EOG - Pass or Fail?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CakePrincess, May 21, 2009.

  1. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    I was told that all parents should be able to know whether if their child passed or failed the test: a phone call by a teacher means that a child failed the test. If NO phone call, it's a pass. My question is if we get a phone call from the teacher and let's say our child didn't pass, what will happen? Summer school? Re-test? How does it work? Please share you experience here. Thanks.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    remediation for the test
    pass=no problem
    fail=summer school (only type offered on JoCo this summer) and retest then.

    Please tell your children that this test does not validate their personal worth. I saw so many kids today that had not passed. A few of them told me that they felt like total failures.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm assuming DS passed, no phone call.................I wasn't real concerned, but still. We were very low key about it this year. I didn't order the extra study booklets or anything.
  4. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Son passed both parts (3rd grade). However, I totally HATE these tests and feel they are not valid. Really. I found out how they do the statistics on these tests for each year and it really is ridiculous. Husband works for a statistical anaylsis company. VERY interesting. I also do not believe the teachers should "teach" the test. We took testing in this state when we were young. there was absolutely NO prep work. NOne, nada, nothing. Teacher taught, students learned, took the test and that was that. You either knew it or you didn't. They give these kids why too many chances and then try to pick out the ones they don't want counted in their scoring by making them take the NCExtend. Burns me up and the schools know how I feel about this whole deal. I've had kids fail the EOG's and still go on to the next grade level. They have these kids studying for these stupid tests for weeks when they could be learning new material instead. Then, in the middle school, my daughter is studying 5 hours in case she fails the test. What?! Makes no sense to me. We got a call from elementary but none from the middle school of course. They made her take the NCExend against our wishes in the IEP but that is a whole other story. Statistically, it is almost impossible to fail the NCExtend. For those who don't know, it is the alternate test to the EOG's. State testing is mandatory for all students no matter what their abilities are. For the past few weeks my 2 kids have brought all kinds of testing prep material home and no homework. Nothing new learned. I think the concentration the teachers (ok, well, administrators) put on these tests is unnecessary and just stresses the kids out. We have great teachers here in Johnston County, let's let them teach & not worry about the scores so much. Please. BTW, thanks to 3rd grade teacher from WEstview who called to tell me how proud she was of my son for passing both parts (regular EOG). Thanks for letting me vent and do remember, these are MY opinions, based on MY experiences w/ MY kids. Everyone's situations are different. I still feel though that we have great kids at the schools and teachers as well. Don't judge the kids by this testing. BTW, I did horrible on my SAT's. Yet, graduated first in my department in college. I've just never been a good test taker. Yet, all straight A's. So, in this house, we don't care about the EOG's. We care about our kids as a whole student and what they've learned and accomplished this entire year.

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  5. CheerBearNc

    CheerBearNc Guest

    This was my sons first year taking the EOGs and he has been STRESSING it for months so I guess the prep starts months in advance. This really upset me because there were so many nights where he was unable to sleep and would come out and ask me if I had EOGs and did I pass them when I was in school. So much is put on these kids to get good grades on these exams just because it makes the school and the teachers look good. Nevermind the poor kids who are stressing so much that they are losing sleep or losing hair or worse because of the pressure put upon them. What is this I head about phone calls and when do we get them? This week or next?
  6. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    I say this every year.

    There is absolutely no reason to ever stress over these EOG's.

    You pass, fine.

    You flunk, you take the test again.

    You flunk again, you are allowed, in some instances, to take it again.

    You flunk again, you have a parent/teacher/principal meeting to where if it is decided your child did good during the year, as per their grades, and the child just freezes on tests, the principal can still pass your child.

    Why on Earth would someone stress over this? Parents please do your kids a favor and do not stress over these tests. I told my son in the 3rd grade that there is no reason to worry about these things. Every time we talk about them i wave my hand in a dismissive gesture and say So What.

    He has yet to worry about any EOG. Just finished his for the 7th grade today. No phone call.

    Have never gotten one.
  7. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I would like a little more info about the EOG--I know it is a little late to start asking questions. When I got the call I was given a percentage not a level--what is the difference? What is the percentage of? The kids in the school or the state? If the state how do they know--not every school has taken the test have they? I thought the test went to level 4 but this week I heard about a level 5--what is the difference. He was in the 99th% for reading--what does that really mean--is there a 100% or is 99 as high as it gets? Does that mean he got everything right? He got a 95% on math but he had 98% on the pretest--does it matter that he did not show improvement--it would have been hard to show improvement.

