Covid 19

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wayne Stollings, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    They keep stoking that same, old resentful fire, but never you mind, the MILLIONS of idiotic, unvaccinated Americans running around spreading it right now!
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Lol @ hypocrite ACW liking this post and hypocrite DWK not pulling out the posting guidelines and calling out Webbie. No surprise with these two.
    Let the spin and Bs begin.
  3. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    I don’t care what, or how people write on here anymore, just so long as they write the damned TRUTH! Do we really need false “politeness” and “manners” on here right now, when we’ve already got hospitals filling up again, and millions of unvaccinated idiots out there, concerned only about themselves and their so-called “freedumbs”, who are continuing to infect others, including their own children, like insane sociopaths? Doesn’t sound like particularly “civil” behavior to me! You write enough rude stuff on here that breaks the rules every single day, without saying anything even resembling the TRUTH, and “Webbie” couldn’t give a hoot about it, so it’s obvious that nobody is enforcing any “rules” on here. So, stuff it FOOL, where the sun don’t shine!
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  4. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Why mention anything to webbie? The rules clearly do not apply to those claiming to have a connection so why should we worry about unenforced rules now? Perhaps if you were not so engulfed in your hypocrisy where you have broken the "rules" many times here and now try to mention it.
  5. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    LOFL. @ the hypocrite spinsters,, ACW & DWK. just like clockwork knew that was coming.
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    The truth does have a way of coming out and biting you on the butt.
    pcroom and DWK like this.
  7. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    We're getting off-topic here, but to tie it all back onto a bow, when you look at the behavior of elected "leaders," we shouldn't be surprised by the behavior of the 4x% of the public who think the reason we are in this position today is because COVID is spreading from illegals crossing the border, or COVID is a hoax, or microchips in the vaccine, or refusal to wear masks are phony proclamations and conspiracy theories perpetuated by ELECTED LEADERS. Why do we call them leaders? Because, by definition, the vast majority of people are followers. You can't have half the population leading in a civil society. People may refuse to admit (even to themselves) otherwise, but LEADERS have a duty to serve the public. When a LEADER leads his of her FOLLOWERS, especially those who voted for them, into an abyss of lies, falsehoods, conspiracy theories, it is no wonder we are in this position and may not dig out of it for 2-3 years, all because various LEADERS would rather seize on anger and score political victories and points than to actually LEAD with the truth. The Cawthornes, Trumps, Hawleys etc know what they are doing and don't care. For them it is about power at all costs and they know how ignorant most of their voters are. But shame on them. They lead their followers over the cliff with lies, and the behaviors that result from these lies affect ALL Americans. Not just the ones who support them. There are extreme few true civil servants anymore, certainly not in the Republican party.

    People want to talk about reporting posts. These are the same syncophants who retweet and applaud Trump's vile proclamations with smiles and laughter. Pot calls kettle black. Trump started it. HIS countless followers (certainly including most republican "leaders" now) cheer these statements. They are responsible for the vitriol in politics that we see now. And if it's gonna be a food fight, I sure wish Dems would stop taking the high road because it won't work. We are where were are, and the only way to fight off a bully is to beat his ass. Dems should stick up for their own like Cuomo, because the republicans sure do. There are two sides to every story, and if Dems keep sacrificing their own institutional political power structure while Republicans defend any and all actions to maintain and GROW their power, the Republic is screwed. This is a battle and Dems need to look at the big picture. Nothing matter more than saving the Republic, from fascism as well as COVID. When you think of those battles, a too-close hug does not count as an important moment to focus on in this climate.
  8. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Talk about a half-baked response,,
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  10. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  11. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

  12. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Before he died from Covid, he urged his staff to get vaccinated and told them that Covid was “no joke”. No kidding. He spent the entire pandemic denying the virus, mocking mask wearers, spreading conspiracy theories, and insulting health professionals.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  14. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Once again, we have (lawnboy, Wayne Stollings and his sidekick DWK) disrespecting the Webmasters rules/request concerning 'The Discussion Group' forum. He shut the entire site down the last time, and stated that the next time he has to take action, it may be permanent.

    Hopefully, and if he does decide to take further will be to permanently delete/ban the three accounts listed above and not shut the entire site down again.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
  15. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    The so-called “rules” have been disrespected on here for a very long time, by certain trolls who continue to spread disinformation. Sometimes I think that they’ve all got investments in the coffin industry by the way they talk. You’ve got a warped sense of what you believe to be “vulgar”. What’s truly vulgar and DISGUSTING are some Americans who feel that it is their “personal right to freedom” to remain unvaccinated and spread this virus to babies and children who depend on rational parents to keep them safe. Infecting your own children, in service to a perverted political rhetoric, has got to be the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed in my lifetime, and surely the needless death of Americans, being much more VILE than reading a few blue words on this site. Grow a pair, Cupcake, and get your priorities straight.

