
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    You may be right Tassy.

    I'm still sick, so my brain is not functioning at a level that it should, lol.
  2. Mommyof2

    Mommyof2 Well-Known Member

    I had a workshop last week,the host does not have to pay the fee of $10,but the guest do,if they bring a friend it's only $8 each.It is well worth the $10 that your freinds & family will spend.I saved well over that w/ my 1st trip to the grocery store the next day.She gives out tons of free stuff along w/ some good coupons.I just took my 2nd trip to the store,did not get to double coupons b/c I went to Food Lion,but w/ the MVP savings alond w/ the buy one get one FREE deals w/ my coupons I saved $79.61.My total that I spent was 104.20.I also bought some stuff that was not on sale (meat) so I think that was a good savings.I'm loving knowing that I'm saving this much money.Thanks Fugglemom!!!
  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Aww thanks PRM
  4. Looney Tunes

    Looney Tunes Well-Known Member

    Just a reminder...

    I am having a couponing workshop at my home, this Sunday from 2-4:00. It is $10 or $8 each if you bring a friend. PM for directions, etc. Please include your email address because a couple of people I tried to PM back never received it.

    It should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to getting some good deals!
  5. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Thanks for clarifying the cost info tassy and mommyof2. Hope you get well soon, Jennifer! Great job at FL mommyof2! Keep it up! :lol:

    I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting a 50% Contest? Each time you go to the grocery store and save 50% or more on your groceries, you post the receipt and totals on here. I will keep a running total of those who qualify and whoever has saved 50% or more the most times at the end of the year will get a surprise from me.

    I LOVE hearing about people's savings and maybe this will motivate others who do not think they can save using sales and coupons to give it a try. You do not have to have taken the workshop to play, so everyone is eligible.

    Anyone game?
  6. OneTalentedSista

    OneTalentedSista Well-Known Member

    I want to go to a workshop. I love to save the little money I do have. PM me with details.
  7. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    OOps I missed the class today, had to work. Anyine else having one??
  8. ARedhead

    ARedhead Well-Known Member

  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Those look like ones you buy? I'm not buying coupons, that doesn't make any sense at all to me! :roll: is good.
  10. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I recommend you take a look at the FAQ page on the site at:

    Here are the main things to know:

    To have send you coupons, you go to the website and look over the coupons they have available. You add coupons to your cart by putting the number you want into the box on the left and clicking "add to cart" at the bottom of the page.

    If you type in NEW in the search box, it will show you the newest coupons they have entered. If you click on the HOT button to the left, it will show you the biggest sellers. You can also look for specific coupons by typing in the manufacturer's name in the search box or by clicking the alphabet buttons on the left.

    A few policies to know:
    **Most of the coupons require that you order 5 or more of that coupons. If you buy in multiples to overstock, you should have no problem using just 5 of a coupon before it expires. On the coupon description, it will usually say "minimum 5 or minimum 1:.

    ** There is a minimum oder amount of $3.00 plus a handling fee of 50 cents. You will pay shipping as well (usually 37 cents but could be more if you order a bunch of coupons).

    ** Accepted payment methods include Paypal (including credit card even if you are not a Paypal member), or you can send them a check in advance.

    If you place an order and the total is $4 or so, you can save over $50 at the grocery store if the coupons you ordered are doubled at Lowe's, Kroger or Harris Teeter.

    They put up the new coupons from the Sunday paper on Saturday nights at approx. 9:00 pm. They put up a new batch of those same coupons sometime on Sunday and again on Tuesdays. The best coupons sell out fast which is why there are LIMITS put on some (so one person does not come in and buy them all leaving the rest of us wondering where they all went).

    If you order on Sat or Sunday, you should get your coupons here in teh Raleigh area on Thursday (Friday if the PO is closed on Monday for a holiday).

    Let me know if you have any other questions! :D
  11. Looney Tunes

    Looney Tunes Well-Known Member

    I wanted to post my first shopping trip after taking FrugalMoms's coupon workshop...

    I went to walgreens and the original total was $36.85, I paid $9.24! Not bad for my first time out! Savings of 66%!!! :D

    Thanks FrugalMom! It was such a great workshop!! I'll post my grocery totals later this week....
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's GREAT! I think I may need a workshop. :cry:
  13. Looney Tunes

    Looney Tunes Well-Known Member

    Heads up! Go to, click on "in stores now", then scroll down and click on free samples. Right now, you can get samples of Tide, Wisk & Pantene! :D
  14. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Wow thanks Looney that was great! I love free you know how often they update those?
  15. Looney Tunes

    Looney Tunes Well-Known Member


    I found those freebies by accident. I was actually looking for something else when I stumbled onto it. FrugalMom gave me this website to check I haven't looked at it yet though, let's us know how it is.
  16. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I've used for some time now. Pretty cool, they send you a sample, you report back whether you liked it, and it starts over again.
  17. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I really like startsampling as well. You can order a new sample 24 hours from the last one you ordered. They usually have one every week or so that I want.

    If you like finding freebies check out . Lots of fun and free stuff! :) The site is very easy to navigate and they also list great deals.

    The CVS at 40/42 has the summer tableware like plastic plates, cups straws, tablecloths, etc on sale for 75% off. I picked up a bunch of big bags of straws for 37 cents each.
  18. Mommyof2

    Mommyof2 Well-Known Member

    Just thought I would post my savings this week.I went to HT,My total bill b/f their store savings & coupons was $137 after all my discounts it was $75,I was very happy.I even shopped took my coupon binder in w/ me & it seemed to have worked better.How about everyone else?
  19. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    I had a lot to buy...went to Lowe's and spent $171 (after saving $83 in coupons and discounts)...had a couple of curious looks at the binder. It worked for me! Also went to and ordered coupons for products that I actually use, so hopefully the savings will be even better next time...
  20. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    I racked up at the CVS in Garner today (thanks to a tip from phoenixfreebies..thanks fruglemom) and I have started clipping tons ofc coupons. Target has the small coupon files in the $1 bins right now..cute colors too! Hey anyone interested in coupon swapping. I come across great coupons, but not for stuff I need...maybe we could start out own trading coupons thread! I would be happy to meet someone in the 4042 area or mail them out! With gas prices the way they are these days I know we are pinching pennies wherever we can!
    Up for grabs I have the following coupons
    $2 off Tarzan II DVD at Target
    $1 off multipack of tissues at Target
    $1 off any Revlon Cosmetic product @ Target
    $1 off Skippy Peanut Butter @ Target
    $1 Zone Perfect nutrition bar @ Target
    If any one is interested just reply or PM me!
    Happy Couponing!

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