
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    GEESH! I wish someone would use the coupons I paid to have printed in the Neighborhood Checkbook a couple of months ago. I put the ads in the Cleveland area one and the Clayton/Garner one and have not gotten one response to them.
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member the book yesterday...can't wait to start reading it! Thanks!
  3. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Hi Harley,

    I have used up all my No Yolks and printed all they will let me print on the various sites, so I can't help ya there. Have you called the company directly to request a coupon. Usually works for me. We just have to wait until they issue another in the paper to get multiples of them.

    I will see if I can print the Land O lakes for you. Don't have any others.

    I do have a few coupons for $1 off any 4 Lean Cuisine. They expire on 1/31/06. If you would like them, they are yours. :) No need to trade - you can have them.

    Southern, Glad you received the book so fast. You never know how long it might take with Media Mail! I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the techniques! :)

  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yep, I've called and really don't have time to "hold", "wait" etc... what a pain in the (BLEEP)!!!! I would love the Lean Cusine ones and if you could and really, really, really don't mind printing off the Land O Lakes Creamer I would love you FOREVER!!!!

    Yall are the best EVER!!!! LYMI!!!! :D
  5. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Ummmmmmmmm, what is LYMI?? I know alot of net lingo, but that is a new one for me!

    Your coupons will go out today. I also found a South Beach coupon on for you.
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Love Ya Mean It :lol:
    LYMI, thank you!!!!
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Hey FMO2, got your coupons today!!!

    LYMI!!! :lol:
    Thank you so very much!!!
  8. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Free Luna Bar:

    Take a short 6 question survey and you will receive a free Luna Bar:

    "We're very excited about sharing the new Caramel Nut Brownie LUNA
    with you.

    Please take a moment to complete our short survey and we'll get your
    LUNA out to you! (Quantities are limited)"

    Also, Harris Teeter has a number of good BOGO's (buy one get one
    free)this week including:

    lean stew meat (I think HT's is the best stew meat around)
    Oscar Meyer Bologna including beef
    Progresso Soup
    Purex Detergent
    Libby's Juicy Juice

    If you have coupons for any of these items the deals are even

    Harley: Glad you received the coupons. Enjoy!

  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Faye- Started the book last night, got about 1/3 of the way through it before bed time. It's looking great, and I am tickled to death for you!

    Enjoyed our chat last night, haven't laughed like that in a while. And THANK YOU for the donations to the needy family, I am sure they are going to be thrilled!
  10. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Hey Jen, do you need any more families? I know it is kinda late, but some things have come up and they could really use some help.

    Also, what do the families you already have NEED? Again, I know it is late but maybe I can contribute somehow?
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Hey YD, got your coupons today and used them at Lowe's Foods! I LOVE YALL!!! :D
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    HG, you are very welcome!!! If I come across anymore I'll let you know and see if you want them....ok? :D
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Went through my coupons tonight, counting both the clipped and unclipped ones, I probably have over 100. Anyone have a pile of coupons laying around and want to trade?

    I really don't want to put the effort forth to list them all, lol.
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I cut out only the brands that we use. What do you need hun?
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I dunno. I like those "mystery" piles of coupons, ya know.

    Although, coupons for soup, shampoo, drinks (pepsi & juice boxes), snacks, and that sort are always good. To be honest HG, there are a few in there you'd probably use, and I doubt you'd use the rest. I just thought if anyone had a few piles laying around and just wanted to swap my pile for theirs, it might work out?
  16. le

    le Well-Known Member

    I JUST ordered some from the coupon clippers my book yesterday!
    I think a coupon trade is gonna be a necessity seeing as some of the coups I ordered had a minimum of five and I will not need that many of much of anything!
  17. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    you could do a coupon box/envelope..put a bunch of coupons in the box/envelope you dont need send it to someone else..they take what they need and put in more they just keep it going around...I would love to do that!
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Either way is fine with me, but most of these are going to expire at the end of the month, and I hate to waste them.

    So does anyone want me to mail them to them? Or does anyone just a "bunch" of coupons they want to blindly trade?
  19. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Great idea!
    My coupons are already on their way to me so until then I have nothing to give...but count me in say next week!?!
  20. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Check out your mail from today. I received a JC Penney flyer with a coupon for $10 off any $10 purchase! :) I will use that next week for some kids socks.

    Jennifer, glad you are enjoying the book!

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