Let us not forget the brother lives in a close subdivision in the middle of other close-in subdivisions, with children who get off the school bus and walk past and behind that house on streets every single day. What about his responsibility to his neighbors in making this decision to bring his brother to his home??? Does he not owe care and due diligence in this decision to how his neighbors will feel? His children are grown and out of the house. He doesn't have to worry about his own anymore, but he certainly owes something to those who are living in close proximity. This is the epitome of selfishness. If he wants to provide a home to his brother, he should move out into the country where the temptations will be fewer and people may be safer.
DING DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!! I don't care if it was my brother...how could I look him in the eye knowing he killed an innocent man and participated in a gang rape of an innocent 14 year old girl, and welcome him in my home with my wife and children? I'd certainly still love him and care about his well being, but he wouldn't be welcomed to stay in my house under any circumstance. Everyone knows what RAPE and MURDER are, right?
wow... nice rant... 2 things though: 1) you made a serious assumption there, saying that he didn't contact his neighbors. perhaps he did? perhaps he talked to his neighbors in depth and gave them information you have not seen and they went "Oh. ok then." 2) this is the country... at least it was at one point. its not his fault they built a subdivision ontop of a subdivision ontop of a subdivision.
Your calls can make a difference..... Actually, Elizabeth Dole's office called me today. They are trying to figure out what they can do to help. Let's keep calling. It's not worthless!!!! All of our calls are making a difference!!!
Ro, why should you apologize? Many topics on this board cause debates - everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all have them. This board was obviously set up to bring community members together (via cyberspace) so that we could share information that we think is important to us as well as a place to share jokes, tips, and other information discussions relating to the world in general. When any of us hear of something that is a possible danger to another, as "Good Neighbors" we should advise them and give them as much information as possible in order to keep them, as well as ourselves, safe. Whether it be warnings about icy road conditions; a food or drug recall; a scam artist; or a person who will be living amongst us who has been convicted of kidnapping, rape, and murder. Don't ever feel you need to apologize because others who obviously feel no danger from whatever the alert might be decide to start dissing posts. Personally, I have no warm fuzzy feelings for Danny Chance - many other people on this board seem to share that feeling. For those that don't, why not be neighborly and invite him over for a family BBQ and see how comfortable you feel with him in close proximity to your wife and kids. He's a predator.
The reason the office worker told you they were trying to figure out how they could help was twofold: 1) They can't do anything because its a state prison not a federal one 2) They want you to think they're actually doing something even when they're not Welcome to the world of politics!! Calling the Supt at Wake Correctional is a great step. Sounds like they've had plenty of response to that office. Now if you really want to make a difference call the Secretary of Correction, Theodis Beck @ (919) 716-3700 or email: btx04@doc.state.nc.us Calling Secretary Beck now, might make the difference when a parole hearing is held later on.
Quite frankly if I was the brother I probably would not have bothered telling the neighbors either. As long as no laws are being broken, I own the property and am not violating any covenants, it does not matter. If he asked his neighbors do you think they would have greeted his brother with open arms or just join the other vigilantes? By the way if the posting of my information on this site could be proven to be the reason I suffered ID theft I would have my lawyer looking into it, even if I would probably lose. You do realize that odds are with this ex-con living there that this neighborhood will probably be one of the safest in this part of the state, at least for the duration of the pass.
but if you stop him than this random guy's address and stuff has been posted on the forums already. how about just... the subdivision? or maybe the street in the subdivision? honestly i do disagree with posting address on these forums, not just because of the privacy issues i personally would face with it... but honestly whats to say one of the many many people reading this thread wont go have a personal conversation with this guy? ... in case you're not sure why a personal conversation with the brother would be a bad thing, i didn't suggest that the conversation would be friendly. ... in case you're not sure why an unfriendly personal conversation with the brother would be a bad thing, i would suggest that you're an *******.
This thread is a reminder to me about why I can't really get on board with doing away with the death penalty and giving "Life with no parole" instead. Who's to say that after someone has spent 35 years in prison for rape and murder, even though they're not suppose to get parole, that bleeding hearts wouldn't be saying "Don't you believe in forgiveness".."he's changed"..."he needs another chance, he's just an old man now"... Instead of court cases appealing the death penalty, there would probably be court cases trying to overturn life with no parole sentences because it was too cruel on the rapist/murderers.
Mybe I should have rephrased what I had said. I didn't mean his physical address ( I would have no use...its not like I am gonna go to his front door step). But as a neighbor, I feel we should know who is living next door to us. I am just confused as to why we are not on the same page here....Its about our children...isn't it. Ro
I am sure that Ms. Chance would agree, it seems to be all about her children. One of them looking like a loving innocent family member. The other the State has deemed harmless enough that he could be released.
Hught, normally you and I get along fairly well, so don't take this personally, but how often have we heard about convicted felons repeating their crimes once released from prison? Especially crimes such as rape and murder. He might be "harmless" to some parole board, but I don't see why we should take a chance. I'd sure hate to find out he wasn't "harmless" the hard way.
I am not qualified to make the decision as to his harmlessness. But this is America we cannot just make up laws whenever we don't like the outcome, without following our legislative process. I hope this individual has learned his lesson, I have doubts myself, but per the laws of the land at the time, this individual has done his time. Unless there is some covenant, his brother is completely in the right, in my opinion, to open his home to his family as long as he and his brother abide by all the rules agreed too.
I don't disagree that the brother is within his rights, I disagree with criminals having more "rights" than the rest of us. If he wanted "rights" he should have thought of that before he raped and murdered. Maybe his brother is a good person but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.