
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Jan 5, 2012.


    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the brand new Dentist that opened next to Lowe's Foods? Maybe they will be willing to help out to get new patients???
  2. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  3. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks!I had heard about the Sexton Clinic a few years ago,thanks for the reminder,I'll give them a call.
    I just called Commonwealth.org in Four Oaks.My husband is chicken too ;) and insists on being sedated during it all and they don't offer it.
  4. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I would call a different dr. r branch. The money lady at the 42 office is a real jerk. We have insurance but she always seems to find some extra charge we need to pay. Last time we were there she tried to charge to 50 deductible for cleanings. I knew they were paid at 100 percent (ADD moment-- why is there no percent key on the iPad?). I told her to call the insurance to verify and of course I was right. Most people would have paid Maybe she works on commission. My suggestion would be to make an appt with dr r in his Cary office and make sure whatever he tells you about cost is documented in the chart.
  5. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip!
    I just called the Cary office at -858-0088 but was told that they do not offer any discounts.

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  8. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    There is a % on the iPad. You have to go to the number pad, then touch the "#+=" button to bring up the symbol pad. :)
  9. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  11. keemom

    keemom Well-Known Member

    Riccobene's office tried screwing us over several times when it came to money. First time we went there, they overcharged my husband by over $100. I did the math on what was done and called them, they could care less. So I called the insurance company and had them confirm that we were seriously overcharged. Riccobene's office told me that not only would they have to wait to get the money from the insurance company, but then it would take 2-3 weeks for us to get our refund. In reality, it took almost 6 weeks to get it back. Then they also tried to charge me for work that is covered 100% and I had to wait over a week just for Dr Riccobene to tell me he couldn't remove the wisdom tooth that I went in for and that I would have to go somewhere else for it. When my husband went back another time (our third time in the office) I told him before he went to only pay the $50 deductible. If they are too stupid to do math that even I can do (and trust me, I am not good at math!), then refuse to refund you quickly when they make mistakes, then I see no reason that they need to be paid immediately. They refused to accept only the deductible, so my husband walked out. Three strikes and they were out...we go to a different dentist now.
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    WOW, i am truly surprised at that, i have been going to Dr. R. since he opened the office on 42 and i have never had any problem with billing or anything else, they have always gone out of their way to accommodate me:confused: i guess no one can please everyone 100% of the time, but i for one will continue to see him and recommend him to everyone that asks.
  13. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    That is one area that I see Dentists do a lot. They agree to be a part of an Insurance group and then charge more than the agreed upon rate. That is wrong in my opinion.

    Medical and Dental Insurance is a nightmare and no the government can not do anything to help. There needs to be a fundamental change in how the system operates. Look at why all the offices need a billing department and fight the insurance.

    I am looking for the Country Doctor who will take a dozen eggs or so for payment..........
  14. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    That whole contract price is a big scam to me. DH had major knee surgery. We asked prior to it being done how much it would cost, both the surgeon and the facility. Neither one of them billed what they said they were going to. And what they billed vs what they got paid by the ins company is a joke. I don't understand it. At. all.
  16. ifloss

    ifloss Well-Known Member

    In between patients, so no time to answer everything, but I will this evening.

    Hey all,

    We do not offer Cash discounts. Most people who offer cash discounts do so because they don't claim the income. We pay taxes on every dime we collect. We do give discounts on a case by case basis, as many of you on this forum can attest to.

    I tried setting people up on a payment plan early on in my career and it never worked out. 80% of the time once people got the service, they never paid their bills.

    What I offer instead is interest free financing for 1 year for people who qualify through care credit (independent company who charges us a fee for taking on the responsibility of paying us and collecting the debt from the patient).

    I've done tons of free work, work for minimal amounts on so many patients, I couldn't even begin to count.

    In terms of what insurance says they are going to pay, what they actually pay, is not always an exact science. What I can tell you is that I have a full time person in each office who verify's insurance, to make sure we are as close as possible. Do we fail at times, absolutely. Do we get it right over 98% of the time, yes we do. No excuses here, just trying to give you the facts.

    I'll will read whole thread and respond further later this evening, but need to get back to patients for now.

    Michael Riccobene, DDS
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  18. ifloss

    ifloss Well-Known Member


    Do you know the name of the money lady at the 42 office you are referring to? Send me a PM with her name and I'll see whats going on. No one from my office should be rude to anyone. I know people have bad days sometimes, but rudeness is never tolerated in my office if I know about it. Our employees are graded on three things: 1. Their technical abilities, 2. Their abilities to relate well to patients, and 3. Their ability to relate to each other. If you fail at anyone of those categories, you have a grade of 66% and you are no longer one of my employees. Send me her name and I promise I will take care of it.

    Michael Riccobene, DDS
  19. ifloss

    ifloss Well-Known Member

    No one in my office works on commission by design. I want my employees to see patients, not $ signs. I pay them generous salaries and great benefits without commission to purposely avoid that kind of behavior I've always detested. Most cleaning are covered 100% by dental insurance, but there are those rare ones that require a deductible. You did the exact right thing by refusing to pay it and making them verify it once again. The insurance verifier made a mistake when she loaded the plan, she's human, but if I hear that it happens often, I would definitely be chatting with her about it personally. This is why I monitor these discussion boards, I want to make sure I am serving your needs.

    Michael Riccobene, DDS
  20. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    My niece also experience billing issues 2 times @ the 210 office and now sees a different dentist. Honestly, other than that, I have heard nothing but positive things from the people in my circle.

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