If you’re an adult and you happen to have an earache, try applying a warm washcloth or a heating pad next to your ear. You can also try the cold therapy method by applying a cold compress or ice bag next to your ear for 20 minutes. Be sure to take a pain reliever, such as an acetaminophen, aspirin, or Motrin (ibuprofen) to help with the pain and reduce inflammation. If nothing works, seek medical attention. To help open your Eustachian tubes and keep them drained, try the following: · Sleep with your head propped up · Chew gum – especially when experiencing pressure changes (i.e. during plane travel). · Stay awake during the ascending/descending of plane travel – this is when eardrums will plug up and cause pain. Try taking a decongestant a few hours before your plane ride as this will help prevent buildup in your nasal passages. · Try yawning to contract the muscles that open your Eustachian tubes. · Gently blow through your nose while holding both nostrils closed until you hear a pop. This helps promote ear drainage and can be done several times a day. · Take a decongestant when you get a cold and continue taking it until the cold is gone. Check with your doctor to see if it is ok for you to take a decongestant. · Take a hot shower – the steam will help to break up and soften earwax buildup. In the case of children and earaches, usually they are brought on by an infection in the middle ear. This could be due to the fact that the Eustachian tubes are shorter and smaller in children.
Now that is good advice for an ear ache! When it comes to peeing I thought you were supposed to put it in a spray bottle and spray it around your garden to keep the deer out.
No...hair scraps from human hair cuts or even dog hair, from shedding (like my dogs are doing ABUNDANTLY now) is a deer deterrent...
seriously, the hot potato works great, or you could go get one of those flax seed/lavender 'aromatherapy' pillows...you heat them up (great on sore muscles)... (hey, it's an excuse to go shopping!)it's the heat that works on earaches (my hubbie's mom recommended heated 'sweet oil' in the ear...) (too hot will definitely scald your eardrum and cause a lot more than an earache...)
Go to the docs Being that I get them alot even at my age, I would go to the doctor ASAP, the reason is since I didn't do that till they hurt so bad the first couple of times, I now have perment hearing loss which is affecting my job. I wouldn't mess around with it. I now have enough drops here that if I just get a feeling of getting another one, I use my drops and all is ok..but I wouldn't wish the pain on anyone. Still haven't figured out why I get them, I don't use q-tips in my ears..but I do get them. Best to go to the docs. Rush
Thanks everyone! I talked to my mommy yesterday and she said Sweet Oil or Olive Oil would do the trick and it did. Put some drops in last night and laid on my side so it could get down in there, MUCH better today! Love my 4042ers! {{{{{{ GROUP HUG }}}}}