    I understand that more and more businesses are requiring their employees to show “proof of Covid vaccination” to protect their employees. This requirement is no different than schools requiring children to be up-to-date with their vaccinations. It’s a common sense requirement, and if you don’t have the common sense to understand that it’s been that way for decades, then it’s not my problem. If it takes American businesses to step up and require “proof of vaccinations” in their employees, because people are too full of wacko disinformation to understand the importance of protecting the public health, and especially their OWN CHILDREN during a deadly pandemic, then so be it. I won’t shed ONE TEAR over these narcissistic, selfish, sociopaths who end up losing their jobs, and who have cynically wrapped themselves in false patriotism, and false Christianity. They’re all rectums of the worst kind! And you, my friend, are one of them.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  16. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You missed, or more correctly ignored the instances where poppin and Buzz disrespected the rules recently posted here, but that is acceptable because you like what they say, correct? If the "rules" had been enforced equally those instances would have been shut down and there could have been some measure of respect retained for them, but now they are ignored by the claimed "friends" of webbie and as such mean nothing to anyone other than a suggestion.

    Perhaps you have something to add concerning the title of the thread? You know the pandemic you have tried to minimize since the beginning when you sought to politicize it as you do everything else.
  17. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Correct, the rules have constantly been broken by you three. The Webmaster has a section called 'The Political Pit' where you can basically say whatever you like.

    Some people like to come over here to 'The Discussion Forum' just to see whats going on around the area, etc....but instead, you three seem to think that this is 'The Political Pit".. How about have some respect for the Webmaster and take it there?
  18. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    You just want to “cancel” any TRUE FACTS on here. And the true facts are that over 600,000 Americans have already died from this virus, with more dying this fall. And all of the deaths that will occur this fall is preventable, but yet you are still harping on things of little importance by comparison. By the way, the “posting of maps”, showing the slow, incremental progress of roadwork, while certainly “informative”, does not actually constitute a “discussion” topic worthy of insight. What you’re actually having a problem with is the traditional act of PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY where ALL voices are heard in a contributing discussion. And that’s exactly the tradition that we are doing on here. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable living in Viktor Orban’s Hungary, where corruption reigns supreme over a sham political system which purports to be a “democracy”, but is anything but. It’s not a particularly “Christian” form of government either, having even much lower religious group affiliation than even the United States.

    We are still in the middle of a deadly pandemic, and the changing situation is STILL pertinent to public discussion. If you personally, don’t want to hear about Covid, then it’s pretty simple: don’t go on the Covid thread, dummy! You have the “freedom of choice” on here to skip it, or go elsewhere, and not act like a darned fool on here thinking that you are “forced” to read anything. It’s not my fault that this Covid virus has been cynically and politically exploited to such an extent that it is now a continuing public health threat, but I’m certainly not going to ignore the fact that we’re still dealing with the ramifications of this immoral negligence. And by the way, I once posted a recipe for chocolate cake on here and a troll posted a nasty, racist comment on it, and I didn’t see ANYBODY complaining about that troll, including you! Like my dear mama used to say, “if you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen”!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  19. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    All of the previous 'Covid Discussion threads' had been deleted multiple times by the Webmaster BEFORE he finally decided to shut the entire site down for awhile. Why? Because you do not seem capable of respecting/comprehending the Webmasters rules.

    YOU were one of the main reasons for it and here you are again doing the exact same thing. Some of us actually enjoy this site and do not want the Webmaster to shut this site down permanently.
    BuzzMyMonkey likes this.
  20. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    You do realize that most of the trolls on here have continually used vile slurs against me which got increasingly out of hand. And why? Simply because way back in March 2020, I was urging readers to take this virus seriously, and protect themselves and their families from it, while you cretins were saying the exact opposite, even BEFORE we knew all the facts, and way BEFORE the majority of our American Covid deaths occurred. If you don’t like hearing the truth, then go on my Chocolate Cake thread which I put up especially for fragile readers like you. Better yet, why don’t you just spend your time MAKING a darned chocolate cake for somebody, and do something good in the world by making somebody happy? Lord knows, we’ve got folks in this country, and on this discussion board, who just can’t seem to get enough of death and chaos these days, and we don’t need any more of them spouting their delicate “fragilities” over the content of this Covid thread.
    lawnboy and Wayne Stollings like this.

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