Solo Slim is a herbal that can be taken 1 a day. It is not a diet pill but if you drink your water and take one a day it will surpress your appetite and curb your cravings. This is caffeine and Ephedra free. I have had my Cardo, nero and family docts to look at this and they all say it looks good. Everyone that I know that has used this has lost 20 to 25 lbs in a month and have pretty much keep it off. You can pick these up at Herbal Wellspring in Smithfield 938-0336 or I think Kevin has it at Fit for Life. The run around 49.95 for a months supply. Good Luck!!!
20 to 25 pounds in a MONTH??? That just does not sound healthy. I would be scared to try that unless I had a HUGE amount of weight to lose. I tried lots of different supplements years ago and now have to take beta blockers for a heart arrythmia that I blame on some of those "magic" potions~ Be careful and decide if it's worth it first...
most of these pills, especially the OTC ones are just dietary fiber... placebo + a slight filling effect works wonders (if you agree with it).
I have some, and can't ever remember to take it. A friend has been using it and she looks amazing! No side effects when I take it. You can get it at that vitamin shoppe across from Walmart and behind Hardees. It's just good for a jump start.
One of the most effective things for me is writing down what I eat and the calories (or guess the calories if I don't know). Like today, I wrote down everything. I've been trying to lose a few pounds so I'm doing 1,500 calories a day. Once I got to that point, I was done for the day. Luckily I stretched my calories out all day. I think the last thing I ate was at 7:00. Of course, I'm up now at 12:45am and starving! If I had gone to bed like a good girl, I wouldn't be hungry right now! Also, I agree with the others that exercise is a must. Even if you're skinny, it's good to exercise. It's good for the heart and the mind too!