oh good grief, why did i even try with you - where do you see me calling it child molestation and if you think talking to a child in that manner is fine then you and i will never agree. And truly you think too much of yourself to believe i would put enough thought into disagreeing with everything you say. So while Jen and i both pretty much agree on it, because it is me i am whacky but Jen handled it wonderful, do you read what you post, seriously? And honestly i do not see where anything you have posted on a thread that is looking for advise is in any way helpful to anyone, i guess you just wanted to start some crap with kdc again and she may play your little game but i won't.
You two remind me of Dori from Finding Nemo... Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming
please girl, don't feed the troll - you are giving him the attention he wants and totally deterring from a serious matter:grouphug:
Yes, Ma'am!! I agree it is a serious matter, which is why I can't understand why anyone would give this "teacher" a pass on that sort of thing.
Sorry I keep pushing myself on ya'. Didn't know my underwear was getting you hot! :mrgreen::jester::mrgreen: Just teasing.............................................. Sherry
just to clarify for the teachers reading, the one i know about is not my child just someone i have knowledge of, and the Mom is probably scared of the repercussions this thread may cause, i am assuming from the pm's i have received from other parents, although i am really shocked that teachers have time during the day while they are supposed to be teaching to be reading social boards. Things have definitely changed since my 3 boys were in school, so sad to know that parents are scared to make their voices heard because of the little teacher network and that their child will pay the price. Whatever happened to teaching being done for the benefit and love of children and not for for the benefit of the teachers Times have definitely changed in the last 7 years or maybe it is the school system that needs to take a second look right now, especially since lately instead of begging for teachers and taking whatever they can, there are teachers begging for jobs. Maybe the standards need to be raised back to what they used to be for teachers. And yes, before anyone says anything, no i do not have children in the school system anymore but my taxes are still taken to pay for it so yes, i do have the right to voice my concerns. JMHO and no one else's. Please know that i am not saying all teachers are the same, i happen to know several teachers and administrators personally and they are wonderful giving people who do what they do for the love it, it is such a shame that a few give such an admirable profession a negative note.
Part of what happened is that parents have lost their sense of repsonsibility. No longer do parents look at things from an objective point of view. Like you, their first reaction now is to automatically blame the education system. Here is a situation that a frined of mine was involved in recently... There was a fist fight between sixth graders on a school bus. The bus driver pulled over and seperated the two boys. Two days later the parent of one of the boys met the driver at the bus stop and informed the driver that she had contacted a lawyer and should expect to be served with a lawsuit in the near future. The mother said that the bus driver had no right to touch her child on the arm when breaking up the fight. Another quick example from my not too distant past. This happened when i was in college as an education major and had volunteered to be a tutor at a Jr. High... A woman told me a story about her oldest son. Now please keep in mind that it was the mother herself that told me this story. He was a sophmore in High School at the time. Despite a heavy schedule, the University of Arizona marching band agreed to play at her son's high school as a favor to the band director. During the performance, her son threw a smoke bomb on stage and caused an evactuation of the school, not to mention the choas in the auditorium. It was a green smoke bomb that ruined several of the band members uniforms. Her son was suspended for one week. I said "Wow, you must have been furious!," meaning furious with her son. She then said with a smile on her face "I was furious at the school, and I marched right down to the school and read the principal the riot act! I told him if my son wasn't back in school tommorow I would sue the school!" She was very proud of what she had done and said "I'll teach them not to mess around with my kid!" This is what it has come to in our schools. Parents obfuscate thier responsibilties and expect the teachers to be the primary care giver.
What in the world does any of that have to do with a teacher commenting on a 12 year old girls chest who is not in violation of the school's dress code?
It has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with your clone Kaci. She posted and I responded. Deal with it, Dori.