JCP won't take it back without a receipt I imagine and we paid 200 at The French Bustle and JCP is $100.
are you sure its the exact same dress? its very rare that a boutique would carry the same clothes as a chain store.
Return it for a gift card, no? Then you only paid 100 for the dress and you can always use a gift card from Penney's.
Since we had purchased from her before and we were told that this was a one of a kind dress we were not expecting it to be in all catalogs. We trusted the small business owner as I said and I guess we were obviously too trusting and honest. Point taken. We have learned our lesson - trust me. I just originally posted this to help others that are now shopping for a dress for upcoming proms. We are just not as "savvy" as some, I guess.
I am sorry that your daughter had a bad experience but try not to let it ruin her prom. There is no way to know ahead of time that someone else at the dance will have the same dress unless the friend that brought it to her attention already purchased the same dress. I bought a dress from Mordecai's in Raleigh many years ago for my senior prom. There were 2 other girls with the same dress in different colors at the dance. We thought it was funny and took our pictures together
I can totally see where you are coming from on this. I don't think any of us on here would have checked every source to make sure the business owner was telling the truth. I swear I would print signs and stand in front of her business with the Penney's catalog and protest until she refunded my money.
I think protesting would be overkill. I don't see where its the businesses fault and usually when you order prom dresses there is no refund. Heck I would have been happy only paying $200 for a prom dress.
dang, $200 for a friggin prom dress that will never be worn again, i am so happy i had boys - btw, sent ya a pm earlier and have not heard back
i have paid only less then 100 for a prom dress ebay is wonderful never would i pay that much for a frickin dress.
Thanks, and I do have another adult witness that was present when the dress was actually ordered and the store owner told my daughter that it was a specialty catalog and a one of a kind dress and that she would not order another for anyone from my daughters high school - just as they do at Jewel's. It may never amount to anything but hopefully my complaints will make her aware that she was wrong and that this is very BAD business. Misrepresenting to customers is not a good thing!
We have not nor will we in the future pay $200.00 for a prom dress. My daughter's dress last year was $50.00 and very classy, if I do say so myself. Our budget for this year is the same and we think we found one at Dillards for $35.00. But if you have the money spend it. I'm a tightwad. Sherry
you and me both - when i was growing up my Mom thought it ridiculous to spend money on a dress for one night, especially since i had 2 proms to go to each year so i made every one of my prom dresses and if i must say so myself, they were gorgeous. Wish i could find the time to get back into sewing again.
My Mom made most of my formals too, there was only the one that she bought, and that was really to get "back" at my dad, LOL. She made my wedding dress as well, there was no earthly way I could have ever afforded the quality that she put into that dress. 20 years later, it still looks amazing.
Alot of my senior class never even went to the prom due to the tickets being so high as well! We all went to this kid's house for the "Non-Prom Goers Party". :mrgreen: Had more fun!
I love to sew as well. The top of her dress, last year, was a little loose and we did not want anything embarrassing happening so I sewed elastic around the inside top and it made both of us feel better. It did have a strap that tied up top but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Sherry
All seniors get free tickets now. Clayton High is also putting together a boutique with prom dresses, shoes, makeup, etc. for those who cannot afford them. We still need donations. Everyone should be able to attend their senior prom and be a princess for one day! Our family usually hosts one after prom party as do other families. I like them at my house because that way I know none of them will drink alcohol, smoke pot, etc. in our house. We move the furniture so they can dance and let them spend the night if they would like. It is one night I don't go to sleep. tee hee Sherry
Ok, call me crazy (and I know you will) but I paid over $400 for DD's dress this year ONLY because it is her senior year and she is my baby. Last year I paid $100 for a dress on Craigslist. Senior year is different. I jokingly mentioned that we could make her a dress and I thought she was gonna die from laughing so hard. I can't sew a button on, much less make a prom dress.