One quick question, how much space do you have! just trying to figure out what I need to bring, I have way to much stuff!!! LOL
We're going to use my dining room, which is a good size and I will have 3 tables. You can bring whatever, but not the kitchen sink :mrgreen:
Well unless you're one of the 4 I sent a message too I hope you have fun trying to get into my house. Here we go again. Hey everyone, my stalker is back!!!!!! :ack: Idiot that she is.
lolwut? whats a DM? Danger message? self-Destructing Message? In D&D its a Dungeon Master... MN, do you have a dungeon master? are you a dungeon master? =O
Have no clue and don't care to know. She has proven herself to be a moron in the past and I'm sure her future on 40/42 will be no different.
:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: ........well maybe not master of a dungeon, but I am a master of some things that can be domineering. :lol::lol::lol:
See ya' Sunday DM = Direct message. Who's ready to scrapbook? Really looking forward to joining you ladies! I'll bring some wine!
Had a blast today, it was nice meeting you girls today! Hope to do it again soon, I got alot of work done!!
Thanks for coming Faith!! I got some done, but would loved to have keep going!!! It was great to finally meet you and we WILL be scrapping again.
Thanks Jenn S, mom2 & Cathy for coming to scrap. It was a blast and next time Jenn I'm opening up a six pack of apple!!!!