Covid 19

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wayne Stollings, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    About? One is reporting based on a team of researchers and the other is just going with their own opinion as to what to present ....
  2. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Top Immunologist Dr. Hooman Noorchashm Regrets Voting for Joe Biden After Vaccine Mandate
    BY EWAN PALMER ON 9/13/21 AT 9:47 AM EDT

    "An immunologist has said he regrets voting for Joe Biden because of the president's COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

    Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a former assistant professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, has argued that Americans who already have antibodies from an infection should not be told to get inoculated.

    Noorchashm said any move to mandate Americans who had recovered from the virus to get vaccinated was, "unscientific, unethical and illegal!"

    And he accused Biden of giving one of the most "destructive and divisive speeches" ever given by a president in announcing plans to make all private businesses with 100 or more employees to require staff to have a COVID vaccine or get tested regularly.

    Biden has also announced that all healthcare workers and federal contractors must get vaccinated, meaning the vaccine rules could apply to more than 100 million people.

    In a series of tweets, Noorchashm condemned Biden and his administration and stated that he voted for him as "a McCain republican."

    Noorchashm added on September 10: "It was an error and I now regret it.

    "Last night's chest beating press conference by @POTUS was one of the most destructive and divisive speeches ever given by a US president who claims 2 B a well-reasoned uniter, acting on science.

    "LET ME BE CLEAR @POTUS: To mandate vaccination of any COVID-recovered American against his/her will is unscientific, unethical and illegal! @WhiteHouse U have overstepped and are operating in dangerous territory when it comes to already immune Americans. Cease and desist!"

    He added: "Natural Immunity is AT LEAST AS GOOD as 'full vaccination'! No justification for @POTUS not allowing automatic exemption for the COVID-recovered!"

  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    COVID-related attacks prompt hospital to issue panic buttons
    By JIM SALTERSeptember 28, 2021

    Cox Medical Center Branson is using grant money to add buttons to identification badges worn by up to 400 employees who work in the emergency room and inpatient hospital rooms. Pushing the button will immediately alert hospital security, launching a tracking system that will send help to the endangered worker. The hospital hopes to have the system operational by the end of the year.

    A similar program was successfully tested last year at CoxHealth’s Springfield hospital, spokeswoman Kaitlyn McConnell said Tuesday.

    Hospital data showed that the number of “security incidents” at the Branson hospital rose from 94 in 2019 to 162 in 2020. Assaults rose from 40 to 123 during that same period, and injuries to health care workers rose from 17 to 78. Data for 2021 was not available.

    The delta variant of the virus hit hard in southwestern Missouri starting in June, leaving hospitals so full that many patients were sent to other facilities hundreds of miles away. The hospital in Branson, the popular tourist town known for its many shows and attractions, has been at or near capacity for four months.

    CoxHealth’s director of safety and security, Alan Butler, said the panic buttons “fill a critical void.”

    “Personal Panic Buttons are one more tool in the battle to keep our staff safe and further demonstrate this organization’s commitment to maintaining a safe work and care environment,” Butler said in a statement.

    The Missouri hospital isn’t alone. The Texas Tribune reported earlier this month about the rising number of assaults at Texas hospitals, incidents that officials believe are fueled by a surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

    Jane McCurley, chief nursing executive for Methodist Healthcare System in Texas, said at a news conference in August that staff members at the San Antonio hospital “have been cursed at, screamed at, threatened with bodily harm and even had knives pulled on them.”

    Worldwide, a February report by the Geneva-based Insecurity Insight and the University of California, Berkeley’s Human Rights Center identified more than 1,100 threats or acts of violence against health care workers and facilities last year. Researchers found that about 400 of those attacks were related to COVID-19, many motivated by fear or frustration.

    Assaults on health care workers have been a concern for years, Missouri Hospital Association spokesman Dave Dillon said, but COVID-19 “has changed the dynamic in a number of ways.” Among them: The effort to slow the spread of the virus means relatives often can’t accompany a sick person, raising already-high stress levels.

    Jackie Gatz, vice president of safety and preparedness for the Missouri Hospital Association, said the use of a button alert is among many steps hospitals are taking to protect workers. Security cameras are being added, and some security personnel are wearing body cameras. CoxHealth added security dogs late last year in Springfield.

    The Missouri Hospital Association also provides training to help workers protect themselves, including training on how to recognize and de-escalate when someone becomes agitated. Gatz said nurses and staff also are encouraged to stand between the hospital bed and the door.

