Covid 19

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wayne Stollings, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Yes, but I have only seen you give it (christianity) "lip service"....which is why I asked you the question/s. Besides, I wasn't asking you how you were raised. I was asking you a question based on what YOU have publicly professed to be.
  2. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    My Christian faith is my personal business, and I don’t have to answer to you, or anyone, but God. You’re just a troll. And to remind you, we don’t normally talk about race or color on this COVID thread. (the people that do, are some of the most uneducated and boring people on the planet.) YOU were the TROLL who brought up race, color, and ethnicity on this COVID thread, and also the disclosure that you were a “dark-skinned, Italian” who obviously had NO CLUE that the ethnicity of Italian immigrants was legally constrained by Jim Crow laws in the early 20th century. So, unless you want to have a discussion about that topic, on another thread, I suggest that you stop fouling this Covid thread with your continued idiocy like most of the trolls on here.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Really? Where have I ever claimed to be an atheist? Perhaps you could try to get closer to the truth in the future.
  4. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    You’ve not asked me anything of substance all day, but that’s not surprising. And when you did jump on here, you had nothing at all to add to the discussion, as usual. You just troll like your trolling friends Buzz, and PoppinCork to jam communications because we’ve brought up current events, and touched a nerve in y’all. If you want to talk about religion, or Christianity, then start another thread. I dare you.
  5. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    He’s so full of crap that when he burps, it comes out like toothpaste squeezed from the middle of the tube.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  6. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Fair enough, but you are the first professing christian that I have encountered not willing to talk about their faith. Hopefully you are not one of those Matthew 7:22-23 "christians".

    Why lie? I can pull up "white" quotes posted many times on this thread prior to me bringing it up. Is that not a race?

    It is 2021. I really hate that your and boylawns lives are so miserable.

    Again, its 2021 (not 1821). I am a free person and do as I please. There are lots of non-Covid post in this thread you hypocrite.
    BuzzMyMonkey likes this.
  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  8. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    d w k can guide the lying hypocrite lawnloser to a mental health adviser
  9. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Good thing, one sewer rat as yourself here is more than enough.
  10. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    LOFL at your glamorous stupidity.
  11. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Lol. More proof of her true colors, she will & have taken this thread and others off course in a heartbeat. Than cry and whine about somebody that doesn’t follow her believes and tactics does the same thing. She won’t say a peep when her two hypocrite buddies do it.
  12. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Not much hope for it though given the history ....

    A federal district court turned down the challengers’ request to temporarily block the enforcement of the mandate, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit declined to put the mandate on hold while the challengers appeal. That led the challengers to come to the Supreme Court, where they urged the justices to step in on an emergency basis and grant an injunction “after nearly two years of lockdowns, to prevent the largest public-school system in the country from further disrupting the education of hundreds of thousands of students who desperately need in-person teachers.” And they implored the court to act quickly, telling the justices that the court “will lose the opportunity to provide meaningful relief” once the mandate goes into effect if it does not issue an injunction immediately.[...]

    The case is not the first time a challenge to a vaccine mandate has come to the court on its shadow docket. Last month, Justice Amy Coney Barrett turned down an emergency request from Indiana University students seeking to block the university’s vaccine requirement.
  14. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Well, the sad trolls are out tonight. Must be another full moon. They must be getting angry about the increased mandates. Fine. Let all the unvaccinated who refuse to be vaccinated, and are now the PRIMARY CAUSE of this unnecessarily prolonged pandemic quit, or lose their jobs over it. Vaccinated Americans should have the “freedom” not to live in a disease-ridden country, surrounded by irresponsible adults who should know better. We’ve managed to overcome many different deadly diseases in the past, except for this one, and all because this pandemic has been ridiculously politicized beyond all rational reasoning, rather than being seen for what it really is: a public health threat that endangers us all.
  15. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  16. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

  17. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I get all of my medical advice on vaccines from foreign comedians ..... don't you?
  18. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe Russell Brand became an immunologist, who is now fully qualified to comment on Covid vaccinations, much like that singer, Nicky Minaj who also thinks she’s a qualified immunologist? They sure fooled Jesse, that’s for sure!
  19. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    About as bad as getting all your advice from news anchors? I mean they both just read stuff from other people, so what is the difference?
  20. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    You really should take the time to educate yourself regarding the differences. I recommend starting with the “Check Your Sources” thread as a start, and then progressing to a number of publications available out there. Remember, a quick guide like “Check Your Sources” can apply to anything that you read, whether it’s been published, or broadcasted on Fox News, MSNBC, or in your local newspaper.

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