
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    You can only use one coupon per item. If you had two coupons, you needed to buy two items.
  2. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    Things I learned while couponing this week:

    Kerr Drug:
    - For buy-one-get-one-free offers, each item is half price, so you can just buy one.
    - They had sign in the store that said they only accept manufacturer coupons up to $1. I don't know if it was just that store (corner of Lake Wheeler Rd and Tryon Rd), or if it's all stores.

    - If you buy more than one of an item, you can still only use one coupon. The clerk said "one coupon per purchase", not one coupon per item purchased. Now maybe this was because it was a buy-one-get-one-free item, but the clerk said only one of each coupon can be used, no matter how many you buy...
  3. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    You can use two coupons if one is a store coupon (out of their flyer or some advertisement) and a manufacturer coupon... but you cant use 2 manufacturer coupons.
  4. shell77

    shell77 Well-Known Member

    I posted a while back about a coupon swap being organized on the yahoo goup. So, the first coupon swap will be next Saturday, 3/25 at 10AM at Bojangles at 40-42. Come on out if you want to swap coupons!
  5. n8zjb

    n8zjb Member

    Which Eckerd did you go to? Eckerd in Fuquay is enough to make anyone angry!
  6. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    The one at the corner of Timber Dr and NC 50 in Garner. The clerk was nice enough about it, but the register wouldn't accept 2 coupons, and that was the clerk's explanation as to why.
  7. shell77

    shell77 Well-Known Member

    I used two of the same coupons at the Eckerd in Clayton about a week and a half ago, with no problem. Coupon shopping can be irrritating sometimes, you never know what you'll incounter when you go to check out...
  8. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I assumed you had problems at the Garner Eckerds. They used this same reasoning with me as well. Years ago I tried to buy 2 packs of pampers and use one coupon for each pack, something I have done hundreds of times in many different stores. The cashier would not let me use both coupons. It was ridiculous. I have not been back since.

    The Clayton Eckerds is wonderful. They are cool about coupons and couponers.

    Shell, I'll see you next Sat at Bojangles! Thanks again for coordinating the swap!
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Can't wait for the coupon swap!

    Faye, I'm about to try freezing milk for the first time. I'm scared, but after the deal I just found at Krogers in Garner, I won't be out much if it doesn't work. I did pour off some so they won't expand too much. I went because they had Kroger milk 2 for $5 in todays sale ad, got there and they had 1/2 gallons marked down to only $1 !!! I got six of them, so wish me luck! I saved over 50% on my trip in there today, that was not including the deal on the milk because it was a clearance price not card or coupons, plus $2 of my next shopping trip. Yeah!!! :D
  10. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Great buy on the milk! Here is some mroe info on freezign milk from

    "Milk may be frozen for as long as 3 months provided the sealed container is frozen prior to the best before date. Skim and 2% milk freeze better than whole milk. Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator. The milk will still have the same nutrients, but it may separate. If it does, shake well or beat with an electric mixer or rotary beater. "

    (I find that a good shake is all it takes - now that sounds kind of fun, doesn't it! :lol: )
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thanks Faye, that was helpful! I did get whole milk, when I was growing up, my grandparents had a dairy farm, my grandmother said this afternoon that it should be fine too, having to shake it before you can drink it will just remind me of summers on the farm. That's what homogenizing(sp?) does, it blends the milk fat into small enough particles that it doesn't separate back out. Nothing like having to stir your milk before you can drink it. :lol: Milk that isn't pasturized (heated to kill bacteria) also tastes completely different, took some getting used too once we moved away from the grandparents and had to drink the store bought stuff. :) If my son keeps drinking milk at this rate, may have to buy a cow and keep it in the backyard, it would be cheaper!
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Faye, my wife and myself attended your class last month and thoroughly enjoyed it (we now do the binder thing).

    This is a little off topic but near and dear to my heart – Anyway you know of legally getting a deal on Carolina Hurricane tickets for next year? Just heard they are boosting ticket prices 5 to 15% next year.

    If you got nothing, I understand, thought it was worth a shot! :)
  13. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you are "doing the binder thing"! I got nothing for you on the tickets - so sorry. If I do come up with something, I'll let you know. :)

    KDC, if you buy that cow, let us know how it goes! :lol:
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    froze my first gallon, why is it yellow? :shock: :shock:

    does it turn back to white? If it doesnt I dont know if I can stomache it.


    it is 2%.
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Do you want me to cut them out for the swap? I have 2 weeks worth sitting in my office! :shock:
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    According to some different sites I saw last night, it shoudl turn back white when thawed.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    whew, I hope so. thanks!
  19. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it turns back white when thawed.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    come on triples.

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