Daniel Johnson - Missing. Do you have info?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littlered74, May 29, 2008.

  1. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    I will be at the vigil pepper! I look forward to meeting you in person Tracy. I have asked my son to join us and I know the word has gotten to some of the other raiders!
  2. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    if would be very nice for someone to contact COl.S and 1 and 2 to show that we are at least supporting the idea that he contact his mom by phone.

    THe cadet creed may not say honor thy mother and father but it is close - the other creed says that..lol
  3. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    the flier just said "look for me" with some identifying details and her picture. i'll try to get back over there and get better details
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  5. TJ1947

    TJ1947 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Dangerboy. I may be able to get by there myself tomorrow night. I'll look too.
  6. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I think the police need to pay a visit to every teen who they haven't already talked to and make it crystal clear that what they are doing is not OK. One of them is bound to get scared enough to talk. Hell I wish I could talk my husband into putting his uniform on and having a little chat with these kids. I can't even IMAGINE how frustrating it is to know that there are kids who have information and are not sharing it. It makes me want to go to the high school or whatever right now myself and just yell down the halls that somebody had better give up the information! Ugh. This just upsets me so much.
  7. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    they chould visit the grad uation parties too
  8. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member

    That could work

    That may be a good idea, but then again it could also upset alot of people especially those who have no knowledge of the incident. The last thing I would want is police to come to a party celebrating my graduation only to be interrogated by the cops all night...
  9. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    no I guess that wouldn't work - i just thought they could pop in and identify the ones that were there. then go away...lol
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Well, the last thing we want to do is upset kids that might know where he is. <rollseyes>
  11. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    And if the kids don't I guess its ok in your eyes to ruin a party that was supposed to be something special for them based on a possibility...?
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    At some point in time you must realize the simple fact there are many more important things than a party. The other aspect is that if one has such knowledge and keeps it from the proper authorities it may come back to bite them in many ways. It may also bite their friends and relatives. If that happens they have none but themselves to blame.
  13. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    But there's also more important things than having authories interfering with every aspect of your life without any reason to suspect that you have done something wrong. If the only way they can find these kids is to crash their party, they are not very good at their jobs, IMHO.
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  15. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    But take a step back, are you willing to take the responsibility for ruining someone's party because you have a hunch, then possibly having to deal with the repercussions of it i.e. lawsuits for unlawful questioning and apprehension. Not to mention damages from the parents for coming and ruining something they may have planned. You can sue for anything these days...
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    OMG, here we go again with the lawsuit mentality that our nation has fallen prone too, so sad. We have to be so politically correct in everything we say or do and cannot possibly impose on someone's rights or suffer the consequences, right? i guess we are so caught up in the fear of being sued that crimes go unanswered just so we do not hurt anyone's poor little feelings:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  17. Kaos78

    Kaos78 Well-Known Member


    Sorry your dramatics make me laugh, but ya that is true to. Personally I just feel
    that since he left on his own accord, bashing parties of those who may not even know Daniel is a bit over the top. If he was abducted then maybe I could see that. Look at it this way, would you want someone coming to your house and grilling you asking you 21 questions about someone you do not know personally all because they had a hunch? Imagine coming home from along day at work and just as you get ready to relax and settle down for the evening an officer comes to your door. You answer and he asks do you know Daniel, you politely say no, but just because this officer has a hunch he decides that you are lying and continues to ask you questions even though you have no idea who the kid is...tell me you wouldn't be a bit annoyed with this so you can point yourself out as a liar. :)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  18. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member


    Someone who works at the hospital has abumper sticker that says:

    My Karma ran over your Dogma


    I LOVE that bumper sticker! I still chuckle every time I walk past it on my way into work.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    If it were my kid that was missing, sure.

    One day you will have children, Kaos.

    How would it be ruined? Asking a few questions is ruining it? It is very obvious to me from some of the posts on here, that some kids might know more than they are letting on.
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Again, how would the party be ruined???? They ask, they leave. Are you expecting a SWAT Team? Me personally, I consider it my civic duty to answer the officer's questions - even if I find them annoying. Hmmm... Annoyed - Missing Kid. Annoyed - Missing Kid. Missing Kid - "Ruined" Grad Party. Missing Kid - "Ruined" Grad Party.

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