
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Your not giving them all away are you, if your not saving some for yourself, we're going to have to "convert" you! J/K :lol:
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I kept a few for the products I use most. I do need to be converted though. I am amazed at how much you women save.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We must put you in touch with Faye! Or let us know where we can schedule an intervention! :lol:

    Seriously, I have saved a ton since her class, her website has a schedule of her classes, well worth the time. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Hey, you guys, would love to take any extra coupons off your hands - saving up for triples hopefully - Dh is getting kinda tired of watching the cupboard get bare though :lol:
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Just told DH I wasn't going to the grocery store until triple coupons!

    He says "but we need milk"... :?
  6. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a stop at Kroger. They have it on sale 2 gallons for $5.00.
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yeppers, looked at the paper today. Also Lean Cusine meals for $1.99. 8)
  8. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    kdc1970, I love your avatar! :D
    Ordinarily, I find motion distracting, but I find myself watching your kitty over and over.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thanks! I have 2 cats and it reminded me of them, I don't ordinarily like the motion ones either, but that one is cute and I can definately relate!
  10. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    I didn't get the paper yesterday. Knew there were going to be 4 sets of coupons and was looking forward to it :? .
  11. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Aw, wish I'd known that, after I pulled out the ones I wanted, I gave my sets to a coworker ... I bet someone on here has their extras they could give ya!
  12. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Thanks, elims :(. I went to gas up the car and maybe get a paper but they were out. I get the Sunday paper delivered for Pete's sake, what happened yesterday? Ugh.
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Frogger, call them and your carrier will get you one today. That's what I did about 2 weeks ago.

    Hey maybe ask for 2 for your troubles :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member


    Got a question for you. I was on a message board reading and someone posted that HT is Fuquay triples coupons every day? Is that right?

    Also, does Aldi take coupons? How about the Dollar Tree? I've never been to you need a membership and does anyone want to share their experiences?
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    SB, if this is true, I'm going to have a heart attack! :x

    Just spent $56 at Kroger with coupons. :roll: :roll:
  16. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Now if HT in Fuquay trripled everyday, do you think I would hide that amazing information from you??!! 8)

    Actually they DID triple everyday for about a year but stoppeds doing it about 10 months ago. When the area around the HT/Kroger/Walgreens was so competitive, they tripled everyday and were very very firm about on ly 20 coupns tripled per day. Now they are back to doubling. But the deals are still awesome. I was at HT in Cary today and subtotal was $91.80 and I paid $14 ! Whoo Hooo! I was there with a news crew from WYFF in Greenville, SC and they were duly impressed. :lol:

    Froggie - did you call the carrier? They really should give you a new one just as Harley said.
  17. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Didn't get hold of the carrier. There was something wrong with my sub they're trying to fix. Still out the paper tho :? .

    Sounds like a great shopping trip! You're just showing up on TV everywhere :)

  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Actually they DID triple everyday for about a year but stoppeds doing it about 10 months ago. When the area around the HT/Kroger/Walgreens was so competitive, they tripled everyday and were very very firm about on ly 20 coupns tripled per day. Now they are back to doubling. But the deals are still awesome. I was at HT in Cary today and subtotal was $91.80 and I paid $14 ! Whoo Hooo! I was there with a news crew from WYFF in Greenville, SC and they were duly impressed. :lol:

    Holy cow Faye, I've got to take the class again, I'm still "only" saving about 50% on average, but I'm going to get there!
  19. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    You are doing great!! Keep up the good work and pray for triples!!!! :lol:
  20. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Astelin (Rx) Allergy Med COUPON to trade.

    It's $10.00! Good till 12/31/2006.

    I would be happy to meet and give this coupon to someone that can use it in the 40/42 area. Just PM me.

    - Kel

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