    “You can control your environment without necessarily placing physical barriers,” Gatz said.
  4. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    So all other mandated vaccines are "unscientific"? The rest of the claims are spurious as the person is clearly not an expert in ethics or the law. It seems the political aspect is all you have or are interested in since there are serious questions about the natural immunity level of those who have the differing levels of infection.
  5. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    A comparison of the US and the other industrialized nations ..... we're # last.....


  6. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    BobF likes this.
  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  8. BobF

    BobF Well-Known Member

    I sure hope this ends up being effective, but "showing promise" seems to be a bit of an exaggeration:

    Among patients taking molnupiravir, 7.3% were either hospitalized or died at the end of 30 days, compared with 14.1% of those getting the dummy pill. There were no deaths in the drug group after that time period compared with eight deaths in the placebo group, according to Merck. The results were released by the company and have not been peer reviewed. Merck said it plans to present them at a future medical meeting.

    Let's see what the peer reviews say. If it ends up helping to save lives with no horrible side-effects, great!
    DWK and Wayne Stollings like this.
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Senior Garda appointed to lead investigation into Donegal hospital incident

    Covid patient Joe McCarron encouraged to leave against medical advice and later died
    Sun, Sep 26, 2021, 18:28
    Conor Gallagher Crime Correspondent

    A senior Garda has been appointed to oversee an investigation into an incident during which a Covid patient was encouraged to leave a Co
    Donegal hospital against medical advice.

    The patient, Joe McCarron (67) from Dungloe was readmitted to Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) a day later and put on a ventilator. He died on Friday without regaining consciousness and was buried on Sunday afternoon.

    In a widely shared video Antonio Mureddu, an Italian restaurant owner with a long history of conspiratorial and far-right activism, claimed to be “rescuing” Mr McCarron, and falsely claimed that treatment in the hospital would “kill” the patient.

    One doctor told Mr McCarron that leaving the hospital would risk “endangering” his life. “It’s a very difficult disease that you have, and I’m not lying to you, you could die, but this could be your best chance in the hospital,” the staff member told the patient.

    “It’s better that he die in the house than he dies here,” Mr Mureddu responded before escorting the patient out of the hospital. “We are so happy we have saved Joe’s life,” he said in a later video, before Mr McCarron was rushed back to the hospital.

    Gardaí in Donegal have since been advised to be careful if dealing with Mr Mureddu. In a circular issued to all members in the county, officers were warned there is concern about him passing on Covid-19 due to his previous behaviour, a garda source confirmed.

    It is understood at least one other similar incident occurred at the same hospital in recent weeks during which staff were falsely accused of providing improper care to patients.

    “An Garda Síochána continues to investigate a number of recent incidents which occurred at Letterkenny University Hospital,” a Garda spokeswoman said on Sunday.

    “A senior investigating officer is appointed to oversee the investigation.”

    Far-right supporter
    Mr Mureddu, a former Italian soldier, carried out the “rescue” with assistance from members of the Common Law Information Centre in nearby Ballybofey. The group promotes a bizarre interpretation of the law which states legislation only apply to people if they consent to it.

    Common law groups came to prominence during the recession when homeowners facing bank repossessions were encouraged to frustrate the court process using tactics such as not recognising the court and attempting to perform citizens’ arrests on judges.

    In one video published after Mr McCarron left the hospital, Mr Mureddu and Michael McGee of the Common Law Information Centre advise followers to use baseless common law tactics and documents to carry out similar actions in other hospitals.

    Mr Mureddu said it was Mr McCarron who requested his assistance.

    Company records show Mr Mureddu, who also goes by Antonio Gravegliu, is the director of the company which owns the Headford Arms Ristopub in Headford, Galway.

    He is a supporter of the Italian far-right Lega party and in 2019 sought to host a meeting for Irish supporters of the party in his restaurant.

    Mr Mureddu was recently pulled over by a garda for speeding. In a video he uploaded, Mr Mureddu, who is sitting in the front seat of his car, denies he was driving and tells the garda “I am the master and you are the servant.”

    In a Tweet on Saturday, former justice minister Alan Shatter, said the garda should clarify whether the incident at LUH was the subject of a Garda investigation.

    He earlier said the people involved should be prosecuted.

    Mr Mureddu was contacted by The Irish Times last week and again on Sunday for comment but did not respond.

    ‘Very sad day’
    Mr McCarron, born in 1954, was a former radio DJ who was well known in Dungloe. More recently, he was a carer to his wife of 38 years, Una.

