Dog question!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, May 9, 2012.

  1. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I am aware that there have been "issues" in the past with this particular practice, but the poster said they needed to be budget conscious and I have had no problem at all with them as far as routine care goes (vaccines, ear cleaning, deworming, etc.) They even did two spay jobs for me and have been fine, which I understand is where some of the questions/concerns that are public have supposedly stemmed from. My experience with this vet is very recent. It is not our "normal" vet, but again the poster was concerned with finances and I feel very confident this practice would be fine to treat her dog for what she is concerned with, it is pretty minor, and if it saves enough money for the dog to be able to be treated and cured then I would say it is worth it, vs. going without treatment at all.
  2. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Wanted to tell you all thanks so much for the info and remedies! I did the "smell" thing of his ears and they were ok...just normal doggie smells...lololol He did act kind of sick for a day but is ok now and he is eating like a pig!!! I thnk he IS part pig! I told him too... he just looks at me like I'm crazy... lolololol he hears ok and no more scratching! As soon as we get his house breaking down, we will be fine....lololol God is good, I prayed for him too!

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