Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Ah finally a teenage voice of reason, there is hope for the generation yet:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  2. Kiddo_08

    Kiddo_08 Member

    OHHHH stand there and cry about a baby being a mistake - hey the mistake is the 15 year old having sex... lets talk about bad parenting now??!!!!!!

    A baby is a great thing between a husband and wife who support themselves - not two highschoolers with a lame job, still living with mommy and daddy. Then all it is.. is a burden is societies morals and taxes....

    A mistake is a spelling error or a stupid comment not an underage kid doing it.
  3. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    ITT: Newfags fail at trolling.
  4. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    he you basically said it, i just summed it up!! maybe you need to be sharpened or are we not the brightest crayon in the box this afternoon!
  5. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    :: breathes heavily::

    They are on to me >.>

    Their superior intellects are too much for me....must...do as they have done ....and gone to community college for a semester......

    :: passes out::
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    The girl is only 15:shock::shock::shock: i assumed 17 by Kaos's remark about 2 years.
  7. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    lawls joo 1337?
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

  9. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Dag...I gotta meet you! I'm in love...well, in internet form ...:lol::lol::lol::jester:
  10. Kiddo_08

    Kiddo_08 Member

    she is 17 now. i think
  11. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Oh Nevil is a sweetie, he has been brave enough to come to some of our get togethers:lol:
  13. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Now a WoW player joins us. This shall be a forum war of epic proportions!!
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Oh please Mr. testosterone filled gas bag. My skin you will never get under so please don't waste your time trying. You'll have better results trying to make a corpse mad.
  15. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Sure, if I can make one more point...

    Pyro, explain to me how this makes any sense...

    If Daniel was in love with Beth as he said he was before he left, wanted to marry her, wanted to move in with her, wanted to be there for her and the baby every step of the way... and he left my house because I was supposedly keeping them apart... why would he not have contacted her by now?

    If Daniel was NOT in love with Beth the way he said he was and he really didn't want to "Man Up" and deal with the baby, why would he leave my house when my keeping them apart would have been a perfect excuse for him not to have to deal with her.

    The logic just doesn't wash. I believe that Beth has no idea where Daniel is now. I truely believe that. But there is absolutely no way that Daniel left my house without telling Beth where he was going, or without calling her to let her know he was OK. If she hasn't heard from him in a week or two, I'd buy that. But I do not for one minute believe that she has not seen or spoken to him since before he left. There's no way he left my house without contacting her, at least during the first couple of days. If I can find out where he was then it might put me on his trail and help me figure out where he is now. But according to Beth, she hasn't heard from him since before he left.

    I'm not buying it.
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    AND I REPEAT.........

  17. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    No. Obvious troll is obvious. fail moar.
  18. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Which is the scary thing!!! It means idiots like you are procreating....Please use a condom!
  19. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    school must be out. i'm so thankful that my teens have more respect for themselves and adults than the ones posting on here.
  20. Gasoleendreams

    Gasoleendreams Active Member

    Thank you John Madden. Now i'm sure you have a 70 to grind. ::waves bye::

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