
Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Rockyv58, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Is there any software out there that would pretty much allow you to add email addresses you expect to get mail from, but any email that comes to you that is not from a known (added) email address get bounced back to the sender as if it was a dead email address?

    Kind of like if it wasn't a known email address from a friend or family it would bounce.

    If you think about it, just because an email gets sent to your trash or spam folder, they (junk emailers) know its still an active email account and will continue sending you junk email and selling your email address.
  2. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I've never used one but if you google "email bouncer" you'll get quite a few choices. Most are complex and require you to know basic email protocol programing.
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    In yahoo email setting you can say only allow email from people in your email list. Most email programs allow this. The other email in most cases will be ignored and not downloaded.
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    What I am trying to accomplish is, You know when you email someone and their email is dead you get back the mail daemon. I want a mail daemon message going back to the sender so they think the address is dead.
  5. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    That would be a great email option!! But I don't foresee anyone writing one.

    What I see is an industry that thrives on spam. Even the software companies that sell anti-spam will send spam. Same goes for security software. Cleaning up the dirty business on the web would be like trying to stop prostitution.

    It would be easier to educate the idiots that respond to spam and make it a profitable venture in advertising for companies.
  6. YoGnomo

    YoGnomo Member

    I know this thread is essentially dead now, but I thought I would add my two cents. Spammers buy email addresses in bulk, use open SMTP servers, blast out their messages, and hope someone bites. They don't go back to see what addresses sent non-delivery reports and update their lists.

    However, your idea would be awesome for the in-laws!

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