Not BP product BUT like i had said earlier the unbranded gas will be around 5.00 tomorrow. BUT more than likely they will either stay out of gas or put branded product in there store
I could not believe the price at the gas station at the corner of NC 42 W and Barber Mill Road in Clayton at 10:30 this morning. $4.1999 per gallon.
People! It's a self-fulfilling prophesy brought on by panic. Yesterday there was a rumour that gas would jump. So people panicked and started rushing the gas stations, causing the stations to raise their prices, causing the people to panic and rush the stations. Just calm down and all will be well. The gulf coast has not lost any refineries or drilling rigs. They were closed down until after Ike passed simply for the safety of the workers. After the weekend, they'll be back to work and the gas will flow again. The only thing you're doing by rushing to buy gas at $4.50+ a gallon is letting the gas suppliers know you're willing to pay that much. If you're willing to pay it, they're more than happy to charge it.
Just paid $3.62 at BJ's ......... and from my understanding they are out of regular unleaded gas..... Isn't this price gouging if there are prices skyrocketing almost hourly??
I'm not panicked, I'm ticked off really really bad! My gas light is on and I have to buy gas when I leave work or walk 26 miles home.
Wow - I am surprised they'd go up too. Was that for reg., we just paid 3.58 earlier today. Weren't the lines crazy??? I wouldn't be surprised if they run out. :lol: I keep hearing sirens going up Clev sch rd - probably wrecks at the stations or something :?
I just spoke with the Attorney General's office and made a complaint against the Crown station. He said in some parts of the state, people are calling in to report gas as high as $5.25 per gallon.
I hate to ask this, especially since you've been so nice the past week or so, but... Why did you wait until your light came on to get gas? I hope you're "ticked off" at yourself, as well as the gas stations.
You are right they have not lost any BUT once they shut them down before they start pushing gas back thru the pipelines again they have to make sure the temp is brought back up. If they shut down for 2 days it could take 2 weeks before supply is back to normal. Next week will be worse then it is now. They are projecting all allocations to be lifted by october 4th.
That price was for reg. ....... The line was all the way out to the main parking lot with all "lanes" packed. I waited for about 15 minutes.... crazy!
This is great...I am on a 1/4 tank and didn't have time to stop this morning because I would have been late to I have to pay for it.
He can't do that without the permission of congress. Of course they aren't going to allow that to happen because people will credit Mr. Bush and they can't have that going on in an election year.
I'm just not going to buy gas until next week. I have a little more than a 1/4 tank and by my calcualtions with the mileage I get, I should be good until Tuesday or wednesday. They can keep their $4+ gas! :boxing: Oh and just to conserve more, I may just ride my bike to M&R's for dinner! So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
I saw this on the Neighborhood side also, why does everyone mix "Oil" and "Gas" up? Yes, gas is made from oil, but as stated in the other thread "Gas is not at less than $100 a barrel" and although I am sure there are some "Gas reserves", I am pretty sure they are minimal. If oil was at $80 a barrel right now gas would still be in the $3.70 region (I think Clif is right in that we have panicked and drove some of this price higher). The problems is that 1 of every 4 gallons of gas is processed in the area that is being hit by Ike. Yes, they shut down the refineries, and they might be down for a while, but they have been dealing with this for years and I am sure that every Above Ground Storage Tank that can hold liquid is full right now and as long as this thing isn't too nasty they will be back up and running within a week or two.