
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    I didn't see a Lowe's Foods insert in the Christmas Day paper. And so no notice of triple coupons on Mon/Tues. Did anyone get a Lowe's flyer?
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    There was a huge one page (single sheet) flyer in todays paper from Lowes about the tripple coupons. (AND PNG COUPONS!!!! Yeah!!!)
  3. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    It's also on their web site if you look at the sales ad link.
  4. shell77

    shell77 Well-Known Member

    Can someone remind me how many of the same coupon you can use and still have it triple? There's some stuff I plan to stock up on, and I don't want any surprises at the register.
  5. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Lowe's will triple up to 4 of the same coupon (for instance, if you buy 4 things of daisy sour cream and use a 40 cent coupon for each one).

    Remember that the cashier needs to enter a code once she/he has scanned the coupons to get them to triple. They automatically double, but the register needs the code to triple them. Don't pay before you verify your coupons were tripled.

    Good luck and have fun! :D
  6. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    How can we know if the coupons were tripled? Usually, they ring me up so fast, I don't see them entering anything. So, they scan all coupons, then enter a code, then you see the register taking more off after they enter the code? Just checking to be sure. I'll be off shopping before long...

  7. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Not Faye, but what happens is as they ring up your coupons they are doubled. At the end they have to hit another key to triple them. Just make sure they do that. I am off now to go do some shopping myself.
  8. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Thanks, max! Have fun shopping :)

    I'll be leaving here after lunch and a shower. Prolly be gone until 5. DH and little one will enjoy QT while I shop & meet friends. Wonder who got the better end of that deal? 8)

  9. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Made my trips to Lowes early this morning. 3 trips into the Garner Store and 3 into one in Cary. They obviously had not done any stocking yet had almost everything I wanted to use a coupon for.

    Be careful ... some items had sales signs and the sales ended yesterday. I happened to catch a few of these as they rang up at the regular price. Because the sale price was on the shelf, they gave it to me.

    There were not a lot of items on sale. Thus, I did not buy some items I was hoping to use coupons for.

    I stocked up on a ton of TP ... thus the bill for my first trip showed only about 50% savings. For some of the additional trips I bought a few items the were on sale but I did not have coupons for.

    My total grocery bill was $403.05
    Savings $261.61
    Out of Pocket $141.44
  10. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    For some reason 5 coupons did not get tripled on one of my receipts. I'll have to look at it closer later and see if I can figure out which ones were missed.
  11. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    What sort of deals did you guys find in Lowe's? Maybe it's because I'm the amateur, but the only TRIPLE I saw in there were the prices! Even with triple coupons, almost everything I looked at I could have bought cheaper at Wal-Mart.
  12. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Good question jtm. As a general rule, the regular prices at Lowe's and Harris Teeter are more than the prices at Wal-Mart, though not triple the price. The reason we do so well with our coupons is because we gather and order multiples of the coupons for the items we use. We then wait for the items to go on sale or for the stores to triple (or both) and we save significant amounts of $$. Patience and discipline are essential traits of the successful couponer. We overstock when the deals are excellent and we rarely pay full price for anything. Those who simply cut out this weeks Sunday coupons and head on over to Lowe's, will never see the kind of savings that serious couponers realize.

    For instance, I made 4 trips in and out of Lowe's Clayton this morning. My subtotal before coupons and sales was $246.65.

    The amount I actually paid them after coupons were scanned was: $35.19. That is an 86% savings! :)

    Here is a partial list of the items I purchased for $35:

    4 48 oz bottles welchs white grape juice
    1 lb carrots
    1 container mushrooms
    smoked salmon spread
    12 bags uncle bens long grain ready rice
    hillshire farm turkey breast
    4 boxes breaded shrimp
    2 boxes boca veggie burgers
    4 bags kraft shredded cheese
    1 doz eggs
    2 32 oz containers dannon yogurt
    1 jar sunflower seeds
    1 cornbread stuffing
    6 bags martha white cornbread mix
    6 loaves of wheat bread (various brands-4 went into the freezer)
    2 five lb bags sugar
    2 cans bakers joy spray
    1 hellmans mayo
    4 boxes sugar free vanilla wafers
    2 boxes low fat wheat thins
    8 bags of organic chili and lime tortilla chips
    15 cans friskies cat food
    7 lb bag dry cat food
    2 boxes meaty bone dog bones
    brawney paper towels 8 pack
    5 4-packs toilet paper
    2 boxes tyson chicken breast nuggets
    2 bags dole frozen strawberries
    snuggle fabric softener
    4 rolls of 200 sq ft saran wrap
    lemon joy dish soap
    heat n serve hefty plates
    12 pack 7-up plus
    1 kikkoman teriyaki sauce
    2 betty crocker frosting
    3 kraft super mac n cheese
    1 jff peanut butter
    1 j & j dental floss

    They didn't have any great deals on fruit or meat today so I got very little. I will go back again tomorrow when they are a little better stocked.

    Of course there is more to it than that short explanation, but you get the idea. I'd have to write a book to explain it all............ :lol: :wink:

    If you have not read through the whole thread, you may want to. There is alot of very helpful information on here.

    You are also welcome to join the local (Triangle) smartspending yahoo group that posts great local deals, clearance sales, online coupons, general saving info. Sign up at the bottom of my webpage at .

