
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I too had tons of internet coupons... almost half of the 20, and I picked a girl who didn't look like she cared much to be at work. She didn't even pause when scanning.

    There was a sign up at the register with the details of the triple coupons, and it did not list any stipulations about internet coupons. It did say a limit of 4 of the same items, and any coupons after 20 would just be doubled etc...
  2. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    We did pretty good. 3 trips.
    Before Coupons $213. 62
    After Coupons $105.06
    Total Savings $108.56

    WOOHOO! I think I stocked us up enough for the month we have left
    here. I sure do hope there is triple couponing in NM.

    As and added treat we got to see HG. Great to see you again girl!
    If I would have known, I would have brought you that box of stuff.
    Don't forget to stop by the house.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I have not seen you in forever girl! It was great to see you and your DH! :D I'll stop by this week, I'll call you first though. I know you have about 10 million things going on!
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Okay, day two, lol

    Total of two trips before coupons: $100.16
    I paid:$14.36

    Savings: $85.80

    Let me tell you, one of the two trips, my total to pay was $2.31 and I felt like a champ! BTW- They won't triple the BOGO Trident coupons, or it would have been even less.
  5. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Wow, Jen :shock:!

    Are you lovin' it?! Way to s-t-r-e-t-c-h that paycheck :D :D

  6. JustMe

    JustMe Well-Known Member

    my savings

    I went to Lowes Food today for those 3x coupons. Made 2 trips:

    --------------------Total Savings $50.33
    Paid $67.49

    ---------------------Total savings $44.95
    Paid $68.97 ----------------------------Total Savings $ 95.32

    Paid $136.46 for $231.74

    This is my first effort at really searching out for the most out of my coupons. There were also some BOGO offers on canned vegetables. Almost everything in my carts had coupons.
  7. n8zjb

    n8zjb Member

    JenniferS or FMO2 - Am I missing something? How do you manage to pull off 85% or more savings? Coupons that I come across only save me 2.25 MAX (usually 1.50)...and most items are at least $3 or more, or you have to buy 2 of the same item. How do you do it? Do you look for the sales and just happen to have that coupon? Or what? There is a secret and I want to know it. I think my coupons were on items that were not on sale; however, I did just start collecting coupons. Were most of yours from TCC? I am boggled!
    I am interested to know what kinds of things JenniferS bought, if I can be nosy. BTW, Great job JenniferS!!!!! I would love to pay 2 bucks for all that stuff.
    Also, how much is everyone spending on coupons anyway? That is a calculation to consider as well.
  8. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I would like to know more about buying coupons.

    There are only a few things that we really use & are brand loyal to; like Gain washing machine powder and a specific dog food that we have found that big 4 legs will eat & not gain too much weight - so how does buying coupons work?

  9. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    Yep, I'm boggled too. They're the queens, no doubt!

    My coupon spending totaled $7, 3 of those were $1 coupons. The others were $.55 and $.75. I more than made my money back on my savings.

  10. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    OK. Here are my stats for Lowe's triple coupons shopping. Made only one trip. Did not have that many coupons under $1.00.

    Total coupons...32.50 (one for $1, one for $1.50, 20 for 3x)
    Rewards............... 1.44
    Total savings.....................$33.94 = 35%

    I bought only items for which I had coupons. Still, I noticed that my 20 coupons averaged only 50 cents. In the future, I plan to visit that coupon site used by FMO2 (Coupon Clippers?) to get more and higher value coupons.
  11. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Here are my 2 day totals for the 6 trips I made. I am so glad they had no problem with us going out to the car and unloading after each trip and then coming right back in. It would have been much less fun if I had to run to 6 different Lowe's Foods! If they would only let us triple more than 20 coupons per sale!

    Total before coupons and sale prices: $ 396.09
    Total amount I paid: $ 61.11
    Savings: 85%
    Whoooo Hooooo!

    If you have not already signed up to get Anjie Hresan-Henley's free Freelancebyu e-mail newsletter, now is the time. There are great deals on holiday and winter clearance and she sends out an awesome newsletter every day or so with lots of internet deals and many B&M (brick and morter) deals. You can sign up at her site at .

    While out and about Tuesday I saw lots of candy and holiday decor that was 50% off. Lowe's Foods in Clayton had a bunch of candy at the front of the stores near the videos, Eckerds and Walgreens in Clayton still had lots of decor/wrap at 50% off. CVS in Clayton did not have much of anything left. Remember, you can freeze the candy and then use the red wrapped goodies for valentines and the green stuff for st pattys day.

    Sounds like there are a number of you who want alot more info on the techniques we use. Maybe now is a good time for that Smart Spending Workshop we discussed in the Fall, Webbie. If enough are interested I would be happy to work on a date and location.

    If you are interested in attending, post here or PM me so I know if there is enough interest. Also, let me know what days/times during a normal week are best for you to attend a class.

  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Definitely interested Faye - any evenings are fine for me - have a tough time on weekend days though - end up keeping grandchildren a lot. Hey, the rest of you guys, chime in so we can get this done.
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Okay, briefly, lol........

    I don't have my receipts in front of me, but I bought things like:
    Boxed Tyson Chicken
    Super Pretzels
    Toilet Paper
    Paper Towels
    Canned Veggies
    Cookie dough
    Sour Cream
    Dish washing soap
    Laundry detergent
    Frozen rolls and biscuits
    Chef boyardee stuff
    Fruit snacks for lunches
    Icing for cakes
    Toothbrushes (that I paid $0.04 a piece for)
    Spagetti Sauce

    Granted, I bought more of some things that we might not use as often because I had a coupon, but they'll keep, and most were almost, if not free. For example:

    Frozen Super Pretzels were 2 for $4, I had coupons for $.75 off, so triple that, and they were FREE. I put them in the freezer because we entertain a lot, and they'll be great for when we need snacks at a party.

    When I buy coupons, I average about $4 a week. Some weeks I buy, some weeks I don't. I also trade. On Friday, I went by FMO2's house and gave her a bag of my unused coupons, and she gave me an envelope full of hers. Even if we both only found one or two coupons a piece we could use, it was well worth it (although I found many more than that)

    I don't do that well all the time, but when triples come around, I love to shop!
  14. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Ditto what Kaci said. Evenings are good for me too. Education is always a good thing :).

    Thanks for posting your list, Jen. We can't stock the freezer yet, since ours is tiny. We'll get the chest freezer (hopefully) by Friday. I have 10% off at Lowes until the end of the year, thanks to moving.

  15. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    Ack! I had two $.75 coupons for Super Pretzels, but the Clayton Lowe's was completely out when I shopped. Stock in general was low (lots of empty shelves). Forced me to purchase some items in bigger packages than I would normally buy.

    I am definately interested in your Smart Spending Workshop. I can attend M/W/F weekdays after 5 PM and anytime Sat or Sun.
  16. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I'd love to attend! Any weeknight works for me.

  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I went to and signed up but the closest area to me is Charlotte, NC. I chose it since it was my only choice. Did you guys have to choose the same area?
  18. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    "Quick" trip to HT yesterday, ended up saving abt $23. That seems to be my average. Guess it's better than I was doing before, huh?

    So, Faye, have you decided to do another class?

  19. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Charlotte was the only option available to me. Looks like there may be some ok local coupons for Charlotte stores and a few national chain store coupons (Petco, ..), but I have yet to see manufacturer's coupons for grocery items. Am I missing it?
  20. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Hey $23 is better than $0! That comes out to an additional savings of $1288 if you save $23 per week. That's no small change!

    Yes, I am planning another class. Still working on dates/times. Will let you know in the next week or so.

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