Covid 19

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wayne Stollings, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Very well said. If I sound like I’m full of “spit and vinegar” today, it’s because of the fact that after months of trying to convince my brother-in-law to get the vaccine, and also listening to his “theories”, he finally broke down and got his first shot last week. And this is a man who spent half of his life in the military serving his country, so if anybody deserves a healthy and long retirement, it’s him. I’m relieved that he finally came to his senses, but it was a long haul.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  2. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Yes, it clearly is the Trump supporters (by definition, racists, fascists, and otherwise believers in The Big Lie). Plenty of polling on this. Here is the first poll that comes up under relevant search terms:

    There are about 10,000 similar polls that come up with similar results over the last 8 months....
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  4. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Don’t forget the decidedly unChristian “Christians” who were cheering over at CPAC 2021 over folks not getting vaccinated, while unvaccinated Southerners get sick and die in the coming weeks. ICU units in states with high unvaccinated populations are filling up right now, and Missouri is having to set up hospital tents.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
  5. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    45% of republican women say they will not get t he vaccine - more than republican men. You just have to wonder, why? There are certain people that fit better in the basket of deplorables more than others - and those would be modern-day Republicans (think Elise Stefanik, not Susan Collins) who are female, black (Tim Scott), or gay (Matt Schlapp). You have to wonder how those groups think their plight will continue to progress and ultimately thrive by expressing support for a fascist, racist authoritarian regime which believes in subrogating their status?
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  7. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

  8. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Ain’t gonna happen. I was at Walmart just yesterday, and hardly anybody was wearing masks there, so probability and statistics would suggest that a fair amount of those people aren’t vaccinated. All we can do now is offer our condolences when the time comes, after reality sobers up these vanity and delusions. I’ve read that some are considering vaccine mandates, but there may not be that much time for that.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
  9. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Great more Assumptions.
  10. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    621,000 Americans already dead from the Alpha Covid wave, and hospitals filling up primarily in the unvaccinated Southern states right now with the Delta variant, is hardly an “assumption”.
  11. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    markfnc likes this.
  12. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    You had no clue whatsoever in Wal mart who’s vaccinated and who isn’t, all assumptions on your part, like usual. It must really burn your britches to have a BIL that’s a racist, fascist and Conservative.
    Oh well at least he finally got his shot.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You should learn to either read or comprehend what you read .... probability and statistics would suggest that a fair amount of those people aren’t vaccinated ... no assumption but a statement of applied statistical probabilities.
    DWK likes this.
  14. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Perhaps the better question is what happened to the rush to impose oversight on bodily integrity by the right when it stopped being just women being controlled. There have always been public health considerations where vaccines and communicable diseases were involved.
    DWK likes this.
  15. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    You know better than to shop that “apples and oranges” argument around! Covid is a CONTAGIOUS disease, so that’s the difference. In other words, I don’t have a “choice” if an unvaccinated person infects me and kills me or my loved ones with a virus, or is so negligent in their “choice” that it allows the virus to further mutate into deadlier variants. The “my body, my choice” argument is restricted to an individual, or couples, making a private and personal choice about their reproduction that does not threaten the health of strangers. Personally, like you, I don’t particularly like the idea of abortion at all, as I’ve mentioned several times on here. I love family life, and I’ve been lucky to be in a happy, stable marriage, so any pregnancy that came into it, I definitely would keep. But I have deep compassion for women who may be in a bad relationship, or a bad marriage, which may no longer provide the type of safe and secure domestic environment in which to raise happy and well-adjusted children. And not all men are good, decent, or responsible people either. Now, I wish that some women (and men!) were far more careful in their selection of partners to begin with, but people can and do change for the worse in a relationship, and I’m sure that these women who make this choice have valid reasons for not continuing with a pregnancy. If the country bans abortion altogether, I hope that women who are forced to give birth, will consider putting their children up for adoption, rather than raising an unwanted child that they come to resent. That’s probably the most emotionally scarring experience for any child to experience, and one that no child deserves. I hope that clarifies the difference for you.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
    Hught, BobF, lawnboy and 1 other person like this.
  16. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Jesse, I have no beef with you at all, you're a pro at what you do, but like DWK said, apples to oranges, stick to the development thread man!
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  17. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Sure, but both vaccines and abortion deal with life and death. So that's where my argument came from. You can't have it both ways.

