The point is to make the best use of your time while you're here and not expect to be so selfish that you continue to live on and on after you die. What's the point of being so religious and living a pious life when you forgiving god will accept you anyway?
What? My point is to those who hold it as absolute truth in the face of so many different interpretations. That is like saying there are different shades of black or different degree of absolute zero. You can hold that as truth with so many variations, therefore the number of interpretations leads one to think that religion is merely a self tailored security blanket to help those through life who can't manage otherwise.
I don't see how wanting to live eternally is selfish. You can still make use of your time here and want to live eternally. If the Bible is true, we have no choice but to live eternally. If that is our belief, how is that being selfish?
That is actually a good way of looking at it, I like that. I do respect their right to their own beliefs. Thanks for pointing that out!! 8)
religion IS a crutch to an extent and is meant to be. There's no shame in that. Everyone has a belief system even if it's a belief that's there's no sense in having faith. Imagine if no one in the world had a belief system of some sort to prop them up and give them hope and a guideline for sensible living.We'd be in an even bigger world of ****. I dont think people should use the term religion is a crutch in a denigrating fashion because that , IMO, IS part of it's function. Conversely, when that is said without malice, "religious" people should recognize the truth and not be insulted or defensive. There are 39,000 recognized Christian denominations. Let's don't even talk about all the other religions and sects. IMO to advocate that your belief system is the only one that's correct and to be so adversarial towards everyone else's (and I'm guilty of this as well from time to time) is one of the ultimate conceits and prides that goeth before a fall.
I would ask you to consider the "classic" scientific, religious, political, art literature that existed for 1000's of years as accepted standards that were, throughout history,destroyed through war, natural disaster and purposeful destruction by one "new order", or conquering nation or another, that predate the time of Christ or Judaism. What you say concerning the Bible is true, and it is a member of an exclusive club, but it is not like NO other.
I think all people's beliefs are worthy of respect. where the disrespect comes in is how people behave in regards to their professed beliefs.
See, that's just it. I respect the right for folks to believe what they want to believe. I don't like it when someone such as Harv makes a statement like he did in what I perceive to be a condescending manner. I used to be in Church every Sunday whether I wanted to be or not. As I've gotten older, I certainly still believe in God, however, organized "religion", not so much. HOWEVER, I certainly do NOT look down my nose at those who do.
That's the scenario for every creature on earth 'except' humans, according to most Christian religions. What's the point for them? I don't need the assumption of an afterlife reward to know and act in what's right and wrong. It's all self evident. God owes me no reward.
Harvey, I prayed for you last night in small group. :mrgreen: Furthermore, on the comments throughout the thread regarding "organized" religion, I just wanted to say that I do not consider going to church as organized religion. Alot of people say they can worship at home. And of course they can. But FOR ME personally, going to a church to worship has many benefits. For me, going to a church is an act of obedience to God and it honors the Lord's Day. For me, I find great joy belonging to a community of faith that includes people in Christ who are trying to live out Gods word. For me, I benefit from being taught and led in worship by others, rather than always depending on myself to read and study the bible. I know I will do it with my small group, during Sunday service and Bible study. Sometimes being in the church is the only time I do find to focus completely. For me, I need help to face the issues of life and faith as presented through the teachings of the Bible. and I need a break from work, family problems, kids issues, and self interests in order to concentrate on God. And lastly, I think I have covered me and my faith. And I am certainly not arguing anyone elses. Me and mine are not up for debate (Harvey). I love all of ya's most of the time. :grouphug: (yes, even you Harvey) :mrgreen:
The point for them is so the Christian folk like myself can wear 'em, farm with 'em, play with 'em, and ultimately skin 'em and eat 'em.
I'm not saying I believe there is no afterlife but what IF there wasn't? You're born, you live, you die. What's the point? The point is life is f-ing GREAT!!! I thank God for it every day! DB's wife
So what exactly were you thinking when you decided to have a depiction of The Last Supper, one of the most important events in Christianity, and instead of disciples there are Peeps as your avatar? And you consequently had it up right around Easter. That's respect? And don't start in on me AGAIN about being a bad Christian and how I am disrespectful of my professed beliefs so that makes it somehow ok for you to be disrespectful. I have already admitted to being a sinner and a less than perfect Christian and throwing this back at me as a rebuttal has been used ad nauseum here. This is about your statement that you believe everyone's beliefs are worthy of respect yet decide to make a joke out of one of the most sacred events in Christianity. Just make me understand that.
I am SO happy that this is what going to church does for you!!! That's so wonderful! At the same time it makes me kind of sad and a little jealous because I actually miss going to church and experiencing most of the points you made above. But I just can't....find the right home??? I will keep searching! DB's wife