Does God judge sins differently????

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by seabee, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. Thank you for writing that. I am guilty for not walking the walk many times. I fall short more times than I'd like to admit. I do judge people (like the Wal-mart people) and I admit that. We all have weaknesses and like you said, and they shouldn't be an excuse to do wrong. That's where God has to help us become who He wants us to be. I'm not there yet. None of us are worthy of his grace and mercy.
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    mine and Hats???
  3. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    What do you think?:hurray::hurray:
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    timing doesn't always work right... lol
  5. I found the perfect verse for threads like this or future threads like this where someone purposely makes fun of a Christian (such as the comment about getting back to reality because the holy spirit isn't real):

    Titus 3:10

    Warn a divisive person once, and warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.
    Right before that verse, Titus 3:9 says "Avoid foolish controversies..."

    'nuff said.... :) have a good weekend everyone
  6. seabee

    seabee Guest

  7. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    reality and spirituality are two different things whether you want to believe it or not. The holy spirit, whom I would think would be a spiritual being, in reality does not send out invitations to join his party. A divisive person to you is someone who differs in opinion and makes you question your believes, this should make you stronger, no? You could find a verse that justifies every single thing you do, isnt that great.
  8. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    hilarious, so in other words, everything you do is acceptable. Hitting on married women, demeaning women, talking about strip clubs, etc. Its just playful though right? Well then Im just being playful too.
  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

    ok good to know...
  10. GlobeBiz

    GlobeBiz Well-Known Member

    You guys should leave God alone, give him a break. He does not have time to "judge" your everyday sins. He's very busy with other creating another world elsewhere.
  11. Ok, I know I said 'nuff said, but I had to say this

    It's been on my heart to say this:
    I addressed the issue of posting the naked man in this thread, but I didn't say what I should have. It did sound like I was justifying my actions. What I should have said is that is not something I should still be judged for. Back when I posted the picture of the naked man, I felt convicted and I addressed it publically on this board, and I never did it again. It was a stupid mistake and I would have felt terrible if a child saw it. I honestly felt rotten about it for a long time. I messed up, asked for forgiveness, repented and then after a while moved on. That what Christians should do. God forgives and forgets. We get a clean slate if we truly repent. I don't have to live up to someone's else idea of what a good Christian is. That changes from person to person. I answer to God alone. If He convicts me, then I know I've done wrong, and I try to make it right. (which is why I had to post this)
  12. GlobeBiz

    GlobeBiz Well-Known Member

    Poor won't get to go to heaven....

  13. Good thing that's not based on how good I am! Only the blood of Jesus can do that!!! I already have eternal security and I don't even deserve it. :)

  14. :cheers:
    I know, but I still like to try to make things right if I might have sent a wrong message - for peace of mind I guess. :lol:
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    That's it period..... No one else matters.
  16. Ok, I am so done with this thread! :lol: I am not a religious debater. Next time, I'm keepin' my mouth shut. (yeah right) :jester: Yall have a good Sunday!!! Maybe for once I'll get to church on time because of our extra hour this morning.

    God bless you all... I'm feeling so fly :lol:

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