Years ago my best friend and I would sit at the pool, on a boring day and play games at "what age is she", my friend was always better at the game than me. One day I asked her how in the world she could be so right 90% of the time, her response "the neck", she takes a real good look at the skin on the neck of all these women and that was the sign of age she used, this wisdom she got from her mom. Most people forget about the neck area and how it shows aging as fast if not faster than around the eyes. So, cover up that neck girl.:lol:
My sis has battled skin cancer a couple of times and after being through that with her, you can call me pastie anyday!
Geesh - I just thought it was kinda funny. You know they check your mouth for cancer and stuff. Guess he's not worried about skin cancer tho. And besides, he's a dark complexion person - doesn't really need to tan. Again- JMHO. :mrgreen:
Back to the original post guys, Maybe she stole alot more than 700.00 but only got to paying back 743. before she was caught. What is Ricco's take on this? He opened too many businesses too fast to be able to watch his people and to give patients appointments right away. Making alot of "extra" cash if he goes to a tanning salon. All the power to him.
How many more assumptions can you pile into one post? And at what point does your post lose all meaning?
ME too! lets do it! my BIL has an inversion table, that thing is wonderful. BUt we could do it old school style, remember when you used to do handstands against the wall? :lol: