Grinder, What is wrong with people discussing both sides or trying to find out what is truth and what is fiction? Although trying to find the truth on issues is very difficult it gives one the opportunity to read about all sides of the issue. I will research this topic when I have a chance and make my mind up at that time. Thanks, Sherry
Clif, Although I state that I am a Liberal many people consider me a Conservative. Funny, huh? I am Conservative on fiscal issues and may be one of the most Conservative on this Forum when it comes to attire for both my teen and me. Many other areas of my life are Conservative but in general I consider myself a Liberal especially when it comes to social issues. Strange how that goes! Good day, Sherry
Why do you focus on TV news? And, if I gave named several, would you then say you chose the wrong words again and ask, "What TV News between channels 56 and 60, besides Fox News, is considered having a conservative bias?"
Yeah, real funny. I would suggest you ask those people to please return to the infimary and have their meds increased. I have yet to see evidence of that. For example, you have argued in favour of "universal" healthcare. Not allowing your teenager to wear a bikini top to school does not make you a conservative. Once again, I have yet to see evidence of this, but time will tell.
Why must you blow EVERYTHING out of proportion? Every post you make, not some but all are some sort of rant, complaining, disagreement or just trollish. I read more news than I watch by leaps and bounds. So take your tone and BS somewhere else. Haven't you already been banned before for be a Class A ******* on here? My original post was in reference to post #37.
This from the guy who wouldn't settle for the answer to his question. You had to narrow it down. If you read so much news, then you must have already known the answer to your question. People who ask questions they already know the answer to are generally trolls looking to start an argument. Excuse me? Are you the forum police? Since when do I have to get your permission to post here? If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it, and certainly don't respond to it. Then you should have quoted the post you were referencing. I'm not a mind reader, from my point of view you asked a question and I answered simply and honestly.
wow you must be pretty tired and worn out from jumping back and forth over that fence, are you on some kind of speed drug.
I wasn't trolling, I was simply asking if any other tv media outlet was considered conservative. That's it. How in the world do you accuse me of being forum police from that post? I simply asked if you've been banned before. Post away dude. I could give a crap. :banghead:
Clif, Yes, I am a fiscal Conservative. You bring up Universal Health Care, which I support and believe will prevent costs in the future thus costing America less. Regular checkups have shown that some preventive illness can be avoided thus costing all of us less. Can you just imagine women getting mammograms regularly and finding that they have a lump that can be treated before a breast has to be removed? Even as a male one should understand that. Skin cancer and other items, if checked regularly, would not only help the patient but help the taxpayers in the long run. Just think about how businesses would produce more because most employees would have that preventive care. As far as being Conservative in attire you bring up a bikini top. Come on now. I hope you understand what I am talking about. If not, let me know and I will go into further detail. I am a proud Liberal on social issues and will always be. No double standards. I believe that prevention of having babies should be taught (it's shameful that parents don't do this), I believe that Evolution should be taught and I believe in division of church and state, just to name a few. I don't think people are strictly one way or another but I do believe that people should read both sides, if the information is correct, and make an informative decision. I see where you stated on a Thread that just because I lived in San Francisco doesn't mean I should be judged as a Liberal because you live in that city and are a Conservative. That's exactly what I am talking about...a person can be both Liberal and Conservative on issues but lean in one direction more than the other. Just a few items to think about, Sherry
All that is certainly true. However, how is the government to pay for Universal Healthcare? This is the "fiscal" part. Do you think doctors are just going to perform these check ups for free? Do you think the mammogram imaging companies will just give their equipment out making little or no profit? Who is going to pay the governmental bureaucracy that will be created to manage it? As a fiscal liberal, I believe you would say that "the rich" should have their taxes raised to help pay for government run and controlled healthcare. Bigger government and more taxes on "the rich". That's a liberal. That was a joke, but the logic still stands. Being "conservative" in how you dress does not make you a conservative politically.