Funny, I was thinking the same thing as I passed the Easter display at the store today. DD1 liked the stuffies and the candy, but she had no clue what it was for. And then.... an evil plan popped into my head. What if, she never knew? :twisted:
Like I said, if I had it to do all over again, I would NOT do it. My reasons are for more than just the commercialism, etc. I just want my kids to focus on what is important about these events we are celebrating. The birth of Christ (even though it probably was NOT in December - still, we can celebrate it then) and the crucifition and resurrection of Christ. And that is what I want them to pass down to their kids.
Don't you remember as a young child Santa and the Easter Bunny coming and have fond memories of it? I'll always play Santa and Easter Bunny to my kids even after they are adults, I love it. Then one day (far from now) hopefully to the grandkids.
I guess this isn't a Jewish thread huh? Raise your children with the true intention in mind and then let them be kids.
I got some FREE razors for DH, wanna have one? or ten? :lol: mmmm..... shaved. (there is not smilie for that) :mrgreen: REOW!
I always like to think when my wife uses does it that it means darling husband. I refuse to think of different connotations.
Don't feel bad Lucidity, I wondered that many times, never got brave enough to ask. I guessed it to mean Dear Hubby. (although maybe the d is for dumb.. )