Critter Country - i don't get it

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    i just do not get why a business in our neck of the woods would want to close before folks get home from work:confused:

    I have always thought that about the car repair places in our area. We have been to several that close at 5:30 and we have to leave work early in Raleigh to get there in time to pick up our car. CRAZY!!!!
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Or not be open on Sundays... that irks me as well.
  3. lucas3nc

    lucas3nc Guest

    Critter Country closing early

    We would like to apologize to anyone who has been inconvenienced by us changing our hours at Critter Country. While we realize some individuals work during the day and may not pass by until after 6 p.m., we are staying open late on Fridays and we are open both Saturday and Sunday. We had to make a choice that was best for our family so that we can all have some time together too.

    We are not specifically catering to any one group of people, but we are however, making sure to take our family into consideration. We are hoping to be a "family pet shop" that everyone can be comfortable shopping at.

    Having said that - we hope to increase availability of our products to individuals who may not have the time to stop in to our shop. Please be on the lookout for updates to our website to include on-line ordering and delivery for a nominal fee.

    If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at the shop. We do value all of our customers. Please check in a month or so for updates.
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I'm not familiar with the business, however this response is one of the more professional and customer-service oriented responses I've seen to a complaint made about a local business here on the forum.

    An honest explanation and a sincere display of customer concern.

    Good job!:hurray:
  5. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I agree as well, very well said!!!!!
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I was impressed as well. Out of my way, but I will make a point to stop in the next time I am at 4042.
  7. mimi2

    mimi2 Active Member

  8. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    If you are over in Raleigh try Pet Super Market or Pet Mania or Pet Supply Plus we shop at all of them. They carry alot of things that the big box stores don't and their prices are competitive.
  9. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I love Pet Supply Plus on Wake Forest Rd. If they don't carry it, they will order it for you!
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know anything about keeping a pet turtle? My son wants a pet in the worst way, but I don't want a dog, hubby doesn't want a cat, and we can't agree on anything else. Our son would have a whole farm of animals if he could. Someone suggested a turtle, thinking low maintenance, they can't run away, etc. I thought I had heard you shouldn't keep them as pets due to some sort of disease they carry, am I imagining this, or is this true? He loves all animals, including snakes, lizards, turtles, fish, etc. so I know he'd be happy with anything, but he's killed fish (not on purpose, by playing with it) and I don't want birds or snakes, or spiders of any kind, hubby doesn't want rabbits (I wouldn't mind, they're cute) and we've done the frog and lizard thing before...
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    How old is your son DMJ? Sounds to me like him and Thing One would be bestest friends.

    And I was wondering. I see tree frogs, and skinks, and lizards for sale as pets - $15.00 and up. Couldn't I just turn my little Crocodile Hunter loose in the yard to catch her own? Or maybe run her own pet business - we would sale them for a discount, since alot of them wind up tail-less....

  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Cleo - he's 8. But when he's in the yard on a "hunt" he's in his own world! There's nothing that comes between him and his prey, it's really funny. He loves frogs, lizards, all that stuff. I don't think you can keep wild frogs and lizards for long, but don't know for sure, something you can look into. He did have for a while a frog and lizard that someone had given us, but we hated having to go buy the crickets and feed them, and then taking them out to clean the tank, they'd get out and there'd be a frog jumping around the house, gross to me! He'd think it was hysterical, us not so much! We do let him catch things outside, and keep them for the day, but at nighttime he has to let them go. This week he's into catching butterflies. But we don't let him keep them very long, because as far as we know, they only drink nectar, (this is what he knows, he's more up on this than we are) so we don't want them to die)
  14. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I was trying to remember why my sis got rid of her kids' turtles....the Salmonella. She did not do much research before she let them get the turtles on a family vacation one year. She said the tank was also hard to keep up. Just some input for your decision! I have personally never had one except for those who take up in your back yard!
  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thanks Bizzel and PG, where exactly is the Pet Supply Plus? Wake Forest is not too far from where i work.

    The answer from the owners of Critter Country was very nice and i appreciate the response but still doesn't help take care of all the zoo so unfortunately i need to find another place to shop. If i am home during the hours they are open i will try to stop by but when ya work so many hours - convenience becomes the priority.
  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Darn it! That's what I thought...thanks Hugh. That would have been perfect. It does say under 4" though, I wonder what if it's over 4", if it's ok? I'll have to look into it more I guess. Of course, I don't want one much bigger. We could get a hampster, but I don't really want any rodents, we have a mouse problem in the winter as it is, don't want to attract any more!! I wish my husband would just let us get a cat, then we'd all be happy! Anyone have any other ideas for an easy to care for, hard to kill pet? Hubby and son #2 also have allergies, so that's something to keep in mind as well...
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I had a hermit tree crab as a youth, I mean if you really tried you could kill it. Not a hell of a lot of personality but more interesting than a fish and the shells can be customized.
  18. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I have heard Guinea pigs make good kid said no rodents, but Rats are up there on the good kid pet list too!!
  19. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    :lol: Hugh - He's not trying to kill them, I hope that's not what you think! He's loving them too much! He had a fish for 24 hours, and took it out of the tank to play with it in the sink with his tub toys. He was 5 or 6 at the time. Last week at the beach, he spent 4 hours in the water with a net, and just kept catching fish with his net on the shore and putting them (minnows?) in his tiny little plastic fish tank, and then when we left he'd put them back in the ocean, but only half of them were alive by then. At home he catches flies just to show me he can catch them. He will catch ants, spiders, lizards, bugs of any kinds. He loves frogs, and will catch 4 or 5 on any given night. You might remember a month or two ago he caught a baby bunny and was devastated when it got away...I still don't know how he caught that thing, it was FAST! I'm so happy we've never seen a snake in our yard, because I know that he would go up and try to touch it, and I don't know which ones are dangerous. All I know is I've watched enough Animal Planet with him to know that bright colors normally means poison/danger and to stay away!
  20. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    No, I didn't think he would try to kill them! Just saying that with room temperature, a tank, water (in a very shallow dish) and some tree crab food it is hard to kill them. He will have to resist the urge to pull them out of their shell however. :mrgreen:

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