Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member


    Before all this happened, I spoke to Beth a couple of times about how she was doing. Like I said before, and like I've told her before, if she's carrying my grandchild I want nothing more than for she and my son to - one day- be a happily married couple and to have a great relationship with my daughter-in-law.

    I spoke with her ex-boyfriend this past Friday, though, who knows that Beth and I can't talk right now because of the no-contact order. He called to let me know that on Tuesday (that would be Tuesday of last week), Beth told him that she'd lost the baby. Any way you can confirm this for me? Is she still carrying my grandchild?

  2. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    I agree

    We did get off subject about the whole thing, Yes he needs to at least contact his mother nad g/f to let him know hes alright, an no mam i havent heard about that i will confirm that later and get back to you, so yeah! But how about we put this as there is noone to blame, everyone said things here that were out of line, so lets just get back to what is important.
  3. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

  4. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Help spreading the word...

    Anyone who can and is willing to help me spread the word about the vigil, I'd surely appreciate it. Announce it in your own worship service Sunday morning or see if your church will put something in the bulletin... call other area churches to make sure they're aware... send an email or leave voicemail for the TV and radio stations... etc.

    The more people who call - especially the TV and Radio Stations, the more likely they'll pay attention.

    Thanks for everyone's help!!

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  5. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    So your done ba mouthing beth and her family?! And you believe that i myself, kaos, caligirl and beth and her family are not hiding daniel and have no clue where he is?
  6. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Read the thread, Pyro. I've not ever badmouthed Beth, I've told the factual story of what happened to myself and my son. And I've said earlier, more than once, I don't believe Daniel left without calling Beth to let her know he was OK, and I think she probably knew where he went initially, but I do not believe that she knows where he is now. I've said that multiple times.
  7. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    you know what i meant!!
  8. Pyro

    Pyro Guest

    Actually you did you blamed him leaving on beth, and his choices on beth. So all in aall you did!
  9. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    I blamed what was going on and how it was handled for interfering with my ability to parent my son and for Daniel not being given an opportunity to think things through on his own. Daniel, ultimately, made his own choice. The decision was his, but I don't believe he was given time to breathe, space to think for himself, or an opportunity to work things through with his mother without pressure from the other side. He was basically asked to choose between a girlfriend he'd only had for a few months, and his entire family - and I wasn't the one asking him to choose - I was asking him to slow down, quit rushing things, and remember that he was still my son. I think Daniel felt caught in a tug of war. In my opinion, at 16, I was the only one who had a right to be pushing or pulling him in any direction. And as a Mom, it would have been 100% impossible for me to just let go. Neither my heart nor my concience would have let me.

    Thanks, Pyro, for remembering that the goal here is to find Daniel and make sure he's safe. If you have, or get, any information at all, I hope you'll call me. Even if the info is old - if you don't know where he is now, but have information on where he was at one time - even that would be helpful.

    If I could just ask one thing it'd be this: Remember that I'm his mom. Consider how much I love him. And try to imagine what you would do to protect the one thing in the world you love more than anything else - the one thing you'd lay down your life for. Then decide whether or not to help me.
  10. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    That'll be the last word from me on this board about what happened in the past. If you have questions about it, feel free to call 919-673-0330, but I won't respond here. If you have questions about the search for Daniel, suggestions, offers to help, or information about where he is or where he's been, post away. I'll reply as soon as I can.

  11. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    Pyro, I don't know anyone involved in this situation, and that is fine. However, as a parent, I would like to help this mother find her son. I would hope that someone would do that for me. But, you have asked if we could get back to the point of this thread, and she agreed. But, you keep going with the talking. Just drop the badmouthing, and accusing. Let's find Daniel.
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    If everyone would quit responding to the people who just want to argue, they would eventually just go away.

    I can only speak for myself but I am getting annoyed with the back and forth high school drama and 14 threads to keep up with. The issue at hand, is losing its luster.
  13. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    If anyone is helping to hide Daniel - they should read this:


    Franklinton, N.C. — A Louisburg teen was arrested Wednesday in connection with the disappearance of a 14-year-old girl who was found Tuesday.
  14. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Kudo to all of you who are trying to keep this thing to the point.

    i may have said things that people didn't like. I sometimes get carried away when I feel strongly about something. Perhaps "the girl" and her mom are not directly responsible but more indirectly responsible. for that they can not be held accountable. Who know - until Daniel gets back we don't know. I never blamed them for the direct disappearance - that I recall - just the influence.

    My opinion of "the girl" and her mom STANDS. I know stuff and from those things I have made my opinion. I don't care who doesn't like it - it is my opinion.

    Kaos is in college and when I knew him was a good guy - sounds like he still is.
    Pryo - I'm glad reason finally got to you - through who, I don't know.... good

    i am not convinced that all is well until the day I hear that he has contacted his mother.
  15. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Completely ....... :iagree:
  16. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I've told these kids in past posts that this could happen and look at that.....Now, do you now see? DO THE RIGHT THING.
  17. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Heard some enlightening info this morning on the news in regards to this copy and paste from a previous post on this thread:

    "95% of teenagers under the age of 18 are having sex, take a poll of the school, i bet there are probly only a few that havent had sex. SEX IS GONNA HAPPEN. You cant stop it"

    According to GMA, they are discouraged because the rate of kids under 18 who have had sex is 48%, up from 46% last year. So obviously either West is double the national average or the poster is misinformed. Just thought i would throw that in for you parents of teenagers to ease your fear a little.
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    come on Kaci, of course the poster that said that is wrong...teenagers who are dumb enough to have sex at that age think that ALL teenagers do it, it makes it seem ok.
  20. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    That must be the 1/2 that just talk the talk... and don't actually walk the walk.. they need to pretend to be cool ya' know!


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