    Overall I don't care about the test but I guess there is so much importance placed on it it has become important to my son.
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    ok, taking a moment to brag, DGS's mom got a call from the teacher but it was from excitement for how well he did, 5's across the board, so proud, i told him he had my genes:lol::lol::lol:
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Emma, I could answer some of your ?'s. I feel it would be more worth your while to call the school and speak with someone from guidance. Not blowing you off. Referring to the experts.

    I'd like to clear up something else. EOGs are not designed to make a school or teacher "look good". Really folks, if we as a society are tired of having other industrialized nations kick our rears in engineering, science, medicine, technology..we've got to raise the bar. Yes, not everyone will need to be a rocket surgeon or a brain scientist. Someone will have to fix cars. If anyone out there can convince me that it's easier to tune up and work on a 2008 mustang, versus a 1964 mustang, I'll buy you a latte at McDonalds.

    We re moving away from an agricultural & production economy into a services economy. We've fallen far behind and right now, we're trying to bring the kids up to par with the rest of the world so they can compete!

    EOGs fill this purpose; to let us know how our schools are teaching what our kids need to know. If we don't know where we are, we have no plan to improve, and probably won't like where we end up. If the schools aren't getting it done, and the parents aren't doing their part, it shows. Before we are so quick to throw the first stone at the schools, we have to examine what and how we help our kids learn.
  10. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Pretty much you can count on your son making 2 5's. Johnston County is the only county that has 5's. This means it is way above average. And yes your child did make growth. I had this explained to me last year by the teachers. IF they had make the same thing on the pretest then there would be growth. The pretest only has on it what they should know at that point, not anything that will be taught in 3rd grade. Congrats an great test scores. We haven't gotten ours. Had some students out so we can't actually get our scores we just know if we didn't get a call that they passed.
  11. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    EOG's are never even mentioned in our house, we play it down as just another thing!

    I agree that we need accountability in the schools but to have all this time and energy in preparation is ridiculous. They have taken time out of the normal school day to prepare and 'teach' the test. Why is that necessary. If we are confident in our teachers teaching what they are supposed to, then the kids should be prepared. If the schools feel it is necessary for all of this special preparation, than I feel they are admitting that they are not doing their job properly all year long.

    I have worked in Johnston County schools for years (currently do not) and I saw the pressure, the stress, the holding this test over the kids heads for weeks and weeks..... then the dead time after the test.

    If the test is over, and you passed.... let's call it a year. I dont want my kid going to school every day to watch movies and have game day. We can do that at home.
  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    My son has a great teacher, she emailed me earlier in the week (about something else) and told me she calls all parents, fail or pass, so they're not all sitting by the phones waiting all night, wondering if they will get a call. I got mine before 6 pm yesterday.
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I agree 1000%.
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  15. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    OMG I so :iagree:
  16. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter if we don't talk about it at home, they give us no chance not to talk about it, it's all the kids are talked to about at School, they bring it home...my daughter is in 3rd grade, it's been a very long year, didn't matter that she was on the honor roll.
  17. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I did want to add, that one of my dd teachers came into my work cause my Dd told her I wouldn't be home last night..but she came in there just to tell me that Amber passed. I don't know the score, and to be honest I don't care, I just wanted her to pass cause she has been so worried and has worked so hard just to make sure she would pass. I'm so proud of her..
    When the teacher told me I was so happy I cried, I know stupid..but it was such a big deal for the last 8 weeks, that I knew dd could finally get a rest.
    I know now, since she knows how the testing works, she will be fine in the future and to know what to expect. I have been told it's much harder on the 3rd graders cause is so new for them..
    I guess I will find out next week what the score is..but at this point I don't care if I see or hear anything about the EOG's.
  18. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! My fourth grader's class is having an ice cream party. Every one that passed is allowed to have their choice of various toppings. Those who failed aren't. :cry: That's just unfair to me. They all did their best.

    Same here.
  19. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

  20. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    My son is in 8th grade. He passed math and Science but not the reading. He was sooo upset. But I told him to not worry, he gets remediation and then he'll retest and be fine!

    I think it's more upsetting to the kids when the OTHER kids who did well tend to tease or make fun of the ones who didn't. The tests themselves are a pain, I agree! But I think the "aftermath" from kids can make it worse somethimes. I know Kids are Kids and they can be cruel at times. I can remember some things from WAY BACK myself....lolololol

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