Thanks for the prayers and do we need them! Elvis is doing great! He lost even more weight, which is good because he was overweight initially. He is down from 24.8ish to 20.7. He is more active now! He did great with treatment and had a cheeseburger on the way home. Normally we do grilled chicken, but we wanted to be different! He still cried when Doc took him from me though. Again, thanks to all of you for your support through this.
I'm so glad things went well for Elvis. I bet he enjoyed that cheeseburger...he definitely deserved it! Keeping him in thoughts and prayers!
Took my little man to get blood work and tx today, but were sent home. His white blood cell count wouldn't register on their machine, so doc sent it out with a "stat" attached. He was awfully tired-acting this morning so I was kinda expecting this. He has battled diahrrea (spelling sux today) all week due to his tendency to GRAB and GULP everything, including 2.5 slices of RAW bacon!!! He dropped a pound this week and is down to 19.8 (he started at 24.8). He is not underweight. I did mention that I had been feeding him only chicken and rice due to his tummy and that he ate everything offered each time. Doc said to feed him more frequently if he'd eat it (scrambled an egg and he and sis shared it, then we had boiled boneless, skinless a few hours later). So, we should have labs by tomorrow and are shooting for chemo on Monday. Doc started him on an antibiotic to protect him because catching a bug with his low count would be easy and could be devastating to him. Say a prayer, guys...
My baby hasn't felt well for a couple of days since his last round of chemo. He may have to go back to the doc this afternoon to have bloodwork done to test for pancreatitis. Also, we lost our 7 1/2 year old bunny on Monday. She was an old girl. Our pets are truly members of the family.
Awww, sorry to hear about your bunny. We had bunnies growing up and they were just sooo much fun. Hopefully Elvis' bloodwork will come back with good news. You know it may just be the heat. That's what Dr. Debbie told me about Shelby. One minute she's fine and the next minute I went flying to the vet. (Her Heart) This was on set because it was so dern hot outside. She's NOT an outside dog, but still she has to go outside to do her "business". Good Luck girl, you have my number if I can do anything.
So sorry to hear about your bunny, he was a cutie. Elvis is always in my prayers - hope he rebounds fast.
Hope Elvis is ok, Harley could be right - this heat is really hard on older animals - good luck and let me know if you need anything.
I'm so sorry about the buns. It leaves a big hole in the family and in the hearts. *hugs* Elvis probably just needs to relax and be pampered and stay cool for awhile ... will be hoping for the best!!!
Thanks, guys. He seems to be feeling better today. He is actually eating (boiled chicken only) and he is not throwing up. He still has awful diarrhea...we actually had to take a bath a few minutes ago. My carpet is toast...nothing like cleaning up spots in just about every room. Hardwoods here I come!
Oh sweetie :cry:. Elvis stays in my does Shelby and Willow. Angelina makes life better now, and I pray harder for everyone elses 4-legged kids!! Frogger