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Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by ForeverFaithful, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    This is beautiful! Thank you I am crying reading this

  2. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: :cry: Your post tug at my heart. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  3. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    You know, I do ok for the most part during the day at work, until it is time to head home. Once I get in the car, my mind starts racing, then when I walk in the door and see Belle's big brown eyes looking at me and the tip of her tail wag, well wag as much as it wags any more, I get a huge lump in my throat. tonight she came in from outside and went to the "toy box" and got her favorite "baby" (which is a stuffed toy she likes) and walked to me with is and then walked around in circles and wagged her tail. She finially sat down in front of me and I scratched her head behind her ears. After a minute she went an laid down on her bed and went to sleep. Heck, she even gave "kisses" tonight which is something she does not do very often any more.

    I think I am going to go to bed now. I have made myself cry so much, I now have a headache!
  4. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    I just did it yesterday at 4:30, she had cancer, we all know it was coming. She just hit a wall yesterday. I was the hardest thing I ever had to do but I knew and she knew it was time. Even though we have 2 kids and 2 other dogs the house feels empty.
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry KDog :grouphug::grouphug:
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  7. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    Thank you. Its hard. This is the 1st time I have had to make this decision. I have 2 more dogs and fear it.
  8. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    kdog ~ I am sorry to hear about your dog. I know how bad you are hurting.

    I think our time may be coming sooner than we planned. I called my folks today and asked to borrow the money so we can put our Belle out of her misery. I think what put the icing on the cake is when my daugher called me at work and told me that she had lost her balance and fell approx 1/2 down the stairs. She wondered upstairs to be with DD to be with her and when DD was coming downstairs, Belle was going with her and her back legs gave out. Then when she told me that she wouldn only take a bite here and there of her dog food, well, I just don't know how much more I can take watching her. My husband called me at my office right before I left and I was telling him about this and we kind of agree, the time is coming sooner than later. After we talked, I started crying and next thing I knew, my boss walked in the door. I was so embarrassed that I was caught crying, especially at work. I am waiting for my folks to call me back and see what they say. If they agree to send the money, we will make arrangements to do this before my daughter gets up, and as much as I hate to lie to her, we decided we would tell her that she never work up and took her to the vets for cremation. She thinks she could handle watching her "go to sleep" but I know better. I don't even know if I can handle it. Now I wait and cry, well cry when no one is looking anyway.
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    FF, for some strange reason it was better for me to see Shelby "go to sleep" than for her just to be dead. Sorry that sounds kinda bad and weird.

    We both held her and rubbed her and told her how much we loved her and that her grandma and grandaddy loved her and that she was going to see Hunter (DH's first dog, got hit by a car) and that we would see her again.

    I am so sorry for anyone who has to go through this. :grouphug:

    KDog, I know what you mean. Mattie is the only one left and it will KILL DH when we have to put her down. She's daddy's girl, for sure!! I hope that's a long way's away.
  10. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Stay with her and love her until the end. You will be glad you did. It was so hard to hold my baby as he faded away but I had never left him when he was in need before so i wouldn't do it then. I am NOT a wealthy person at all (I am a teacher :)) but if your folks can't lend you the money right now, pm me and let me know. I'll see what I can do. I can't stand to see an animal suffer.
  11. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    PG-this is only one example of why I <3 you so much!
  12. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    You're a sweetie! :)

    I truly mean the offer...I would hope someone would do it for me if I ever needed it. Do unto others....
  13. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Here are some current pictures of my girl... Just want to share, it seems to help. Hope you don't mind.

    Me and Belle



    Belle and her baby


  14. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Hubby and our girl

  15. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    What a beautiful girl, and such a sweet face. Thanks for sharing pictures of Belle with us.
  16. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Sweet girl. I'm really sorry.
  17. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    If you don't mind, I am going to put up some pixs of her before she got sick. They are from different years.....

    This morning she did not want to go outside. My husband had carried her upstairs last night to sleep and she did not want to get up this morning. He picked her up and laid her on the bed with me and she laid there for a long time me just talking to her and petting her. The other 2 dogs jumped up on the bed too, and it was crowded, but funny. DH had to practically carry Belle downstairs to put her out to go potty. I think she is definitly letting us know it is time. This weekend we are going to spoil her rotten!!!

    From approx 3 Christmas' ago:



    Kyle and his "girl"


  18. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Chico and Belle:

  19. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    She is a beautiful girl!
  20. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    My mom is overnighting the money to us tomorrow. Looks like we will be doing this either Thursday or Friday, since we won't get the money until Wednesday.

    This is hard thinking about doing it this week. I was just talking to her and she waged her tail, well the best she can. The she just laid her head down. Oh my gosh, I am so stressed right now!!!! This is so hard to think about.

    We have been spoiling her though. Last night she got to clean left overs on the plates. She liked that.

    She really isn't wanting to eat though and trying to get her to take her asprin has been a bit tough. I can guarantee you that she will be spoiled even worse these next few days.

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