If you end up looking for an attorney, these are listed in the 4042.com Business Directory: http://www.4042.com/4042ads/advertise/ad_dir_result.php?id=23
You are absolutely correct and when I typed it I meant to change the spelling but forgot. Learning alot today. Grace
Then I must be the only person on this board who ever exceeds the speed limit. No wonder I can drive 700 miles to Southern Florida in 9.5 hours. You're just perfect Clif, accept my humblest apologies for not recognizing GOD when I see his posts on 4042.com. :roll:
Now that I am learning so much I need to ask this one. Why is it called or stated "Prayer" for Judgment? I would actually like to know but need to get a little "pc" on this one. Would an Atheist be allowed to get a judgment? Grace:mrgreen:
You're very welcome, us damn yankees have to stick together. I'm from MA too, moved here almost 11 years ago. Just get a good shovel to throw the crap back when certain individuals get on their high horses around here.... you'll be just fine! :mrgreen:
I have those moments where my feelings get hurt but one must realize that it is just for a moment on the internet. Believe me I have put my foot into my mouth more than once but everyone hung in with me and I with them and we have a great time and sometimes (like today) learn alot! This is really a great group of people but, I, like Harley think that you need to let it roll off of you. Every family has days where one or another do not get along and that is what we are...a great big old 4042 family. Grace:grouphug:
Same here. Got the poo scared out of me on O'neil St today. Minding my own business, probably 5 over the limit, but I was not hurrying. There was NO ONE behind me when I first turned onto that street, I look in my rear view mirror a minute later and our newest Clayton PD Dodge Charger was ON my bumper. I have no idea where he came from. He wasn't after me, just in real hurry to get to a s/d for some reason.
8 pages to answer the question? can someone that has read all these posts condense the advice in 1 post?
"Prayer" is synonymous with "plea" and it's not a prayer for judgment, it's a prayer for judgment continued, as in postponed to a later date. Otherwise the judgment will be entered at the time. Everybody says "prayer for judgment" or PJC, but either expression is shorthand for "Prayer for judgment continued." Every case ends with a judgment - that might be guilty, not guilty, responsible in the case of infractions, but if you get a PJC that judgment against you is not officially entered.
Thank you Grace. I was just feeling very hurt for asking a question about what DH's options were and having some people make it seem like I was doing something wrong. I will hang in there. I have to say for the most part since we moved here I haven't had a bad experience at all and everyone has been very nice. Meredith
Suggestions offered were: a. get an attorney b. Prayer for Judgement c. handle it yourself and pay the fine Clif is perfect I'm an idiot because I exceed the posted speed limit on occasion :mrgreen: Harley is also an idiot because she goes 5mph over the speed limit KDC also exceeds the speed limit. I think that about sums it up.
You'll be fine, come out and meet the cool peeps on the 21st. There's a thread started by KC on the neighborhood side. We don't bite - well Clif does :lol:
Huh? Prayer and Plea? I will need to look at this. My brain is hurting from learning so much today. Oh, please put those cobwebs back in. Grace
You know those traffic ticket questions always turn into epic threads. OK, in a nutshell: speeders are crazy, irresponsible and dangerous; everybody speeds sometimes; it's not about safety, it's just a way to raise money. Ummm, I think that's about it. Oh, and get a lawyer; don't throw your money away on lawyers you can handle it yourself. Did I leave anything out? Other than the grammar lessons? Oh, btw, a lot is two words. :mrgreen: