phew, thanks for letting me know Sheltie so i know i won't be running into you anywhere around 4042 :lol::lol::lol::lol: (just joking)
i totally agree, i will not go into a bar that has children seated at the bar after 9pm - ran into the same thing at BWW almost a year ago and we have not been back since. Kid at the bar reaching for people's drinks and parents sitting at a table quite a way away:evil:
It's all in what you want to tolerate. Personally, I think you are assuming that people take care of their critters. What will you think when you see your waitress pet a nasty smelling dog on the way into the restaurant and then carries your meal right back out; maybe her thumb will be in your food when she sets it down.
Look, why don't you just come right out and say you don't like dogs or other folks that like dogs? Your scenario is so far fetched as to be laughable. Besides, I'd much rather take my chances with a dog germ as some of the nasty people I see out and about. And believe it or not, I am not one of the whackaloons that eats off the same plate and fork as my dog. I don't even let her lick me period. Hell, I don't share utensils or drinking glasses with my own family during meals and insist on straws in restaurants. She's bathed frequently, well behaved and just generally a lot more pleasant to be around than a lot of people. So from here on out, we will just agree to disagree.
No screaming children allowed More restaurants should be like this, CAROLINA BEACH, N.C. -- The owner of a coastal North Carolina restaurant is fed up with screaming children who bother other diners. So Brenda Armes has posted signs at Olde Salty restaurant in Carolina Beach that read "screaming children will not be tolerated." She told WECT-TV in Wilmington that the signs have worked by attracting more customers than they turn away. Customer Gary Gibson agrees, saying he likes the signs because a meal isn't enjoyable when kids are screaming. But a mother of two, Ashley Heflin, says parents can't help it if their children scream. If a child is screaming, Armes says a restaurant employee will ask the parent to take them outside. They won't be asked to leave the restaurant for good.
Nice place on the oceanfront there. Serve awesome Bloody Marys! It amazes me the number of people who think we need to tolerate an unruly, screaming amazes me more when the parents just won't walk outside for a bit to get their kid to calm down, and then come back in, (with the child secured to the bike rack). Seriously, I am glad they put their foot down. Brenda has a nice place there, and I don't see any reason why this is such an issue.
You go Brenda:hurray::hurray::hurray: We love Olde Salty's - good Margarita's and gotta love the Parrothead motif:cheers:
Food for Thought I was just wondering. Being it that for some reason Dogs don't Like me. and tend to Bight . So My Question is that ... If I get bitten by your Dog at a Resteraunt. Do I get to Eat your Dog? Now before you get all wormy on me. I have tasted Dog before when i was In the Army. Actualy not bad. until I found out what i was Eating. I was Just wondering If I get Bit . Can I bight back? :beathorse:
Dunno, it depends on whether you want to start a fite with the dog. He mite bight, but it's best to just stay out of site, and forget your plite. P.S You are alrite!
I have six dogs right now, and you are stupid. If you disagree, then we can agree to disagree Enjoy your meal whackaloon. Perhaps your dog will finish a fresh **** before you share your fork.
Haven't commented here yet, but I personally think this is cruel to do to a dog. Force them to sit there and watch you and other humans eat, and at best the animal will probably only get a crumb or two tossed it's way. I am sorry, I am not rich enough to order an steak off the menu for him and I am not sure I want to eat at a restaurant that prepares dog food in the same kitchen as my food. I am sorry, but I am not going to do this to my dog.
OK moron, since apparently reading comprehension is not high on your skill list. What part of I don't particpate in that behavoir did you NOT read? Idiot. Go back and re-read, nutjob, since you want start with the name calling, I sure can participate, pencil ****.
I am 99% sure I would never actually take my dog to a restaurant. HOWEVER, on the off chance I might be out dog, it MIGHT just be nice to be able to sit outside and have a sandwich somewhere other than a rest stop or a drive through. But whatever. And did I miss the part where someone would be preparing dog food in the same kitchen?
Really? You can't help it if your children scream, I can't help it if they scream once - after that, it's on me. Eight month old screaming at dinner table, normal (they love the sound of their own voice). Older child who should know better, not normal and *can* be helped.
Mine would be more interested in seeing other people and dogs than the food we are eating. :lol: He doesn't get people food and when we eat dinner he's playing with his ball, bone or rope. He don't "beg" for food, I can't stand that. HH ~ mine don't bite. :mrgreen:
That's how I train a dog, too. I won't have a dog sitting and begging and whining while I am eating. Any scraps (meat) are mixed in with dog food and given well after dinner is done, in hopes that the dog does not associate scraps with us sitting at the table. My boxer would sit there at attention while we ate, and not dare beg or nudge towards the table. Hugh, were you channeling a furbie in your cruelty post or being serious?