    Hope that helps! :)

  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I saved $22.17 today. DH was with me and we had to get some items for dinner tonight for the FIL, BIL and future SIL. :x Screwed up my budget!
  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I also made three trips in and out today, saw Faye, met her mom, lol

    Here are my totals

    Trip 1-

    Before coupons: $38.35
    I paid: $4.91

    Savings $33.44

    Trip 2-

    Before coupons: $67.38
    I paid $26.08

    Savings $41.30 But..... After I came back in, I noticed that one of the sale signs I'd seen before was down, so I checked my receipt and sure enough I was charged regular price, so I went back to the CS desk and asked for the price guarantee, and they refunded me $5.10

    So actual savings was $46.40
    Trip 3-

    Before coupons: $41.69
    I paid $11.20

    Savings $30.49

    So out of three trips, I bought $147.42 worth of groceries for $37.09
  15. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I didn't need much (and my coupons haven't gotten here in the mail) I hope the get here tomorrow....

    But my total was $70, Coupons were $51 and total was $19. Not too shabby for just left over coupons.

    I saw some one with a black binder at the Clayton store around 1:00, helping a friend use her coupons... was that anyone on here?
  16. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Well, wow! :shock: :shock: Jennifer, what a great shopping spree. And, of course, bowing down to the Queen Of Savings with her 86% still in-pocket :lol:.

    Don't worry, ncmom, my coupons haven't come either...were sent out last Wednesday. I was going to share with my sister, but some were specifically for this shopping trip so they won't work for her now. We won't see each other again until next year.

    I made 1 trip to Clayton today (in the evening)...

    Total before coupons: $78.43
    After Coupons, sales, and card: $50.24

    That's abt a 36% savings, but I did use 5 of my $1 coupons, and 2 others were DND. What was cool was my Wheat Thins ended up being $1.24 for the 2 boxes and my Mt. Olive relish was f-r-e-e. My coupon tripled to $1.50, and the relish was $1.49 8).

    At Walgreens, I did a little better. Got my milk there, and had a coupon for it, so it was $1 cheaper than at the grocery store.

    Before savings: $66.39
    After: $42.35

    I noticed that 3 things were FSA eligible so, when I turn that it, that's an extra $9.49 in my pocket!

    My sister, however, did a fabulous job on her first trip ever with coupons in hand at the Lowes in Pittsboro.

    Before coupons, etc: abt $87
    After coupons, etc: $47 and a $3.25 rebate, making her new toothbrush free! That's abt 50% off for her.

    She said it felt so good. She had 3 coupons for the Triscuits, and got 6 boxes (they're a staple for her). Now, she says, she has enough for quite awhile and she's happy as a clam.

    Faye, she sends her thanks for helping her learn and wanted me to tell you that the cover of your book is excellent :).

  17. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Wonderful trip for leftover coupons, I agree!!

    I was at that store this evening. I got quite a few looks with my binder and calculator, but I ended up being so focused on shopping that I stopped noticing. :)
  18. n8zjb

    n8zjb Member

    I will add that I saw MANY organizers out there today!!! I dont have one myself yet (first trip couponing was today). I am impressed with the savings you all were able to find. I didnt find many things on sale either, except a Dragon Tales toothbrush was $2.29 and I had a coupon for .75 off, tripled brought it to a mere .04 for my child's toothbrush. :lol: With a total of 3 trips, I bought 206.37, but only paid 91.18. I am now ALL out of my few coupons that I had to begin with. :? However, I have a question...Shouldn't my "double coupons" and "triple coupons" savings be the same amount? And on one of my receipts, my double coupons are more than my regular coupon savings...? What a mess! I decided to go through the fast, do it yourselfer, lane with my few things (because i had internet coupons and was avoiding confrontation) and I think the machine had a hard time accepting the coupons. After having been at 3 different Lowes today, I did have one revelation...the Lowes in Raleigh off of Capital Blvd is MUCH nicer, bigger, cleaner, brighter and better stocked than Clayton or Garner. May have something to do with the amount of "smart spenders" out this way. Also, i found lots of internet coupons on the web at - and Can I ask, Where did you find a coupon for carrots? or were they on sale? I didnt even go to the produce aisle. I only worked on the coupons today.
  19. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    2 trips to the Garner/Timber Drive store tonight.

    trip one before 3x $44.25
    after $11.68
    )(*()**&&^%$# WOO HOOO this was our all time best ever!

    trip two
    before $ 66.76
    after $34.72
    This was all the pricy stuff like batteries, only 2 things were 'free'.

    Overall the store was not as picked-over as I had thought it would be. The OJ isle was -not- restocked but I did find 2 deals on Fla Natural OJ on the top shelf hidden in the back of some other brand.

    Love those 3x coupons!
    - and having a full pantry!
  20. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    First - great savings, everyone!! I am so impressed with all the fantastic numbers! It was great to see you Jen and thanks for the feedback, frogger. :) Kel, congrats on your all time best!! Wasn't today fun?!

    Second -n8zjb: Considering this was your first couponing trip - you did an excellent job! Your double coupons total will often be higher than your triple coupons total because the register will only triple up to the amount of the product. If the the item cost is $1.25 and you have a 50 cent coupon that gets tripled, the register will double the coupon to $1 (another 50 cents) and then triple up to $1.25 (an additional 25 cents). So your register tape will show that for that item your coupon was fully doubled but only tripled up to $1.29. Let me kow if that is not clear and I will be happy to give another example.

    I don't ever go through the self check out lane when I have more than 3 or four coupons. It is too much of a hassle and more often than not, there is a problem. I used a number of internet coupons today and had no problems at all.

    I had no coupon for produce, but they were part of the $35 total, so I listed them.

    Hope that helps and again, awesome savings, everyone! :D

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