Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Bingo ......and the answer is......... YOU KNOW MORE than you're letting on, which is real pathetic.
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I think we all know a girl or two who has pulled this stunt. It is not uncommon, and sad for both parties involved.
  3. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thankyou! I agree! BUT this whole thing sounds strange. I'm sorry but something is off WAY OFF. I don't know any of these people but I just find it hard to believe that the whole truth is being told here. I can not imagine what this mom is going through ( and hope to god I never know) I have read the threads and I am now wondering if some things got deleted or did I miss something some where? Is there a restraining order against the boys mother? If so why? Those orders are not easy to come by. Why are the police not helping unless they know something we don't?
  4. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    I was going to call her...
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    See if she'll scan in a copy of her test... and not a stick somebody else used. I might have a few for sale though, if she would like to strengthen her position. ;) But, they are just sticks. I've even seen them on Ebay.

    And no, I'm not being serious here. Just snarking, now. :lol:
  6. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    And I say yet again, you can jump to your conclusions and have your conspiracy theories, but as far as Daniel's whereabouts, you guys propably have a better clue than I do about that.

    As far as the restraining order, after finding out about the pregnancy, Daniel's mom went to the school and cursed her out and disenrolled her son from school in order to cut all lines of comm from beth. Yet after receiving it she insists on going back and waiting for her to go to one of her classes, which is in violation of the order I might add. But as far as the RO that is all i know.
  7. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    anyway...Ill talk to her, she wouldn't cry wolf on this because she knows I would flip out ( and I did) when she told me first. Yes there is a possibility that the baby may have been lost and their is a possibility that she may still have it. But I know for sure there was a baby at one point in time.
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    As with any situation, I say a sieve is most helpful in discerning the truth. Simply throw all the he saids/she saids in, give it a good shake, and what is left will be closer to the truth than anything. *Warning* Sometimes the truth IS stranger than fiction.

  9. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    this stuff is just not making sense now.
  10. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    Wow you actually went and looked for a picture of a sieve lol. I'd rather the truth be out completely so everyone can make accurate accusations.
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I like visuals. :)
  12. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Kaos, according to your myspace, this said girl seems to have MANY issues going on!
  13. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


  14. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    apparently the truth is that she's pulled this "i'm pregnant" routine before. i believe it was stated by someone other than daniel's mom that her son was also involved with this girl at one time. what do you know about that? is there a precedent?

    and as cleo already asked, how are you so positive that she really was pregnant if you're 1000 miles away? because she told you so? because she would never lie to YOU, right? take off the blinders, dude. you haven't lived here or been part of her day to day life in 2 years by your own admission. she was, what, 14 or 15 then? alot can change in two years. you can say you feel like she's your little sister, but do you really know her anymore? people change, especially teenagers.

    i'm not defending daniel's mom so much as getting you to maybe take a step back and try to get a little objectivity...
  15. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    Im aware of that as well

    As things may change she wouldnt lie about something that severe but ya and she was pregnant had test and all.
  16. Pyro

    Pyro Guest


    Actually i am a really good friend of beths and i went to the doctor with her. Saw the test results myself. so yeah she is pregnant . And ive been hanging out wit beth a lot since Daniel's mom started following her around and she has had no contact with him, she cries to me a lot asking where he is and she really wants him to be found, ur time finding this kid could be better spent looking for him other than harassing the same family over and over again. Thats crazy!! oo yeah and you guys call us immature, you looked for kaos on myspace, you got to be kidding right?!
  17. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    just to clarify- no one has stated that she claimed preganacy before (at least I didn't). As far as I know this is the first time. Were there issues mirror image to Daniel's with my son -yes but not the pregnancy thing. Not defending anyone -just clarifying.
  18. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    There you go

    I know this guy and he is alot closer with Beth than I am. But on the myspace note, I was shocked too...almost impressed.
  19. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    (her own words)

    She's always confused, failing her classes and can't hold a job.....
  20. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Cleo is good like that :)

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