takes coupons like the ones you all use? Thanks. :)
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Wal-Mart does take coupons, but the BIG savings is the stores that do double coupons or even triple coupons like Lowes Foods. The closest one to you will be in Clayton on 70. The $ you save in coupons and sales will be well worth the drive! :wink:
    Trust me! :D
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    cool, where do i get the coupons from? A website or what? :oops: I don't do the coupon thing....can't you tell :?: :lol:
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Get the paper tomorrow and start cutting out coupons and then drive up to Lowes Foods, get into their Rewards Program and start saving $$$.

    There are websites listed on this thread that I use. Go back a page or two and you will find them. :wink:
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thanks HG!!! I'll go back and check now.... :wink: :D
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Has anyone been to the Garner store? I'm wondering if they restocked last night.
  16. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I was there around 10 am and they had not restocked... (who took all the Peanut butter Cookie Crisp??) :)

    My totals were not as good as everyones, but I had NOT stocked up on coupons (bad me, but my daughter is on her own and I sent them to her!!) I spent $39, and saved $49. But I had to have milk and I bought a little meat.
  17. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Again, wasn't me! I did not buy any PB cookie crisp at all! :D Your savings were still impressive, ljk! $49 is still a lot of $$! :)
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    damn.. I look at all y'alls totals.. and I feel like a failure... I didn't go to buy that much stuff, but there were some good coupons I had that I wanted to take advantage of. I sub-totalled before beer @ $44, and had $17 in coupons & reward card savings.

    So.. an hours worth of organizing, clipping and hunting for coupons on line got my DH is beer for nuttin' and then another $8 in savings... not too bad.

    Did anyone notice the Yoplait yogurt coupon.. I was all excited .50 off tripled, meant I thought I would get my 6 yogurts for about $2, but Lowes Foods raised their price, instead of 5 for $3, they are 6 for $4 now. Made me mad, I didn't even buy them... I should have though..
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    has anyone else received their new undies yet?
  20. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Yep, I received them last week. They are actually pretty comfy! :)

    Anyone else?

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