...Wouldn't the biggest problem with a pellet gun be the ricochet? And Peaches, I see the neighbors worried enough about your pond to tell you how to handle it. Hmmmm ... what do they do with their pond? :mrgreen: (assuming they don't have one because if they do I'll be embarrassed)
Don't be embarrassed...yes they do have a pond. I am convinced that they want me to "thin out" my pond because they want to eat my catfish! I still have no idea why I'm supposed to send my turtles to the big pond in the sky. But the reason I was asking here is that I don't usually take advice from crazy rednecks. Oh wait, what am I thinking? :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Long live the turtles :mrgreen: (Actually, I am not fond of eating catfish ever since I thought about what THEY eat. YUK!:? )
From dealing with a 3 acre family pond since 1965, I will say that at times turtles will over run a pond and eat too many fish eggs. Some years, too many turtles, some years very few. We have in the past relocated turtles so the fish stock would rise and more importantly the baby ducks can survive.. If you ever have ducks on a pond, turtles are bad about killing the little ducks, especially snapping their feet off when they first start swimming. As far as the big fish eating little fish...in 40 plus years we always have plenty of little fish. If you've ever seen a Mama Bass defend her bed and her young, you know why.
Well then ... How about, put up a short fence, assure your neighbors the turtles won't harm their pond.... Then in the middle of the night, round up as many as you can and put them in their pond! :twisted: I've not had much so that sounds really funny in MY head.
turtles,fish and ponds, oh my! How about trap the turtles and drop them off in the neighbors pond @ night
Love the ideas to catch and release the turtles next door, but I'd worry about their fate. They have become our "pets" and I don't have the heart! It is funny, though, and I did sleep last night! :mrgreen:
OH! OH!!! I GOT ONE!!! Make soup! Any soup, doesn't matter...then invite then over for supper! Just tell them...something light ... soup...salad ...and what ever .... When they ask what they're eating, tell them Turtle Soup! HAHAHAHAHAHA ...'course it wouldn't be, but... :twisted: OH!! a STEW! Do a stew! With a thicker gravy like base they can't really SEE what it is! Gawd I'd love to be a fly on the wall for something like that. :mrgreen: AAHHHGGG!! My mind is rolling now.... put a piece of something green in your bowl ...I dunno...plastic or something. ...And spit it out at an opportune moment and say."ugh! stupid turtle shells! I thought I cleaned them better than that!, Sorry folks" :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: (this clensing thing I'm doing seems to be clensing everything but my mind... or am I thinking clearer? ....scary)