To me Faith is having Hope in the unseen and being sure of that. As in, knowing He is the reason for me being here, and He being my everything in life.... But my religion (I kinda define that as my belief) is Christianity. I think religion is more defined as who you serve and your beliefs system. My Faith/Hope is in Christ. I guess I gave a better definition of Christianity only as my religion in my earlier post. LOL
I don't go to C3, but I kind of see where DB's wife is coming from. I guess it depends on what KB meant by drinkin' and rock n' rollin. Maybe she meant if it's in excess and becomes a lifestyle and priority over God. I think the definition of sin is anything that comes between you and God. I've never felt like drinking in moderation or listening/dancing to rock n' roll is a sin. I think that's a case of our on convictions. Hell-raisin... well, I'm not sure about that one! :lol:
I know, I know! Im just giving you a hard time! Which God? I don't know how to define that really. Just the God I pray to. The God I have faith in. The God of my unlabled religion. Sometimes I think there is this one god laughing at all of us fighting over whose god is best. Sometimes I imagine several deities (is that the right word?)hanging out together laughing at all of us!!!!! I really was just kidding around earlier today but all kidding aside I probably used to be most of those things in the post in my younger years. I didnt stop because God said I should live my life differently. I just grew out of that lifestyle. My relationship with God was just as good back then as it is now. I don't think God thought poorly of who I was back then. I believe that God just expects me to be a descent human being while I'm here on Earth. I belief that's what gets people in to heaven. I hope no one feels I was bashing anyone's faith, beliefs, religion, etc. in my posts. I really am respectful of any descent human being no matter what their faith. If I offended I apologize. I was probably a MORE descent human being when I was a hell raiser!!!!!! lol Peace, love and kumbaya...DB's wife
Athiest and agnostics usually view things from a "Prove me wrong " point of view it seems. How anyone can laydown in grass....look up and look at their surroundings and think. Umm...."I bet an Atom crashing into another did all dis". I find it amazing these so called intellectuals can function properly. Ever had a conversation with one? :mrgreen: "I am smarter than you so you listen!!! My hypothesis on everything means more than your faith and belief in God." Usually the first word out of their mouth is "NO". From this educated, God fearing, believer in my Lord and Savior. I will pray for you. GOOD and EVIL exists!
You, good sir, have no idea what an agnostic is then. Agnostics believe that there is a force beyond what man can explain at work. Be it science, be it deity, be it chance. Whatever it is an agnostic acknowledges that power, yet does not assume he is intelligent enough to know what that is. There is also a sense that subscription to any one religion would be a sort of arrogance. Also, science explains a lot of things, but I believe it will constantly be chasing that ONE thing. I am agnostic and look around all the time in awe of the universe. I also believe good and evil exists, except I do not think it is predetermined by deities. Good and evil exists in behavior, and behavior alone. As for the more ignorant statements you made, namely: ...this was a fairly intelligent discussion, until you decided to put this out there. By putting it out there you invoke colors of, "because God/bible/Jesus/Pastor/Church said so and that is the end of it!". How is that any different?
Not trying to be difficult here, but my point has nothing to do with the 'struggle' to stay faithful to your religion. So either I am not being clear or you are not understanding. The simple point is that my opinion about why there are so many interpretations (denominations) within Christianity alone is that people gravitate to what they are most comfortable with when it comes to religion. That creates a huge fault in the validity of religion in my opinion. You believe what you WANT to believe in.
I've been thinking about that a lot lately. The reason there are so many denominations in Christianity is because each denomination chooses what they believe is essential for the Christian life. It's all in how scripture is interpretted.It can be confusing though if you get caught up in doctrine/dogma. The Southern Baptists won't allow a woman to preach but the Methodists will. Some churches forbid gambling and some don't see that as a sin. The good thing is some individual churches (even ones associated with a specific denomination) choose not to focus on the denomination and non-essential rules, but the relationship with Jesus.
I didn't mention names Harvey. At all. Just speaking and venting on a few selects. I have that right you know. Just like Christians or any other person of faith. It comes down to interpretation. In this case. I am dealing with one perticular agnostic. Believe it or not. They aren't even on this board. So if my venting happen to poke a stick in a sore spot I am sorry. Fairly intelligent. I have not turned on my super cap yet.
Snapper....I must admit I had you pegged for someone else when I fired back at you in the He is Risen thread. Either you have done a complete 180 on God or I had your name confused with someone else. So my bad.
Then I think you need to be more careful when you generalize like that, especially in the spirit of understanding and tolerance. I try to be careful when denigrating christians in that it is not all christians , but those christians.
I wanted to come back to this aspect. How can one have faith in a religion that has pegged you as a sinner from the moment you arrive? Why can't there be a clean slate? Innocent until proven guilty? I find the immediate installment of guilt on man to be a bit mean. Again, not picking on you, KellBell, but more the concept.