Crate training? Input please.

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by djmix, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. Yeah, he is in there longer than 6 hours... :oops:

    8 hours at night, and about 8 during the day. But he doesn't pee in there at night. The blanket stays intact until he pees on it.

    So, a bigger crate and maybe try newspaper?

    It'll be much better when I am home during the day, I think.
  2. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Now that is a mess that you need to see at least once, if he is into shreading stuff. My girl had a HAYDAY!!! Kept her entertained at least...:lol: :lol: :lol: I have a rotation of about 3 towels I put in her crate. And she is already in need of a new crate too... her head is already rubbing the top at almost 6 months. Looks like freakin' bambi with her legs! :lol:
  3. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    luckily she hasn't pooped on any towels. Paper just grosses me out when you have to peel if off the floor of the cage. blaaaah! :lol:
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, no poop here - just pee.

    You are right bout the bambi appearance, Koo!

    And the head is rubbing the top.

    I think he is just a dirty dog, Ken. He LOVES to be outside and will run, and leap, and dig for hours on end.
  5. PLRL

    PLRL Guest

    The dog can no longer stand up straight and stretch out?
    What the ****? That is against the Johnston county animal ordinance.
    This is clearly animal abuse what you are doing, and i'm shocked that the furballs or the JCAPL posters on here have kept their mouths shut.
    I'm going to drive by your house and snap a picture. If this is not corrected in a couple of days, I will report you to animal control.
    You are clearly not in compliance with the law. Why even have the dog?
    It's like someone who has two DWI's and keeps on drinking and driving, it's nuts!
  6. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    ^^^^and do you have every fact?

    Do you know whether they are or are not planning on getting a bigger crate?! Heck, she could be getting my crate for large pooches since my dog doesn't use it anymore, and just not mentioning that here.

    Get all the facts before jumping down someone's throat!
  7. PLRL

    PLRL Guest

    Listen Frogger... I READ the facts that Cleopatra wrote!
    I have it printed out and have driven by and taken a picture of the dog in the small crate! Figures that the likes of YOU would defend her and animal abuse/cruelty! She is in violation of the Johnton County Code that was changed for situations like this!
    I advise that you hop your frog ass down to her and give her the crate TODAY, because if that dog is STILL living like that, I will be calling animal control and showing them the picture.


    Animals to Fare Better in Johnston County
    The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved changes to the Animal Control Ordinance Monday, September 13, 2004. Roger Davis, Director of Animal Services in Johnston County, proposed the changes. About 30 people attended the public hearing. JCAPL was represented by members who came forwarded and expressed their concerns and support of the changes.

    The following paragraph was added to the "cruel treatment" section of the ordinance:

    "For the purpose of this section, 'adequate shelter' for dogs primarily housed outside a residence shall include a doghouse or other shelter adequate to provide protection from weather and a sanitary space; doghouses, or similar shelter must be large enough to allow the animal to stand up and turn 360 degrees without touching the walls; the confinement areas must provide adequate shade and access to fresh clean water; chains must have a minimum of 10 feet to allow adequate movement for the animal."

    The new fee schedule is as follows:

    Redemption of animals taken into the shelter was raised $25 for the first impoundment, up from $5; $50 for the second impoundment, up from $10; and $100 for the third impoundment, up from $25.

    Redemption fees for animals confiscated because their animals violated certain sections of the Animals Control Ordinance were raised to $50 for the first offense, up from $25; $100 for the second offense, up from $50; and $200 for the third offense, up from $100

    Boarding fees were raised to $5 per day, from $2, and the quarantine fee was raised to $75, from $25.

    These changes will help to promote responsible pet ownership and better ensures that the basic needs of companion animals are met. They will empower animal control personnel to enforce animal protection and control laws. The animals in Johnston County thank you Roger!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    And you know where she lives? UMMMMMM SCARY!
  9. PLRL

    PLRL Guest

    Yes.. Because I'm friends with her. I can tolerate most everything that she spews out, but this I can't.
    She's a good friend, but her priorities are screwed up on certain things, and friend or no friend, I'm worried about the dog.
  10. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    If you are a friend, why didn't you know about this until it was posted on a website? If you are a friend, why didn't you approach your friend and discuss this instead of posting on a website?
  11. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    So as a good friend, are you 100% sure that she and I are not working out a deal...right now...for her to get my crate that will hold a 150 lb dog??