    Also, as for "I don’t have a “choice” if an unvaccinated person infects me and kills me", isn't that why you got the vaccine? To make a choice so that an unvaccinated person doesn't infect you? Or are we back to a disagreement over if the vaccine works or not, if that was the case, why force others to get it in the first place?

    If it works, you have nothing to worry about. If it doesn't, there's nothing you can do.
    BuzzMyMonkey likes this.
  18. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Sure you can, but you have to use a modicum of intelligence. Trying to compare forcing someone to allow an unwanted or even deadly growth to continue solely within their own body because it cannot survive outside of said body to the ignorance of allowing a virus to grow within your body that can and will survive outside your body and will in the process threaten the lives of every living person with which it comes into contact is by definition an apple to oranges comparison. In case one the only person threatened is the one being controlled and in the second every living person is threatened in some level.

    Perhaps you would be better to question the opposition to abortion and the support of the death penalty by the right. That is more apples to apples in comparison, although there is not as much of a threat to a living person in the former as there is the latter.

    Except for those people who cannot take the vaccine and those people who allow the virus to spread and mutate to a point the vaccine is no longer as effective.
  19. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Oh, Jesse. You’ve got to do better than this terrible, logical fallacy argument, based only on the common denominator of “life” and “death”. I know from past posts that you lean Libertarian, so naturally a Libertarian would feel that a mandatory vaccine would infringe upon his or her “personal freedoms”. But “personal freedoms” , or “political beliefs”, whatever they may be, will not control, or contain a virus, or “protect” you from illness and death. These COVID viruses are constantly evolving, biological life forms whose purpose is to infect humans and replicate. They don’t care about your “freedoms”. They don’t care about your preferred ideologies, or whether you like snickerdoodles or donuts. Covid wants to infect, and COVID wants to replicate. And whether a person dies is of no consequence to a biological life form. You can compare “apples and oranges” all you want and Covid, in whatever form or variant it takes on, will still kill. My family and I all got vaccinated to protect our health, our neighbors’s health, and the health of complete strangers. We did this because we revere and enjoy life and do not take it for granted. I would hope that if you are against abortion, that your reverence for life would extend to the reverence for ALL life.

    Consider this, if a large percentage of the population remains unvaccinated, Covid will still continue to mutate, infect, and kill, because it has a ready supply of unprotected humans in which to reproduce. And then what? What do we do if our current vaccines FAIL because we have allowed the virus to mutate further because of something as nebulous as our “freedom” during a national health crisis? How do we protect our population? Or do we just let it rage on and on, and mutate in unvaccinated areas where eventually it will put every American at risk once again, and worse, the next time?

    You remind me of my brother-in-law who was resistant to getting the vaccine for months. He always had some excuse, or some “political theory” to lean on, or compare things to, as he is strongly Libertarian, and very stubborn. He lost his wife to cancer a few years ago, and still seems very depressed about it, but won’t talk about his feelings. But mainly, through all his posturing I came to realize that he was just plain scared, and that all of his political posturing was just a smokescreen put up so that he wouldn’t have to face his real fears - his fears about being widowed and alone, his fears of the vaccine, and mostly, his fear of death. It’s way past time to put politics aside and focus on protecting your health, and if you say that you respect life, then respect all of life by protecting the lives around you - and even strangers that you don’t know. Because none of us should ever want to see anyone suffer, especially with something that is preventable. So, if you haven’t gotten the vaccine, get it. I razz you about it, but honestly, where would we be without your map thread? We’re just about at the point where we’re dealing with the Delta variant now. Do you really want to see what Omega looks like?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  20. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    He can post any where he wants here, doesn’t need someone such as you telling him where to go.
    You’ve done a fine enough job here already yourself . You should just stick to what you do best, labeling people fascist, racist, conservatives that don’t look at things or believes as you do. Says a lot about yourself.

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