English as the Official Language

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Hatteras6, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Japan along with a few other countries in the vacinity of the world have always been ahead of the "curve". I've never been personally so I didn't make comment. My comment was based on the areas of the world where I have been (mostly europe) and I still stand behind my comments.

    On a side note it'd probably be hard to get kids here to go out of their way to do something like the Japanese kids do. Wheither they are US citizens or not.

  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Why Thank You! I also would vote for you anytime! :cool:
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I am sure there are differences all around the world, but it does seem the countries with the better educational systems and expanded language education as well are continuing to grow.
  4. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    My Kiddo refused to take Spanish as her language at West Johnston high School. She is taking sign language. THis was she can "talk" to other Americans.
    AS long as you live here you need to speak english. I hate the idea that the drivers test is given in other languages. All the traffic signs are in English - so why test in Spanish or anything else.! ?
    I try not to but products with two languages on the box - unless the product is intended for sale elsewhere in the world. I also hate going into stores where I am made to feel like am outsider just because I don't speak a forgien language.
  5. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Speaking of your kiddo.......I saw her yesterday, looking all grown up and stuff!!!
  6. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    WOW...I did not know that sign language was an option. That's awesome. My son took his 2 semesters of spanish junior year and hated every minute of it. He says he's learned more spanish where he works from the other employees than he did at WJHS (1st semester they had 3 different teachers)
  7. Ro

    Ro Well-Known Member

    English as Official Language

    I totally agree with all of you. My grandparents came from Europe and their greatest desire was to learn to speak English. I would hope that out of respect for our great USofA others would feel the same way. Our government is to lenient by allowing this type of thing to happen.

  8. emilie

    emilie Well-Known Member


    I have to say that I agree with the majority. i personally am from hispanic descent (Puerto Rican,Spaniard/Maltese/Italian mutt) and I do speak Spanish fluently because I LEARNED it in school. I cannot recall ever speaking Spanish to any of my family members as my older generations felt that even if they had to speak with an accent, it was a privilage to learn the language. Furthermore I have adopted the family tradition and I know it sounds mean, even though some people come in the store and struggle with english I do not offer Spanish unless they TRY REALLY HARD first and then if I HAVE to will use it. Most of the time we can complete a transaction without a problem in english even if it's broken and I think it's good for them to try so hard and good for me to let them. I do not put signs up that say "Hablamos Espanol" and I don't use it to the advantage I can because I believe that any long term commitment requires acclimation and adaptation and if someone does not make the effort to learn english then they just don't have plans of staying here long and don't LOVE our country.

    I think as time goes by we will be seeing less and less short-term "visitors" and more "long-term". A new law has been passed for Medicaid that states that now people who apply have to bring in a certified birth certificate for get help from the government. This will start deterring a lot of illegal immigrants who will not be able to get help with their fake social security cards anymore. I as a graphic artist can pick them out so easy but obviously the gov't employees can't. This will reduce the amount of illegals getting medicaid and driving their souped up cars worth 50,000 they paid cash for to Walmart to use their EBT cards (food stamps) and get Medicaid that half of Americans don't get because they actually work on the books for a living.

    America needs to continue to stand up for itself. Everyone should speak English, everyone should be entitled to health coverage, American homeless people can take the openings of the illegal immigrants that shouldn't be working. I believe that there should be a limit to how many immigrants are allowed in the country every year as well and that way we can teach THEM English and not have to worry about language barriers. Why is that that most immigrants speak spanish? Where are the Germans and Russians, Africans and Italian and Dutch......if there were equal amounts and diversified immigration we would not have this language problem...and I have said enough.

    I hope I didn't offend anyone..just venting because I am one who believes in full Americanization and my ancestors took pride in doing their part and now now one wants to "stress" immigrants. This country needs some revamping.

    thanks...the end

    Oh wait...P.S. here's a kicker as well. We needs to force DMV to give all tests in english...I have a friend who I really like and she is Chinese and I give her english lessons and all BUT she couldn't read in english so they offered her a test in Chinese..now let me ask you something here.. and like I said no offense to her personally....WHY DO THEY GIVE A TEST IN CHINESE!!!!!! Good God, aren't all the signs on the road in English? I mean, we know a lot of signs by their size, colr and shape but that just plain scares me.
  9. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Although I believe in multiculturalism to an extent.... English should be the official language of this country IMO. It was founded primarily by English speaking people and there is no doubt that a universal standard shoue be made.
  10. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    How many other countries changed their official language.? English is the official language here, so if you want to communicate, then learn it. If I decide I want to permanently live in Japan, should I petition the Japanese to change the official country language to English? No. I will just have to learn how to speak Japanese. So that is what people should do when they come to the United States of America. Learn to speak English. Can't get any simpler. IMO.
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Excellent Post Emilie, if i had a clapping smilie i would insert it right here:-D
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  13. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I agree whole heartedly....EMILIE FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen: :) :idea:
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Why thank you R2K, knew i could count on you:-D
  15. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    You're welcome. :-D

  16. Clif

    Clif Guest

    That's not entirely true. The "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006" (Sec. 767) states that "English is the national language of the United States."

    However, before this was passed, it always puzzled me. To become a citizen, you had to be able to speak English, yet English was not the "official" language of the US.
  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    That's why I said not entirely true.

    Darn Thomas!

    Well, I arrived there through a link from the Wikipedia's entry on "Languages of the United States" (Footnote #1)

    Good luck.
  18. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Just to touch back to that sign language thing...

    I work with a very intelligent man who is deaf. I feel awful that I can not communicate with him unless I write stuff down. His wife is deaf also and neither can speak. Very few people who can hear actually know sign language so their 14 year old daughter usually ends up translating for them. I thought it was a shame that she had to ride in an ambulance so the rescue workers could talk to her mom about her symtoms and pain. (her mom is fine now). I think sign lanuage should be more popular.
  19. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Adapt and Overcome

    I have been in situations similar and it is very humbling. The majority
    of people in similar circumstances always seem to adapt and never complain.

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