    I don't think so.

    I have enemies nicer than you. If one of my "friends" posted like that here, instead of having the nads to talk to me face to face for as long as it took to get something done, then they'd no longer be a friend of mine. Just a coward.

    <Frogger Out>
  12. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    <sniff sniff> I smell BULL SPLIT!!!
    her dog is an inside dog... and the crate is inside...
    So how did you drive by her house again?

    I know those 2 facts and I have never met the broad. :lol:

    Come back when you have peas in your pea shooter!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. PLRL

    PLRL Guest

    Her pool pump is on the inside? Know your facts before you defend something that doesn't pertain to you at all! And the picture speaks a thousand words!
  14. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    wow... she was talking about a kennel she doesn't even have yet. And you took pictures of a kennel she doesnt even have yet.

    And don't miss understand what I am doing here... I am point out your stupidity! NOT defending Cleo.... she can do a fine job of that herself, she by FAR doesn't need my help. :wink:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    you are really giving me an awesome laugh this morning!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    exact problem i had with a dog a long time ago, he would pee in his area and we were not gone really long. but i think this is a great tool if you can get the dog trained.

    EXCELLENT POST DEVILOCK!! he pretty much sums it up.

    let me say that again... EXCELLENT POST DEVILOCK!! I AM IMPRESSED WITH WHAT YOU SAID ON THAT SUBJECT.!! can i have my 20.00 now. lol. ok washing brown off nose.

    just kidding..
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    pl whatever it is wrote:

    Her pool pump is on the inside? Know your facts before you defend something that doesn't pertain to you at all! And the picture speaks a thousand words![/quote]

    cleo, this is not a friend!!!

    hummmm, and in return are you stalking her and posting personal info about her on the internet. that is what it sounds like to me. court goes both ways babe. 8) someone dont forget to print this out. and get lind to run the ip address. she just stated she is buying a new one, or are you just stupid. I am sure you are exaggerating. i am sure the dog can stand and move.

    danm people like you..driving by others houses,, being nosey, cant mind your business. you must have NO LIFE. i feel for you. and everything else she stated, she obviously cares for the dog, laundering its blankets and such.

    ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. let me get out of this. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
  17. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Easy titty! Don't bust a stitch!! :lol: Didn't you see where I called BULL? Don't let this person goad you... it's just ain't worth it. :D :wink:
  18. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I havent really read this whole post, so there may be way more here going on then I know.... (too much reading, not enough time)


    I have raised puppies for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. They are an excellent organization that raises some of the best guide dogs out there.

    They crate train. My puppies would grow up knowing they had a safe warm place to go. While guide dogs are training if they cannot be with their human, they need to be crated. It is not a terrible place. My adults would come and go as they pleased and would choose to go in their crate when they wanted a break from us. (one would gather his toys and put them in there when he was mad at us!!)

    The SPCA also recommends crate training as a source of house breaking and keeping the pups out of trouble while humans are not home. (but they can only stay in the crate a few hours at a time)

    If done right, crate training can be a wonderful situation to both dog and owner.

    Ok- back to your previous arguing. :)
  19. PLRL

    PLRL Guest

    I believe in crate training also. (If it's done right)
    Did you crate any of your guide dogs where they could "No longer stand up straight and can not stretch out" I would bet a million dollars that the animals that you trained were not kept in situations like that.

    My puppies have always been crate trained.

    I'm not against crate training at all, I'm against a dog that can't stand up straight and NOT stretch out.
    That is inexcusable and against the Johnston County ordinances.

    Cleopatra wrote:
    Ken, the crate has a depth of about 36 inches, and is about 30 inches tall. I thought this was huge when we first got it, but the dog can no longer stand up straight and can not stretch out. I'd measure him, but I can't catch him right now! I'd say he is close to 50 lbs @ 10 months old.

    He pees all over his blankets, then balls them up in one end of the crate. Always has
  20. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member


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