
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    no if it is $1 or more it will not double or triple. :cry:
  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Caution with LOWES triple coupons - you do have to spend a minimum of $35 (before tax).
  3. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is a 20 coupon limit and $35 before tax and coupons. Also, if you get their advertisement they have a triple greenpoints coupon too.
    I went yesterday. Before coupons my total was $105. 94 after it was $44.65. I think I am getting better at this stuff. :D
  4. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Couple questions:

    *Is it a total of $35 before coupons are redeemed?
    *Do they only allow you to shop once a day w/ coupons if you are using your Lowes card?

  5. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Yes it is Before. I don't know if it is once a day or not. I am sure you could call them and ask.
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    In the fine print does that $35 before taxes exclude beer/wine and cigarette purchases too?

    Also, for anyone who gets the Clayton Extra in the mail, there is a coupon on the back page for $10 of purchase of $50 or more, and that one does excluding beer/wine and cigarette purchases. It's only good for a few days, this weekend I think.
  7. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I missed out on the Lowe's chatter yesterday because I was busy shopping! :lol:

    There are some very good deals to be had at Lowe's right now. I highly recommend getting the Clayton paper and using the coupon for $10 off any $50 or more purchase. Make sure you have them ring that coupon first before any of your manufacturer's coupons.

    Although they do have a $35 minimum before they will triple coupons, if you are doing your weekly shop there this week and have enough good coupons, you will do very well.

    When I went last night, my subtotal before coupons was $56 and change. after the Lowe's $10 coupon and my manufacturer's coupons were tendered, they owed me $5.40 ! :shock:

    So, gather your coupons and get to the store!

    Dawn, regarding your question about how many times you can go a day: The policy is 20 coupons per day. If you go to more than one Lowe's, they will not know the difference and will triple them at each store, just like Harris Teeter.

    tassy, the $35 min. is not supposed to include beer and cigs.

    Remember that Harris Teeter triples starts tomorrow-Sunday. They triple up to 20 coupons up to a value of $0.99 . So, a $0.75 coupon
    will be worth $2.25!

    It would be so nice if they came to Clayton. The Winn Dixie manager told me earlier in the week that Harris Teeter made a lowball offer on the WD store, but they turned it down because it was so low. Maybe after a few months they will change their minds and sell to the Teeter!

    Winn Dixie has also started marking items down to clearance prices. The greeting cards were 50% off on Monday as well as a number of other items. Each week they will mark more and more down until it is gone, according to the manager.

    Happy Shopping! :D
  8. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Did they actually give you the $5.40 back?? Just curious!

    Also, if you go to the same Lowes just different times of the day, will they know via your Lowes card?

    Sorry for all the questions.

  9. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I bought a gallon of milk and another smaller item and owed them 99 cents when all was said and done.

    The register does not automatically triple the coupons. The cashier enters a code at the end to triple them. I guess if they don't recognize you, they would do it again. You can only use the $10 coupon once per Lowe's card though.

    Also, I heard that the $10 coupon is also in the "Extra" section that comes in the mail.

    Anyone else have any good savings to share?
  10. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    This is what I call an EXCELLENT thread.

    Since this is about saving money.....the Murphy gas station at Walmrat, will accept any cigarette coupons and allow you to use them on another brand. For example, my husband smokes Marlboro Lights. We always get awesome Camel coupons in the mail. Matter of fact, he took some today. Each time Camel sends us coupons they are: 3 - $6 off a carton and 2 or 3 $1 off a pack coupons. They will let you buy one carton of Marlboro's and use ALL of those at the same time. I have bought him cartons for $0.23!!! Just a tip, they like Camel and Marlboro coupons better than any others because they are their biggest sellers. They can't use a lot of Winston coupons because they don't sell much of them. In other words, at the end of the night, they can't have 4 Winston carton coupons if they only sold one carton of them.
  11. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    OOHHH!! One more. In the Sunday paper, there was a free $30 Gift Card coupon for Kmart if you filled or transferred two new prescriptions!! I don't care for Kmart but Target will take this coupon and give you a $30 Gift Card (Walmart won't do this). I have two that I am getting filled tonight that will cost me about $2.50 and I get a $30 gift card!! What a deal!

  12. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    3x coupons this weekend @ Harris T.

    Per the DH:

    Harris Teeter is have 3x coupons (up to .99) this weekend - Friday to Sunday. He said he saw a sign in the door of the North Hills Mini Harris Teeter.

    Has anyone seen an ad for this ot TV or in the paper?

    Happy Savings to all!
  13. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Re: 3x coupons this weekend @ Harris T.

    I saw three TV ads for the HT triples yesterday. A couple people mentioned it on this thead already and it was in the HT ad in Wednesday's N & O.

    I went to the Fuquay HT this morning.

    Subtotal before coupons and sales: $74.91
    Amount I paid them: $11.98 8)

    Hope to see a few of you at the couponing home workshop tomorrow at 10:00 am! If you need more info you can PM me or mommyof2, who is hosting the show at her home. Yes, that was a shameless plug-forgive me, please :wink: .
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I need a refresher. J/K!

    Last night was my first time, and I spent 76 dollars and saved 42 dollars. But I did buy some meats and stuff that I did not have coupons for.
  15. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Just went to Lowes - Hubby one cart, me another. Our total together was $120 and we spent $40 however we bought, milk, meat and other staples that we needed!! Headed back in a little bit to get some more stuff.

    Love it!!!
  16. Mommyof2

    Mommyof2 Well-Known Member

    Just thought I would tell everyone how much "saving money" info we learned today at the home workshop.It was great!!!I plan to attend another one,it's alot to take in in one class,but I'm on my way to saving some BIG money.I'm going in the morning to pick up the Sun. paper(for the coupons)& have just placed my 1st order "The Coupon Clippers" website.I'm excited to know that soon I'll be saving money.I'll post my first shopping receit.
  17. Mommyof2

    Mommyof2 Well-Known Member

    I went to HT,only bought what I had coupons for(except my kids a pack of gum)bf couponsit was 63.90 after coupons it was 29.90.That was over a 50% savings,Frugglemomof2 will be proud.I'm excited to know I can save money if I try.I'll keep you posted.If anyone here of the tripple coupons at other stores let us know.OH,the cashier was commenting on my savings so I told her about the class.
  18. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Best I have ever done!! Went Friday night to Lowes. Total before coupons $62.08......after coupons $3.98!!!!! The cashier cussed and had to apologize :lol:
  19. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Great job, mommyof2! I am very proud of you! 50% savings is wonderful! Keep it up and thanks again for hosting the class on Saturday, it was lots of fun. :D

    Dawn, I am very, very impressed! Your savings are awesome. Doesn't it feel great to get such amazing deals?!

    I went to the Cary Harris Teeters today and the total before coupons and sales was $122.40 and after coupons were tendered I paid them $7.95! :lol: 8)

    Remember to check the Clayton Winn Dixie for the clearance prices each week. The closer they get to closing in Sept, the better the deals! I think I will swing by there tomorrow and I will post what I find.
  20. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Dh and I went to HT and he was so excited when he bought $100 worth of groceries for $23. Then I come out with $125 in Groceries for $43. Dh was most impressed when he realized with the triple couponing some items were for free or they were paying us back for buying them. I may have created the second shopaholic in our family. :lol:

    Then we headed over to Kroger for some of their 10 for 10 deals. I had coupons and got some items for free! I paid $5 for 10 on Pizza Rolls and TV dinnners.

    I am having a lot of fun with this but my fridge and Freezer and cabinets are overflowing for the first time so I may have to take a break.

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