    Fr Eddie Gallagher told mourners at his funeral Mass: “This is a very sad day, and we think of the bereaved who are broken-hearted on this day.”

    A special welcome was given to Mr McCarron’s friends at the Mass, especially those in the AA fellowship.

    Fr Gallagher said: “ Life can be a bumpy road. I’m sure Joe had many good days and did many good deeds, especially in AA.

    “I’m sure, like us all, he made mistakes. We ask God today to reward him for his good works and forgive him for any wrong he may have done.”

    Prayers were said for the doctors and nurses who helped Mr McCarron and worked with him in LUH.

    Last week, a family spokesman said after he returned to hospital that Mr McCarron’s wife Una wanted to apologise to hospital staff for what had happened and criticised those who helped remove him from hospital as “reckless”.
  10. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I don't get any sick days, so I must not be high paid as others have suggested.
    BuzzMyMonkey likes this.
  11. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Or just that you cannot read the chart correctly as it says that 95% not 100% of the higher paid tiers have sick days. I never had sick days per se because I was salary and the reasons for time off were only tracked fir vacation days.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Supreme Court Refuses to Block NYC Teacher Vaccine Mandate as Shot Deadline Expires
    About 93% of teachers are vaccinated, with hours to go before the deadline, Mayor de Blasio said
    Published October 1, 2021

    What to Know
    • New York City had given public school employees until 5 p.m. Friday to get at least their first vaccine shot, or face suspension without pay when schools open on Monday
    • Teachers opposed to the city’s vaccine mandate for public school educators and other staff filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking an emergency injunction that would keep it from going into effect
    • That group faced another defeat near the end of the business day Friday when Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied the request
    Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has denied a request from New York City teachers hoping to get a last minute injunction to stop the city's vaccine mandate for educators and school staff.

    New York City's roughly 148,000 school employees had until 5 p.m. to get at least their first COVID-19 vaccine shot, or face suspension without pay when schools open on Monday.

    But Mayor Bill de Blasio says the number of unvaccinated employees is shrinking -- as of Friday morning, 90% of Department of Education employees, 93% of teachers and 98% of principals have had at least one dose of a vaccine. For teachers in particular, that's up three percentage points from just last Monday.

    The vaccination deadline had been delayed from Monday to Friday after a back-and-forth legal battle between the city and a group of teachers who oppose the mandate. That anti-mandate group sought to receive an emergency injunction from the U.S. Supreme Court to block the implementation of the city's vaccine mandate.

    The petition asked Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is the circuit justice for this part of the country, to issue an emergency injunction blocking the mandate, which they claim would force thousands of public school employees out of work if it were to remain in place. Late Friday, the justice denied the request without referring the case to the full court.

    NYC Teachers Ask Supreme Court to Block City's Vaccine Mandate
    A group of NYC teachers is taking their fight against the city's vaccine mandate for educators to the Supreme Court. NBC New York's Andrew Siff reports.
    "In attempting to combat the COVID-19 virus, the City of New York, the
    Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene created an Executive Order that places an unconstitutional burden on public-school teachers," lawyers for the teachers wrote in their 12-page petition.

    The state's order would violate a teacher's fundamental right to pursue an occupation, the lawyers told the court, and teachers who fail to get the vaccine will never be able to return to work.
    The previous block to the mandate had prompted the mayor to reimplement the policy weekly testing for staff who do not produce proof of vaccination.

    As of Monday, de Blasio had said 87 percent of all DOE personnel were at least partially vaccinated, including 90 percent of teachers and 97 percent of principals. The UFT said 97 percent of its members are at least partially vaccinated as well.

    The battle over the safety of city classrooms is occurring as the state of New York is sparring in court with opponents of its vaccine mandate for workers at hospitals and nursing homes.

  14. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member


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  15. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    My phone's intuitive autocorrect is fantastically screwed up. The correct word should have been "for" ... thanks for showing that one letter confused you so completely.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
    DWK likes this.
  16. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  17. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

  18. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

  19. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Two simple things that would really help you with your lack of sleep is exercise and diet. You simply cannot sit around motionless on your wide rump all day eating chocolate cake and everything and anything.

    "Obesity is a common, serious, and costly chronic disease. Having obesity puts people at risk for many other serious chronic diseases and increases the risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Everyone has a role to play in turning the tide against obesity and its disproportionate impact on racial and ethnic minority groups."

  20. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    You have been fighting against that autocorrect feature for years. At your age, have you considered the Jitterbug?:

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